
249. I Can Do This All Day

"You can still give up Sandra?"

Alex spoke to her as he once again put her down on the cold floor face first obviously intending to taunt her.

"I can do this all day."

Sandra just once again stood up and then said the legendary quote as she once again took the attack stance ready to go at again with light in his eyes.

And how she could not be? Right now she feel like she was on drugs, Her blood was running in her veins in super fast speed, Her heart beating like it was a diesel engine.

Her pupils were locked on the most beautiful being in the world as her mind trying to comprehend the elegant dance-like moments of his.

She was totally addicted to this rush. If she was given a choice of this or sex with Alex, She respectfully wouldn't know what to choose as both things to her feel like beyond mortal limits like a personification of raw bliss.