Felix ignored the question completely before asking landlorf " sir landlorf can you explain for me what is happening ? "
" ahh non of your elders explained anything for you ? "
" I don't have elders sir my parents are dead and the rest of my family are missing "
" wait what ?? how can that be correct ? " landlorf asked with amazement
" why is there something wrong ? "
" yes there is something wrong for sure or how can you reach 9.1 CU( cosmic unit ) in your strength ? "
" push ups and fighting sir, is there anything wrong? "
all three looked at felix like a beast but landlorf was the fastest to recover and asked " fighting with whom ? "
" with beast sir "
" beast ? did you spend money to buy them then to fight ? "
" huh ? sir what are you talking about of course i will fight the beasts in the wilderness why will i buy them "
" huph dare to lie in front of us ? " the arrogant women said with a higher voice while her pressure dropped on felix
" lie ? why will i lie ? " felix tried to defend himself but the pressure increased
" if you went to the wilderness you will have a killing aura that i cant see it on you and why will you lie ask yourself "
" humph " after hearing her voice felix knew that this women is a no brainer so as fast as he can a very dangerous aura filled filexs eyes that froze the women for a second
but little she know that one second against felix is very dangerous thing
since he came back from the wilderness he was trapping the dog in him but now ? he unleashed everything
in less than a fraction of a second he appeared in front of the women with his katana pushing towards her jade neck
but this time what happened against the examiner did not happen again , the women reacted fast enough to avoid the sword
and just when she wanted to teach felix a lesson she felt something as strong as a mosquitoes sting on her face
she was structed by what happened and before regaining her logic felix was already behind the sexy women called Fiona
but for both of fiona and landlorf what happened was majestic specially when they saw the red finger prints on their friends face
just when the women was about to attack felix with her real power to regain what left of her dignity
felix shouted as fast as he can " sir landlorf my uncles name is Fredric starlight "
once landlorf heard those two words Fredric starlight it worked like a magic spell
he stopped the women from attacking felix and asked felix " you are my captains nephew ?"
" yes " said felix quickly
at this moment the women looked at landlorf saying " get out of my way i wont kill him "
but surprisingly a stronger aura and pressure came from landlorf as he said coldly " Utah you don't understand come near this kid and i will kill you!!" as to assure his words a strong killing intent surrounded Utah
it was the first time felix saw a killing intent , not feel , saw it as in a physical state .
Utah on the other hand felt like she was in a battlefield filled with bones and blood, she felt that if she dared to move towards felix even one step landlorf will kill her without hesitation.
Utah did not understand how is that even possible, both of them are in the same cultivation level and even if there is a difference she will be a bit higher
but just from the aura she knew immediately even if there is 10 copies of her it wont take one step from the man in front of her to kill all of them .
but in the same time she cant take a step back our she will become a laughing stock for the rest of her life
but just when she decided to risk her life a calm voice appeared in their heads directly " landlorf you will be the kids teacher from now on and nothing here happened at all , Utah you cant change after all of these years ? visit me now. Fiona i dont want to hear any rumors about what happened here and dont gamble and bet without others permission, visit me with Utah now! "
after hearing this voice both Fiona and Utah disappeared in thin air while landlorf was looking at felix before saying
" i thought you look alike before but knowing you are his nephew makes sense , but why are you using the name phoenix instead of starlight ? "
" Thanks for your help before Sir, it is a family tradition until the age of 18 we use our mothers name but if you ask me i don't know why "
" how did you know i am related to captain Fredrick ?"
" he left me a message before about the people i can ask for help and your name was on the top "
" a message ? does this mean he is alive ? "
" most probably but i know nothing about where he is "