
Supreme Lord of Necromancy

In a dark tomb, there were many corpses stacked up.   These corpses have undergone   In a dark tomb, numerous dead bodies were piled up. These bodies had been altered; for instance, severed limbs were stitched back together. Unknown liquid flowed on the ground, and rotten smell spread in the air. If someone skilled in necromancy were to visit, they would notice the corpses transformation into walking dead was undergoing. In this pile of corpses, an undamaged body was visible. Its chest moved slowly with each breath. Suddenly, the body moved, slowly sitting up, hands on its forehead, displaying a face of intense pain.   "Where am I...?" Novel update 2 chapter per day

InkBlend9 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


 Eliot has always felt that he was a lucky man.

  When he was a child, the village was captured by bandits. The bandits burned the entire village after looting it. Eliot escaped by hiding in a dry well.

  After that, he wandered all the way in the forest. If it were an ordinary boy, he would probably starve to death or be eaten by wild beasts. But in the forest, Eliot is always lucky enough to find food, maybe it's wild fruits that can be picked, maybe it's the rotten corpses left by wild beasts.

  One time, Eliot was forced into a tunnel by a group of wild beasts. Just as he was curling up and waiting to die, he suddenly found that the beasts were hesitant to come forward. In the end, they gave up the food and chose to leave. There was a sound coming from the tunnel. The cold atmosphere has always been fresh in Eliot's memory.

  It wasn't until Eliot, who became a necromancer, returned here many years later that he discovered that this was a tomb that had been there for an unknown period of time, with a mid-to-high-level undead creature sleeping inside.

  There was also a time when Eliot was discovered by people in the forest after fainting from hunger. The people who found him took him back to the village where he lived. The man did not express his distaste for Eliot's status as a street child, and even offered to adopt him. However, Eliot showed an inexperienced look and took his child while he was sleeping a few days later. Money and food continue to wander.

  After wandering like this for a long time, Eliot came to Diya, the gathering place of necromancers, and happened to catch up with the day when the necromancer academy was recruiting apprentices. As long as you have the heart and will to become a Necromancer, you can join the Necromancer Academy and become a Necromancer Apprentice. That's how Eliot entered the Necromancer Academy.

  After becoming an apprentice, Eliot discovered that things were not as simple as he thought. Learning any knowledge in the Necromancer Academy required gold coins, and the academy would also forcibly release some tasks to test the strength of the Necromancer apprentices.

  Without gold coins to learn skills and no ability to complete tasks, Eliot ended up being sent to the undead transformation experiment in the Necromancer Academy.

  Eliot clearly remembered that there were about ten people participating in the transformation with him at that time. In addition to the apprentices who also failed to complete the task, there were many people he had never met. Eliot didn't know what happened during the transformation process. He only knew that in the end, apart from himself, there was only one apprentice.

  Eliot did not feel the specific physical changes brought about by this transformation. He only knew that after the experiment was completed, he received a large bag of gold coins.

  With this money, Eliot learned about meditation at the Necromancy Academy, as well as some basic knowledge as a necromancer.

  However, after Eliot learned a few spells, there was not much money left. There was no other way. In order to continue to learn knowledge, Eliot could only find a way to take on some tasks and earn gold coins.

  At this time, the tomb that he had encountered during his wandering appeared in Eliot's consciousness. A tomb where a powerful undead creature sleeps can, if used well, create many undead creatures. In addition to being used for combat, undead creatures have value in themselves. There is a place where undead creatures can be exchanged for gold coins in any town in Dia.

  Thinking of this, Eliot was ready to set off. Because he had been wandering for so long, Eliot could only roughly remember one direction, and the specific location of the tomb could not be determined. Finding it would undoubtedly be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  But Eliot didn't think so much. Just like escaping from death many times before, Eliot believed that his luck would help him find the tomb.

  Just as Eliot expected, it took him several months to find the tomb in Eli, near Diya.

  Then there was a slow accumulation. Like other necromancers, Eliot tried his best to increase his undead creatures. Whether they were travelers passing by or residents of nearby small villages, after Eliot released magic to kill them, he used the tomb to quickly transform undead creatures.

  After his strength had accumulated to a certain level, with these undead creatures under his command, Eliot began to massacre the surrounding small villages.

  In order to deal with the possible resistance in the village, Ailot started attacking the village at night every time. Due to the ignorance of the villagers and the fear of undead creatures, Eliot can very well defeat the village's basic defense.

  Even if you encounter a professional who can deal with undead creatures in the village, Eliot, hiding in the darkness, often only needs to release magic arrows one after another to seriously injure them. This is also because the level of professionals in the village is too low. During the attack on the village, Eliot has not yet encountered a senior professional.

  After attacking the small village, Eliot further strengthened his strength by transforming the corpses of villagers into undead creatures. Then, he set his sights on ordinary villages.

  After a successful attack, Eliot discovers a natural hero among the villagers the undead creatures are preparing to slaughter. This hero had no training and was not even as good as a skeleton soldier at first. But with her heroic potential, Eliot knew she had found a treasure.

  Necromancers can make dead heroes into high-level undead, but it is obviously impossible to accomplish it at Eliot's current level. Reason told Eliot that the best way was to sell her. A born hero, her heroic status and ability to grow have destined her to command a high price.

  After disposing of the corpses in the village, Eliot went to a nearby town and sold the hero to the largest transportation and slave trading organization on the continent: the Freelance Chamber of Commerce. Of course, this town is just a remote branch of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce.

  Eliot, who had received a huge amount of gold coins, once again felt lucky. After wiping out five or six villages, the value of the property and the transformed undead creatures was only a few hundred gold coins. However, he got 4,000 gold coins from selling the hero.

  After that, there was some shopping and exchanging gold coins for the items he needed most. On the way back, Eliot also noticed that someone was following him, but in the end he saw his undead creature and retreated because he was not sure of his strength.

  "The profit this time is enough for me to study as a formal necromancer. Let's deal with the last undead creatures and return to the academy." Eliot thought as he was about to return to the tomb.


  The warning brought by the perception broke Rhodes' originally peaceful and peaceful state of mind. As if a rock fell into the water, causing ripples on the surface of the water, Rhodes immediately exited the meditative state.

  Opening his eyes, Rhodes knew that the Necromancer apprentice was back.