
Chapter 2 : New Dreams

The door clicks shut behind me as I step into the lavishly decorated room Natasha has insisted is now mine. My eyes dart around, taking in the exquisite furnishings, the plush velvet chaise, the massive four-poster bed with silk sheets. This kind of luxury is foreign to me. I run my fingers along the embroidered throw pillows, inhaling the subtle scent of jasmine in the air.

"So, what do you think?" Natasha asks eagerly from the doorway.

I turn to face her, still stunned. "It's… incredible. But it's too much, Tash. I can't accept all this."

She waves her hand dismissively. "Nonsense. Mi casa es tu casa now. Make yourself at home."

I nod hesitantly. Natasha means well, but sometimes her extravagant lifestyle only highlights the vast differences in our upbringings.

"Oh, before I forget, there's a gala at the museum on Friday that I must attend. Come with me?" Natasha tilts her head, eyes pleading.

"Thanks, but no thanks. Not really my scene." I try to keep my tone light. Crowded events bring back too many memories I'd rather forget.

Natasha looks disappointed but doesn't argue. "Well, let me know if you change your mind."

After she leaves, I sink down onto the chaise, the silence enveloping me. My mind drifts back to my encounter with Noland earlier today. The way his piercing blue eyes seem to see right through me, sending a shiver down my spine. Thomas used to look at me like that too, like he could see all my flaws and vulnerabilities.

I shake my head, trying to push those toxic thoughts aside. Noland isn't Thomas. Is he? I don't know him well enough to say. But there is a darkness in Noland, a brooding intensity that both unsettles and intrigues me.

My phone pings, jolting me from my thoughts. It's a text from Thomas, my heart seizes. I haven't spoken to him since I gathered the courage to leave a month ago. That awful day comes rushing back, his vicious words, the plate he hurled at my head that shattered against the wall. I fled the apartment with only the clothes on my back, finally free of his abuse.

Now here he is on my phone again, clawing his way back into my mind. My hands tremble as I delete the message, block his number. Some scars refuse to fully heal. With a heavy sigh, I rise and get ready for bed, hoping for a dreamless sleep.

I toss and turn for hours, unable to quiet my restless mind. Glancing at the clock, I see it's nearly 2 am. Sighing in frustration, I throw off the covers and get out of bed. Maybe a glass of water will help settle me.

I creep down the long hallway, not wanting to wake Natasha. Her mansion is like a labyrinth at night, all sharp shadows and looming silence. Finally, I find the kitchen, flicking on the light. I startle when I notice I'm not alone.

Noland is sitting at the large island, nursing a glass of something that I believe to be whiskey, his favorite. He looks up, his piercing eyes catching mine.

"Can't sleep either?" he asks, his voice a low rumble.

I shake my head, suddenly feeling shy. "Just getting some water."

I move to the sink, hyper-aware of Noland's gaze following me. My hands tremble slightly as I fill my glass, spilling a few drops.

"Overthinking things always gives me insomnia too," Noland says.

I turn to face him, taking a small sip. "I guess I have a lot on my mind lately."

He nods, swirling the amber liquid in his glass pensively. "It's easy to get lost in your head when the world moves too fast. Sometimes you just need to pause, regain your bearings."

His words resonate within me. I study his stern features, wondering what private struggles keep him up at night. He is now a very successful man, from what Natasha told me, he is the only person in the country that holds at least one piece of land in all estates. A man like that would have a lot in his mind.

"What about you?" I ask softly. "Why are you still awake?"

Noland exhales, leaning back in his chair. "Just business matters weighing on me. The never-ending grind of emails and calls."

I can sense there's more below the surface, but I don't press. We stand in thoughtful silence for a moment. I am about to go back when he continues.

"Natasha tells me you're an incredible artist now," Noland says gently. "You showed me some of your sketches years ago. You have a real gift."

I flush at the unexpected compliment. "I don't know about that, but I do enjoy designing. It's cathartic, like an escape."

Noland nods. "I remember admiring those drawings of yours. You used to hunch over that sketchpad for hours."

His words transport me back to simpler times. Before Thomas, before everything fell apart. When my dreams still seemed within reach.

"I was working on a new collection before..." My voice trails off, shoulders tensing.

Sensing my discomfort, Noland frowns. "Before what?"

I hesitate, then decide to unburden myself. Will he judge me for my actions? Will he understand? I don’t know, but it is now too late as words flow out of me. "Before I left my ex. He destroyed all my designs in a fit of rage. Months of work were gone in minutes."

