
Surf My Dreams

A skilled surfing instructor, Amy had heroically rescued Milo Blake from a dangerous riptide. As a result, he was deeply grateful to her and couldn't resist spending time with her on the beach. Their mutual attraction quickly grew into a fiery romance, with each day filled with passionate moments of longing and desire. They knew their time together was limited but determined to make the most of it. However, Amy kept a secret from Milo - a past she feared would make him question their relationship. As their time together drew close, she struggled with whether or not to reveal her secret.

OzMystic · สมัยใหม่
32 Chs

Mystery Man

As the second cryptocurrency cruise sets sail, Amy can't help but feel uneasy as she spots a passenger wearing a ring on his finger with a bikie insignia. His presence makes her uncomfortable, and she tries to avoid him as much as possible.

Milo notices her unease and asks her what's wrong. "It's that guy over there," Amy says, pointing discreetly towards the passenger with the bikie ring. "He's making me feel uneasy."

Milo looks over and sees the passenger in question. "I'll keep an eye on him," he says reassuringly, putting a comforting arm around Amy's shoulder.

Milo looks over and immediately understands Amy's concern. He suggests they keep their distance from the man and stay together for the remainder of the cruise.

Despite their efforts to avoid him, the man manages to converse with them at one of the onboard bars. He introduces himself as Jack and tells them he's in the cryptocurrency business.

Amy can't shake the feeling that something isn't right, and the sight of the bikie ring on his finger only adds to her unease. She makes an excuse and quickly leaves, with Milo following close behind.

As they walk away, Amy can't help but feel like she's being watched. She turns around and sees Jack staring at them with a cold, unsettling gaze. She shivers and quickens her pace, eager to get away from him.

Throughout the cruise, Milo watches the passenger with the bikie ring, ensuring he doesn't cause any trouble. However, the passenger seems to keep to himself and doesn't interact much with the other passengers.

Milo and Amy approach Dan during a break in the seminar and ask him about the passenger wearing the bikie ring. "Dan, do you know anything about that guy with the bikie ring? He's been making Amy feel uncomfortable," Milo says.

Dan looks concerned. "I don't know much about him, but I did notice the ring. I'll make discreet inquiries and see what I can find out."

Amy looks grateful. "Thanks, Dan. I don't want to ruin the cruise for anyone, but I feel bad about that guy."

Dan nods. "I understand. We'll make sure everything is taken care of."

As the seminar continues, Milo and Amy keep an eye on the passenger with the bikie ring, but he seems to be keeping to himself and not causing any trouble. They try to relax and enjoy the rest of the cruise, but Amy can't shake off the feeling of unease.

As the cruise comes to an end, the passenger disembarks without incident. However, Amy can't shake off the unease he brought with him. She decides to speak to Milo about her suspicions that he may have been involved in the fire that destroyed her beach shack.

"Milo, I know this may sound crazy, but I have a feeling that guy with the bikie ring might have had something to do with the fire," Amy says.

Milo listens attentively, taking in Amy's words. "It's a possibility," he says thoughtfully. "But we can't jump to conclusions without evidence. Let's see what we can find out."

Milo and Amy watched the passenger with the bikie ring as he disembarked from the cruise. They watched as he walked to his car, a black SUV with tinted windows, and took note of the license plate. Amy felt uneasy about the situation and wanted to be cautious.

They returned to their car and drove to a nearby cafe to discuss their concerns. "I don't like the look of that guy," Amy said, "and that ring he's wearing with the bikie insignia... it's not a good sign."

Milo nodded in agreement. "We should watch him and see if he's up to something. Did you catch the license plate of his car?"

Amy nodded and pulled out her phone to show the license plate number to Milo.

They returned to Dan's penthouse in Tweed Heads as the second cruise had ended. As they sat around the living room, sipping drinks, Milo brought up the man with the bikie ring.

"Did you notice anything strange about that guy on the cruise, Dan?" Milo asked.

Dan furrowed his brow. "Which guy? I meet many people on these cruises; keeping track is hard."

"The one with the bikie ring," Amy chimed in. "He made me feel uncomfortable."

Dan's expression turned serious. "Bikies are bad news, no doubt about it. You're right to be cautious around them."

Milo nodded in agreement. "We took note of his car as he left the pier. Just in case anything happens."

Dan placed his hand on Milo's shoulder. "I think you guys are overly cautious, but it doesn't hurt to be careful. Just be sure not to do anything that could endanger yourselves."

Milo and Amy nodded, taking Dan's advice to heart. They knew they couldn't let their guard down, especially with the mysterious man with the bikie ring still fresh in their minds.

Milo and Amy decided to investigate the passenger and his car. They wrote down the license plate number and did some research online to see if they could find any information about him. They discovered that he was a known associate of a local bikie gang, which only added to Amy's fear.

Milo suggested they speak to Dan about it, and they approached him with their concerns. Dan listened carefully and then called a few contacts he had in the local police force. He confirmed that the passenger had a criminal record and was known to be involved in shady dealings.

Dan advised Milo and Amy to keep a low profile and avoid confrontation with the passenger. He also arranged for them to stay at a different location for the next few days to be safe.

Milo and Amy were grateful for Dan's help and followed his advice. They kept a watchful eye on their surroundings and tried to stay out of trouble. However, the experience left them both shaken and made them realize the dangers of past involvement in the criminal world.

Milo and Amy return to Byron Bay, still shaken from the encounter with the suspicious passenger on the cruise. They decide to lay low and stay out of sight, hoping to avoid any further trouble.

As they settle back into their routine, they can't help but feel on edge. They make sure to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity and take note of any unfamiliar vehicles in the area.

One evening, as they take a walk on the beach, they notice a familiar car parked nearby. It's the same car they saw the bikie passenger enter after the cruise.

Milo and Amy exchange a worried look, wondering if the bikie has tracked them down to Byron Bay. They decide to stay on the beach a little longer, keeping a watchful eye on the car and the surrounding area.

After a while, they notice the car pull away, and they both sigh with relief. However, they still can't shake the unease and continue to be cautious in the following days.

As the date of the following crypto cruise approaches, they weigh the risks of going back on the boat. Despite their concerns, they ultimately decide to attend and keep a low profile, hoping to avoid further run-ins with the bikie.

On the day of the cruise, they arrive at the pier early and keep to themselves, avoiding interacting with other passengers. They watch closely for the bikie or any other suspicious activity, but the cruise goes off without a hitch.

After the successful cruise, Milo and Amy sigh of relief and decide to take a well-deserved break from their business. They spend a few days enjoying the beautiful beaches and relaxing atmosphere of Byron Bay, grateful to be safe and free from harm.