
Supreme Star Of War

Ever since he could remember, he was fighting. Fighting for food, fighting for money, fighting for survival. He was called the Bringer Of Misfortune due to causing the death of his parents at birth and all the problems that occurred on his birthday. But one day, after causing a lot of ruckus and chaos, the village elders sent him to a private temple he couldn't leave. After living there for years, a strange old man came up to him and told him they had fate. After talking for a while, he decided to met the man into the temple for some human contact after years. They sat down in Gaels garden that now had furniture due to his handiwork and talked for hours on end. In the end, the old man decided to give him a gift for entertaining him. The gift was the chance to practise martial arts. The world Gael lived in was a world of swords and magic that can shake the land and change the sky, so he became very excited. Even with modern technology, the backbone of the world was still power. Follow him story as he treads upon a new path in order to become stronger, and one day, become strong enough to live his own life.

LiteraryDragon · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Prologue - The Axe That Shattered Chaos Into Creation

Even before the creation of the universe, there existed a space filled by chaos. There were seemingly no ends to it, but at the center of this place where space and time warps, a small white egg came into being. The egg grew and grew over the years until one day, a slight crack was visible.

After that crack another came into being, then another, then many more. From the egg a being came forth, one that had a fully grown mind, body, and soul, one that called itself Tao. Tao was a giant glowing point surrounded by what seemed mist. When Tao first came into being, it was not confused or curious, as it already had all the knowledge of the world. Tao was the first being of many to be born in this place, but it was the strongest and smartest.

The thing about this place, the Chaos Sea, was that once too much chaos exists in one place, it slowly gets refined into order. Once the saturation point of chaos falls, order stops being created, and the order here were eggs, which spawned in multiple beings called Chaos Beings.

Their strength and intelligence gets decided by the amount of chaos was fed into them. A hierarchy started forming due to this. Beings that received enough knowledge from the chaos to live their own life were called Watchers Of Order, and those who didn't started hunting for those who did, and they were called Creators Of Chaos.

Tao roamed the Chaos Sea for an undefined time before it grew bored. Those so-called "Watchers Of Order" were simply beings that thought they were better than others? And those "Creators Of Chaos" were just following their instinct to grow and evolve. All other creatures, whether sentient or not, were weak and stupid for Tao, nothing could compare to its grandeur. But after a bit of thinking, it decided to create a friend in this seemingly barbaric place.

It flew to a newly formed egg and started focusing the energy from the Chaos Sea on it. Slowly, the egg grew and surpassed the size the egg Tao came from. When the egg cracked, Tao looked disappointed and flew away. From the egg a giant hairy green titan appeared, but unlike Tao, it was confused and curious about everything around it.

This made Tao depressed, but gave it more motivation to create an actual friend. It flew away, hoping its next experiment would work. The Titan from the egg had a humanoid build, with only his face not being covered by hair.

From the shells of the egg a large Axe formed, and after looking around for a bit, the Titan, who named himself Pangu, started walking with the axe on his shoulder. From north to south, it tried to cross the Chaos Sea. And when on the edge, picked up the axe it carried on its shoulder and swung as hard as he could. The chaotic time and space started stabilizing, and for the first time, order was created without chaos. That order eventually formed a small world.

Pangu's body eventually withered, and his essence was used to develop this small world. It became larger and larger, and eventually became what was known as the first universe, The Martial Realm. His essence started creating one large plain, several suns and moons, and a variety of races. When Creators Of Chaos tried to invade, just the aura of Pangu's withered body kept them at bay.

The world started absorbing small amounts of chaos energy and transforming it into particles to feed the growth of itself. Once its size reached a certain level, it adapted laws from the Chaos Sea and started functioning properly. Similar events happened exactly 8 times around the Chaos Sea, and eventually more world existed than Chaos Sea, with pathways connecting the 9 worlds together.

The races started absorbing the essence and laws of the world in various methods, which eventually created a multitude of unique systems. These strengthening systems started to be spread and learned, which created kingdoms, empires, tribes, nations, and other groups. Then, wars started. Different look, different strengthening system, different ideals, and the world the 9 Titans died for started crumbling. War between realms and inside realms became common place, and the only foothold one could have was strength, whether it be unique or not, strength was strength.

That was until 9 Calamities struck that the worlds got back onto their feet. Before the era of modernization and technological development, that bloody era was dominated by 9 Calamities, each one having a distinct power and personality. Some liked to fight and dominate, some liked to focus on themselves and their factions, and some didn't appear until it was necessary.

