

It was today, on his birthday, when Michael found out that Danny's Soul had always been with him. Was that fate?

His mother was not talking about Danny's Soultrait, Reinforced Sword Qi, but his Living Soul. 

Michael was not sure what exactly a Living Soul was, however, his lack of knowledge didn't matter. All that mattered was that Danny might still be alive.

"We just need his Soul…" Evalynn clarified, "We can bring him back!"

Michael's heart skipped a beat, his eyes following his mother's finger. She pointed at the Miniature Coffin Keychain that had been with Michael since he returned from the Lord Rift.

His eyes widened and he retrieved the Miniature Coffin Keychain to inspect it closely.

"Danny's Soul….is stored inside this?" He asked the anger and wrath he felt toward his mother slowly being replaced by hope.