
88. Double Trouble IV (R-18)

Amara and Isabella both looked at each other and shared a look. They realized what Alex wanted but were they really going to do it?





I mean one is a 40 year old hot seductive milf with large power behind her, While other is a 25 years old beautiful hot chick with a terrifying family behind her, So they wanted to do that to the same man at the same time?





Of course they do, After all Alex is not any normal man, For Amara he is a treasure more valuable than her life, While for Isabella he is a man she loves, So they will do anything for him.





So they started moving. Both were new to this. They didn't know what or how to do it with two people but they decided to figure it out.





Amara reached Alex's groin and looked up at her brother with a seductive smile of joy on her face before bringing her head close to his hot member.