Each of these 9 Calamities preformed feats that caused their titles. Each one of them originated from one realm but from different continents. The first Calamity that appeared was the Imperial Calamity. Formerly a slave, he used his wits and talent to quickly grow and enter the Imperial Court. Later, after being trusted by the emperor, he slowly started usurping power. At the Emperors' deathbed, he declared that his first son would become the Emperor. But shortly after his death, the entire court betrayed the first prince, and he became Emperor.

Through a technique he created by combining all cultivation knowledge in the Imperial Library, he fulfilled the dream of every emperor and became immortal. He trained his army to become the strongest ever seen and dominated every corner of his world.

The second Calamity is called the Invincible Calamity. Through merely his strength, he crippled every power in his world and made them have a giant grudge with him. By using an old technique he found through sheer luck, he was able to climb the ladders of strength as quickly as lightning. His power, called the Invincible Vajra, smashed through everything and anything. During his uncountable years of life, it was rumored that he had never lost a battle and is only searching for more and stronger opponents. Rumor has it he trains all his enemies merely to find a suitable opponent.

The third and fourth Calamity appeared at once, The Calamity Of Life and The Calamity Of Death. They were a war loving woman and a coward of a man. The woman appeared on battlefields as a child to pay medical bills for her mother and slaughtered everything that came in her way just to make her mother healthy again.

The man on the contrary came from a well-off family and hated everything that had to do with fighting. But due to his immense talent, he was able to conjure up a method of strengthening without cultivating. He met the war savage woman and instantly fell in love.

He pursued her for years until during one of the final wars the woman was ever going to fight on, she got severely injured by a sneak attack while decimating the enemy and killing half of her enemies, she was Calamity Death, the Calamity that caused only death. And in order to kill the enemy that attacked her, the man, Calamity Life, annihilated the other half of her enemies. These Calamities were seen roaming together ever since that incident. They could control life and death together.

The fifth Calamity was The Sacred Calamity. Although his name sounded nice, it really wasn't. He was a small doctor in a village, having medical talent that could pierce the sky. In order to save an old woman on the verge of death, he used his own lifeblood, barely saving her. The old woman couldn't pay, so he merely let her walk away.

This led to people taking advantage of his, nearly killing him. In the end, after a certain incident, he decided to poison the village well and killed all of them. With a demonic art he obtained, he drained all their vital energy and then left the place with dry corpses. But according to him, his heart was still of gold. He became a wandering doctor that gained a lot of fame and influence.

He had a split personality that caused him to sometimes kill his curable patients and bathe in their blood or sacrifice himself to save the uncurable. After being found out, he would wipe out the village, city or country and strengthen himself using their blood. He finally became the Calamity Sacredness after purifying the world he lived on, becoming a Divine being for some and a Devil for others

The sixth Calamity was the Heavenly Calamity. Born as a trash, he was abandoned by his family. After one lucky encounters after another, he was able to find his true family, a hegemony with millions of years of history. He rose to the top with his unique cultivation technique, The Heavenly Embodiment. Due to that technique, he was blessed with the Heavenly Eye and the Earthly Ears.

The seventh and the eight Calamities are two people who have a long-standing grudge. One was well-versed in the art of the soul, having all the profound knowledge after thousands of years of intensive study. The other was a master in the art of sorcery and magic, having reached a level that has never been seen before. After an intense war between the two factions, and a rush against time, they both broke through to the Calamity level, and started wiping out each other's factions. They became the Calamity Of Magic and The Calamity Of The Soul.

And the final but most powerful Calamity was Calamity Martial. He was born in the martial realm, a cult that focuses on getting stronger, no matter what the cost. He was born as a weapon slave, a slave who was used by members of the cult in order to train their weapons on real people.

After learning the sword art of the disciples through getting hit, he was able to run away by using his prowess in the unique ways. The Heavenly Demon Cult was known for one thing, their immense strength. Having branches all over the world, they were one of the most powerful factions.

Their strength was immense, and their methods were cruel, but after forming a grudge with The Martial Calamity, they disappeared after a single night. After that, he rose to fame in a few days, he was able to rival every being in the world. He decided to go into seclusion to hone his fighting art and wait for the younger generation to grow. He appeared a hundred thousand years before the Imperial Calamity. The true reason why he was so infamous was because he single-handedly through sheer strength defeated nearly every Calamity in a single fight.

But he was also the first Calamity that disappeared, beginning the chain of events that lead to the other Calamities disappearing and restarting the Age Of War. In this age, technology started developing to modern levels, and in this world an orphaned teen called Qiang Yichen bore the faith to fight forever like the Martial Calamity. Follow him on his path as well as the path of the other inheritors as they show the world what they are made of.