
Filling the Void (Part 1)

After learning what had happened to her youngest son, Faluel had closed herself inside her lair for a few days to grieve him.

The Council felt guilty for what had happened and offered her reparation. After all, had they intervened when Vladion had requested their help, maybe they would have exposed Xedros's mad plan and many of their youths would still be alive.

Sedra wasn't the first child Faluel outlived yet she didn't resent them any less. She blamed the Council in general and all the Guardians' bloodlines in particular for their carelessness.

From Lith's report, it was clear that the Father of all Wyverns would have never succeeded if not for so many like-minded Emperor Beasts treating their apprentices like the scum of Mogar.

After the events in the Eclipsed Lands, the Council had decided to rediscuss the rules and the protections regarding their youths, hoping to find a way for such a tragedy to never happen again.
