
Supreme Investment System

In the bustling urban jungle of Concordia City, where money talks and ambition reigns supreme, we follow the transformation of Alex Turner, a once-average and weak-willed young man who discovers a unique opportunity to change his life. Armed with financial intelligence, above average looks, and a mysterious cash reward system, he embarks on a journey to become a formidable investor while attracting a harem of admirers, each with their own unique talents and secrets! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARC4rWXXdY

Mr_Lomo · สมัยใหม่
28 Chs

Unexpected Perspectives

Alex decided due to the intense competition and how draining it was to take sometime off to rest and reset . He informed Emily to also take three days off but resume a few days before he did.

She obliged and decided to use those three days to get a residence close by. She searched for an affordable apartment and luckily she found one not so far from the office.

It was just 500$ a month for rent and other utilities . In Concordia a place as nice and affordable was rarely found so she rented the place for 5 years. She used the rest of the days off and the weekend to settle into her new apartment.

She went shopping for new stuff to decorate and make the place homely . Stocked up on groceries because she realized she wouldn't have much time to do such duties. Before she knew it the weekend was over and she was back to the office . 

The buzz around Strive Company had not died down . Due to that she had so many voice messages and mails from other investors and competitors. She decided to leave the important ones for when Alex gets back.

She sorts out the ones that need her immediate attention. As the day gets to a close she decides to call Alex to inform him that some documents need his signature. 

Emily : Hello , how you doing ?

Alex : hello Emily, I'm feeling quite rejuvenated. Thanks for asking. How are you and how were your days off?

Emily : I'm good and my days off was quite brief but helped me get a new place .

Alex : interesting… what was wrong with your old place ? Anyways I'm glad you've got that sorted. 

Emily : yeah I have , anyways I called to let you know some documents need your signature and approval so I wondered when you'd be available to come in. 

Alex : well , if it's that urgent why don't you bring them over to my residence so I have a look and sign them.

Emily : okay that would be fine . Will today do ?

Alex : yeah today is fine . Just let me know when you're on your way. 

Emily : Alright I will . Thank you.

Emily hangs up and decides to finish up the rest of the day's activities and head to his place .

My heel clicks against the concrete floor as I head up stairs to his living room where I waited for him the other time. I pull out my phone when I'm almost in there and give him a call but it goes straight to voice mail. 

I roll my eyes and turn the door knob to his hall. He knew I was coming so he should know better than leave his phone on voice-mail or whatever he did. I do not want to wait. I take in the spacious masculine space, themed in shades of white and grey. The whole area looks so… so him. Plain. spacious to an extent. Clean. 

Then his voice echoes in the room, startling me, " Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting." 

I turn around, facing the man I thought I knew, taking in every single detail. 

Standing across from me, beside the grey couch is Alex, up and bare in his height, almost like he's basking in its glory. 

He towers me with a good height maybe a little or more over six feet, skin smooth and tanned, screaming with taut muscles and rips, showing off the hard work of building it up. 

My eyes follows from the prominent V of his waist up to the deep ripples of muscles on his stomach to the well defined expanse of chest, up to that manly neck that could hold up my entire weight, a possible life line, to the perfectly formed jawline and the beautiful contours of his face. 

His nose is so straight, it feels unreal and his lips are just as full as the lust the slashes through my body. 

I finally meet his eyes, and to say I'm awed is an understatement. I've never seen a man so beautiful. I've never seen Alex this way. As if I've not done the worst yet, I couldn't help but follow the trail of sweat leaving his forehead, down the side of his face, slowly making its way past that height of a neck down to the deep troubles of his chest, over his abs and straight into his shorts. I'm doomed. 

He clears his throat and it dawns on me, I've been gawking at him since he came in. I look away in embarrassment and clear my throat too. He probably just finished working out but that shouldn't give him an excuse to come out looking like that. 

You're the one in his condo, Emily. 

"The documents," I stood when my haze finally snaps back in place. 

He steps forward, carrying up all that weight before me and I stretch my arms before him, revealing the document. There are tiny patches of wetness from where my palm grip on the paper and that heightens my level of embarrassment. 

My palm was sweaty. I keep my eyes on the document, daring not to look up at him. I'm sure I'm glowing crimson red before him with shame but I won't budge. He takes the documents, probably pretending as if he saw nothing and says, tone even but casual, " have a seat, I'm going to take a shower, I'll get back to you shortly. Make sure to feel at home." Then he's gone, up the stairs and out of view. 

That was when I realized my lungs has been out of air since, I breathe in loudly a fair amount of air to calm my burning lungs and speeding heart. What the fuck just happened?

As Alex disappeared upstairs, Emily found herself standing in his hall, feeling embarrassed and curious. She couldn't shake off the unexpected sight of Alex, the man she thought she knew so well, now revealed in a completely different light.

Attempting to compose herself, Emily glanced around the room. The air carried a subtle masculine fragrance that mingled with the clean, minimalist décor. The room screamed Alex – straightforward, uncluttered, and undeniably appealing.

Taking a deep breath, Emily decided to explore the living room while waiting. She noticed a framed photograph on the wall, capturing a moment of triumph. It depicted Alex, not as the CEO of Strive Financial Solutions, but as a younger man, full of determination and dreams. The photograph hinted at a story she was yet to fully comprehend.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of running water upstairs, signaling that Alex was in the shower. Taking a seat on the couch, Emily tried to focus on the documents she brought. However, her mind kept drifting back to the unexpected encounter and the realization that Alex was more than she initially perceived.

After what felt like an eternity, Alex descended the stairs, now dressed in a clean, casual outfit. His hair was damp, and the fresh scent of soap lingered in the air. The air in the room shifted as he approached, his gaze meeting Emily's.

"Sorry about that. Now, let's get to business," he said, taking a seat opposite her.

Emily cleared her throat, attempting to regain her professional composure. "Sure, the documents require your signature and approval. It's regarding the recent acquisitions, and we need your final confirmation."

As Alex reviewed the documents, Emily observed his focused expression. The transition from the momentary vulnerability she witnessed earlier to the composed professionalism intrigued her. It was as if he effortlessly wore different masks, each revealing a different side of his personality.

Once he finished reviewing, Alex signed the papers and handed them back to Emily. "Everything looks good. I appreciate you bringing these over. It saves me a trip to the office."

After the document discussion, Alex and Emily found themselves lingering in the living room, the weight of the professional atmosphere gradually giving way to a more casual setting.

Alex leaned back on the couch, contemplating the future of Strive Financial Solutions. "Emily, I've been thinking. With our recent success and the growing scope of our ventures, I believe it's time to expand our team."

Emily nodded in agreement, her mind already lingering with the possibilities. "I completely agree, Alex. Bringing in fresh talent could enhance our capabilities and contribute to the overall growth of the company."

Alex continued, "Exactly. I've been considering someone I've worked with in the past. A tech genius, Kathleen. She has a remarkable track record and could bring a valuable perspective to our team. What are your thoughts?"

Emily pondered for a moment. "Kathleen sounds like a great addition, especially if technology is going to play a significant role in our future endeavors. Have you discussed this with her?"

"Not yet," admitted Alex. "I wanted to get your input first. I value your opinion, Emily. Your expertise has been crucial in our success, and I want to make decisions collaboratively."

Emily appreciated the acknowledgment. "Thank you, Alex. I think it's a solid idea. Let's arrange a meeting with Kathleen to discuss how she could integrate her skills with our vision for Strive Financial Solutions."