

The person whom the world is focused on The sliver knight who saves the world by defeating the villain and steal's the women's heart That is protagonist And u ask about me ? I am a third-rate villain who is a stepping stone for the protagonist in my favorite novel U heard it correctly i reincarnated in to my favorite novel so what shall i do shall i be third rated villain or a character who helps the main character's One thing i am clear that i am not going to involve with the main character's I will lead my life as an ordinary mob in the novel Because i don't wanna be the hero , who sacrifice his life to save the world Because i am very selfish person

The_Unknown_007 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Important Things About The Story

First of all,

This is my first time writing a novel , if there is any mistake that you find please let me know and u guys enjoy the story i know this kind of storyline is very common but believe me i will try to make it as interesting as possible.

Second is that, this i will not be an harem novel, will there be a romance i dont know but in future maybe . But now i don't know that there will be romance

Third, i want to make this a long and interesting story that everyone will enjoy and there will be lot of twists and turns in story so please stay with me

Fourth is that if there is any part u don't like , please let me know it's ok to criticize my work if u guys have any idea to improve my work it's more than welcome and let's make story which is very interesting that people can enjoy.

And lastly is that i don't like the an overpowered character from the start , he will be strong not that strong were he can solo the whole world alone . And he will be strong but not from the start.