
EmeraldLeaf Growth & Power

Mika twisted his body, evading the razor-sharp blade of a dagger that whizzed past his head. The corner of his lips curled up as he spun his own blade around to stab his enemy. His opponent had to retreat to avoid getting cut, granting Mika enough space and time to retreat.

He retrieved the Wyvernwood Bow and accessed the Drake Soul infused inside it while nocking an arrow on the bowstring. He then used his Soultraits Pierce and Rapid Fire in quick succession.

Several arrows cut through the air in the next few seconds. Mika's opponent, a young Forest Elf around the same age, jumped to the side and rolled over the ground before jumping up in a hurry. He evaded most arrows but didn't realize Mika didn't aim at him. Mika's arrows focused on blocking the Forest Elf's retreat paths.