Noland's jaw tightens, a stormy look in his eyes. "I'm sorry he hurt you. But don't let anyone steal your art or passion. You're incredibly talented, Lexie."

His earnest words move me. I manage a small, grateful smile. For a moment, we just look at each other, a new understanding between us.

Then I stifle a yawn, the late hour catching up with me. "I should try to get some rest. Thank you for the talk, Noland."

He gives a nod, his expression unreadable. "Sleep well, Lexie."

I slip out of the kitchen, my mind swirling. My skin still tingles from the intensity of Noland's gaze. As I crawl back into bed, I know more restless nights await.

I toss and turn, unable to quiet my racing thoughts. The more I try to push Noland from my mind, the more he consumes me. His piercing blue eyes, so full of secrets. The warmth of his hand on my arm earlier tonight. His husky voice saying my name...

A knock on the door jolts me upright. Heart pounding, I creep over and peer through the peephole. Noland stands in the hallway, raking a hand through his hair. He looks conflicted, unsure.

I open the door slowly. "Noland? Is everything okay?"

"I'm sorry, I know it's late. I just..." He hesitates. "Can we talk?"

My pulse quickens. "Of course."

I step aside, and he enters, the air suddenly electric. His tall frame seems to fill the room.

"Are you really ok, Lexie?" The worry in his voice takes me by surprise. "Natasha brought you here for a reason, to keep your mind occupied. But I am worried about you, I didn’t want to upset you with our conversation."

I inhale sharply, stunned. He moves closer, eyes blazing. "You need to know that you are safe here, no one will harm you while you are under my protection." His voice is low, rough.

I can only nod, trembling. He reaches out and gently grasps my arms. My lips part in surprise. "I mean it." His face is inches from mine now. Am I going crazy? He is so close, I can feel his breath.

“Thank you,” is the only thing I am able to whisper back. Fully hypnotized by his gaze, I am unable to move away from his presence. I know I should pull away, but an irresistible force keeps me rooted in place. Helplessly caught in Noland's orbit. Unable to form a reply, I simply gaze up at him. Waiting. Wanting.

He swears under his breath, his restraint hanging by a thread. My knees go weak. "I should go." The words seem to pain him. With visible effort, he releases me. I sag against the wall, pulse hammering. Noland's chest heaves, hands clenched.

"Try to get some rest," he says roughly, then he slips out, leaving me reeling in his wake. I know sleep will be impossible now.

I hurry to my thoughts swirling. The charged encounter with Noland left me breathless and confused.

Closing the door, I lean against it, pressing a hand to my racing heart. His words echo in my mind. But his words were only as powerful as his actions, and the tension I felt from him was real. I am not crazy, I felt him as confused as I was, and if he had stayed a bit longer, we would probably have done something unthinkable.

I shouldn't encourage this, I know. But I can't deny the exhilaration coursing through me.

Kicking off my shoes, I crawled under the luxurious covers. I closed my eyes, imagining Noland's strong arms around me, his breath warm against my neck. A delicious shiver went through me.

What am I doing? This is my best friend's father. Off limits.

With a frustrated sigh, I throw back the covers. Sleep will not come easily tonight.

I change into a satin nightgown and brush out my hair until it falls in soft waves. The nervous energy is still humming under my skin.

On impulse, I go to the en-suite bathroom and start the shower, turning it as hot as I can stand. Steam soon fills the room, fogging the large mirror.

I peel off my nightgown and step under the scalding spray, letting it soothe my tangled nerves. Rivulets stream down my body as I lather myself with fragrant body wash.

Noland's face fills my mind once more. I imagine his strong hands gliding over my slick skin instead of my own. A soft moan escapes my lips. My fingers find my aching center, moving in slow circles. I lean back against the cool tiles, lost in the fantasy. Chasing the sweet release my body craves.

"Noland," I whisper, my legs trembling. Wave after wave of pleasure crests over me until I am spent, panting into the billowing steam. Sinful thoughts that take over me to enhanced heights. I never came this hard with Thomas.

I am ashamed, but I do not regret any second of it. Finally, I will be able to sleep, my body and mind have found a temporal release. I lay in bed, drifting slowly, when I hear my phone ping again.

It can’t be Thomas, I already blocked him. Did he get a new phone just to harass me? That would be a new low even for him. I pick my phone and see a message from an unknown number. I open the message and my heart beats hard and fast again.

‘You are safe here, Lexie. Sleep well,’ reads the message, and the blush in my face reflects how much it affects me. Noland.