

The person whom the world is focused on The sliver knight who saves the world by defeating the villain and steal's the women's heart That is protagonist And u ask about me ? I am a third-rate villain who is a stepping stone for the protagonist in my favorite novel U heard it correctly i reincarnated in to my favorite novel so what shall i do shall i be third rated villain or a character who helps the main character's One thing i am clear that i am not going to involve with the main character's I will lead my life as an ordinary mob in the novel Because i don't wanna be the hero , who sacrifice his life to save the world Because i am very selfish person

The_Unknown_007 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 004: Mount Hua

During the GREAT CALAMITY, the world changed that no one would have accepted, the changes if they knew the changes beforehand. Many people lost their life's during the calamity which caused the humans to Bringe of destruction even many super powerful countries couldn't defend themselves against these monsters. Many people witnessed their government's failure and lost their trust of in them which led to the decline in the power of the governments. But during this time only the contract between the species were signed which helped the people to regain their hope in their government.

But still it was not enough for the people to their trust in them, because even though the humans have signed a contract with the other species. Even though the other species would provide help to the humans in terms to defeat the monsters. Humans couldn't use mana as Elve's and didn't have the raw strength of an Orcs and definitely didn't have the dexterity of a Dwarfs which would help them. So, humans had only option which allowed them to survive them this calamity which was their adaptability.

Humans are the first in terms of adaptability compared to other species. Because they couldn't adapt as fast as humans could even in their dreams. Soon humans started use mana but as efficient as elves, they had power to defend themselves from the monsters, but still didn't have the raw power and instinct of the orc. And they could produce weapons but still no were near the level of the dwarfs. Which all lead the humans to create a new way of fighting against these monsters, which are the Martial Manuals and Mana Arts.

Martial Manuals and Mana Arts were the unique ways of humans which helped them to defend themselves against these monsters. Mana Arts uses the mana in the atmosphere to attack and the Martial Manuals uses the one's mana to attack. [ More information on this will provide during the academy arc, so this are the only general information].

These manuals and arts helped the humans to help them against the monsters. Soon the greed of the human being kicked even during the calamity and wanted to have ownership of the manuals to themselves and their families. Which caused the rise in many super powerful families all over the world.

Many people were against these families but soon they were silenced by the families, and governments had to stop this commotion and had to find a way to stop this to ever happen in the future, they didn't want to lose their manpower and they couldn't go against those families during the calamity, which led to the creation of the sects or martial art dojo.

In the world, they are many martial arts sects and dojos, but majority were only the small scale and medium scaled dojo and sects. But there were only few large scaled and powerful sects and dojos in the world. And among them the Mount Hua sect is by far the strongest sect in the world, but it was not the strongest in the world many small or medium sized sects were powerful, but people didn't know them. And the protagonist also comes from a small sized sect known as the Sun and Moon cult.

Mount Hua which is located in the mountain range of the Himalayas and almost one of the toughest regions in the world to survive. Mount Hua as their own rules and regulations which the disciples have to follow in the sect. Disciples were classified into tree types in Mount Hua, they are the Core disciple which are the geniuses of the sect and have to lead a life in the sect after their graduation from the academy and can't join the any guilds or any association of the government without their permission and next the Inner disciple who were good but as good as the core disciple, they are given the liberty to choose what they want after the graduation usually they remain in the sect only after graduation. And finally, the outer disciple they were only trash compared to the inner and core disciples, and even the teachers and masters in sect never take them seriously or train them hard as inner or core disciples.

Grey is an inner disciple he was promoted to inner disciple early this year and so he is a loner and not as many friends among the inner and outer also. Anyone can move up or down in the sect, but they have to pass a promotion test or complete the task given by the masters in the sect.



"Man, I didn't have a shower in long time". I said as I walked out of the bathroom, after finishing my bath. "Everything is fine, but problem is technology man come on in this world where there is autopiloted cars and trains and were most of the work are done by the AI, then why the god Damit this place doesn't have any technology and the only technology I have is the smart watch." I said it loud and couldn't hold back by frustration. In this sect no technology is allowed, and no disciple should use them, they say technology makes a man lazy and all that crap, ha they are right about it but still as a reincarnated person at least I had to use them at least once in life who don't want to use all the modern and advance technology the world has to offer.

I cleared by mind and went to my wardrobe and wear the clothes and move to the training hall. "Shit this guy as only this training dress in this wardrobe the hell I am wearing these clothes, I look like an anime character who doesn't change his clothes at all." I said as I saw the dress in the wardrobe, but I had no option to wear this because I had only this. I decided to go shopping before going to the academy and definitely no chance I am wearing this dress and going to academy.

Soon, I got dressed in the training dress of the Mount Hua, which like a karate uniform which has the Mount Hua symbol on my right side of the shirt and finally a black belt which I tied to my waist and walked out of my room and began to walk towards the training hall.


HI, guys Unknown here. I hope u are enjoying my work I will be updating daily 2 or 3 chapters for now; it may increase or decrease I don't know it depends on Ur response.

OK bye