
supreme modifier

100 years ago, specifically in the year 2027, the end of the world began... The ground layers of the Blue Star continents moved to form a single continent... But this was not the only change for the Blue Star, as dimensional portals appeared all over the world... Many races came out of the portals. Monsters and creatures that the world once thought were nothing more than the imagination of authors and writers Unfortunately, with their appearance, they brought chaos and destruction with them, plunging the world and people into the darkest period of their lives throughout history, and therefore this era was called the Blood and Fire era. But by a miracle, the wisdom of the ancients, and the blood of the youth, the era of blood and fire ended in 2053, that is, after 26 short years compared to the age of the Blue Star. our story is about a young boy facing this world of cruelty and embarking the warriors path …. note : there is a character development and respecting of the readers brain cells through the story nothing is forced … if you don't want for your brain cells to be respected don't read it

just_reading12 · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Advantages and disadvantages

Felix fell in silence for a few seconds before opening his eyes 

so much information attacked his brain at once but the weird thing was it did not cause any pain or discomfort 

it took Felix a few minutes to organize the information he got 

and in the end, he started reading them and because of his 5150 soul power, he managed to read them in 15 minutes 

 after these 15 minutes, Felix fell into silence because of the information he just read 

and it seems that he got a huge misunderstanding of cultivation in general 

first regarding the gene lock, it is not all good as he thought in the beginning 

to understand what's wrong you must understand the role of the gene lock at first 

normally when people cultivate for example in the warrior level when they reach at most 10CU they start breaking for the general level and reach directly 100CU 

but how does this happen? and why do they stop at 10CU?

it seems that the answer is in the gene lock, the gene lock has other names from gene limit, gene marker 

that is because of its function, for a normal person at the warrior level or before cultivating the gene lock is about 10CU, and when they reach 9CU the gene lock starts forcing the person's strength to stop growing until eventually, it stops, and that is what happened with Felix when he reached 97 his stats stopped growing which is equivalent to 9.7CU 

then when they want to break to the general level they start feeding the gene lock so it expands from 10CU to 1000CU and in this process, they will have a strong increase in their strength by turn but much less than the marker(gene lock) itself 

this is the reality of the foundation realm, they keep expanding the gene lock instead of breaking it 

of course, there are differences between people and the location of the gene lock some geniuses have 30CU and some 50CU and there are even some of them with 100CU in their warrior level 

but everything broke with Felix, he has no gene lock at all!! 

so the path he will start is to increase his strength 1CU at a time till he reaches king level 

that means no sudden increase in strength will happen to him, and in other words, he no longer treats the foundation realm as levels but instead, he treats it as one unit, with no breakthroughs, no levels, no sudden increase in strength 

but of course that may not be a bad thing, he can increase his body strength infinitely

even when he reaches the next realms he will still increase his body strength while others depend on their original abilities or specific cultivating techniques or use the cosmic energy passively to increase their strength 

Felix does not need any of that!!

that was the first thing he learned but the second made him feel a bit strange 

it seems that the soul or the enlightenment does not increase that much in the foundation realm 

it does increase but not like the massive increase Felix received before 

it seems that the soul power can be measured normally by the CU like the rest stats

and for a general that has 100CU in his stats his soul power is only 10CU 

and it does not increase through the level it only increases when he reaches the lord level and so on 

if people want to strengthen their soul power they must have a soul cultivating techniques or consume rare soul treasures 

But other than that there is no way to increase your soul power 

and for the Enlightenment, it is a very mysterious concept usually referred to by people with, this person have high understanding or highly talented and like, but there is no exact measurement 

but not like the soul power there is an easy way to improve it 

and it is the way that Felix discovered reaching martial arts to transformation 


coming to think of that if there is a gene lock, why does no soul lock exists or enlightenment lock?

maybe there is and Felix broke them without knowing? 

that is why both of them increased by 1000 points?!

thinking of this theory Felix felt that maybe it is correct indeed 

the rest of the information in the memories is a bunch of martial arts and some secrete techniques 

Felix searched in them and was a bit confused, none of these techniques are special or ultra strong and earth-shattering

seeing this Felix chose to know why this happened 

and quickly Felix understood, that the owner of these memories had a unique and strong physique that allowed him to break limits and that was how he broke the gene lock 

after breaking the gene lock he only concentrated on his body strength without much interest in martial arts and he only started learning martial arts after he broke into the martial state realm 

and the memories Felix has stopped before the martial state realm 

knowing this Felix chose to open his eyes and get out of the pagoda void or he would be late for the class.