
Supreme Investment System

In the bustling urban jungle of Concordia City, where money talks and ambition reigns supreme, we follow the transformation of Alex Turner, a once-average and weak-willed young man who discovers a unique opportunity to change his life. Armed with financial intelligence, above average looks, and a mysterious cash reward system, he embarks on a journey to become a formidable investor while attracting a harem of admirers, each with their own unique talents and secrets! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARC4rWXXdY

Mr_Lomo · สมัยใหม่
28 Chs

Fresh Start

The next morning in Concordia was not like any other for Alex Turner. He woke up feeling confused and his heart was beating fast. Instead of the usual loud alarm, he saw several missed calls on his phone from his boss, Mr. Harris. Alex looked at the time on his phone and realized he was very late. He knew he was in trouble.

In a hurry, he tried to stop his phone from ringing, but it was too late. He had missed Mr. Harris's calls, and he was sure there would be consequences.He had been slightly late due to public transport on a number of occasions. Mr Harris always made it his role to remind him of how replaceable and expendable he is.

 Alex quickly jumped out of bed, feeling tired from staying up late because of the system.

While getting ready in a rush, Alex couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious app on his phone. He felt like it held the key to a different and better life.

 Alex headed towards the financial district from the subway. Approaching his office building, he couldn't help but smile. Today was different; he had thirty thousand dollars in his account, and more importantly, he had a drive to even live.

When he entered the office, he saw Mr. Harris his boss looking stern at the entrance. Mr. Harris was known for being strict about punctuality. Alex's heart sank.

He walked faster, trying to smile at Mr. Harris, "I'm really sorry for being late. It won't happen again. I had some personal issues—"

But Mr. Harris cut him off, not wanting to hear excuses. He scolded Alex, saying his tardiness was disrupting the office, and warned him that he could be easily replaced. Alex tried to explain, but Mr. Harris wasn't interested.

Feeling insulted, Alex nodded. He knew he had to do something about his situation. The money from the system was a good start, but he needed to prove to himself.

In a moment of boldness, Alex told Mr. Harris, "I don't need this job." The office fell silent. Mr. Harris was surprised and tried to discuss it further, but Alex was hell bent on his decision. He said, "No need for further discussion. I've decided to resign."

Alex realized it was time for a change, starting with his home. He got out of bed and felt the softness of the carpet under his feet. His room, once a mess of papers and items, needed attention.

Alex began his Saturday morning by opening the window to let in fresh air. His first task was to deal with the chaos on his desk. Papers and documents were everywhere, and his collection of stationery was buried under to-do lists. He decided it was time to organize.

Creating a schedule, Alex neatly filed his documents and arranged his stationery. Dusting off the desk, he was surprised at the order he had restored. His bed, too, needed attention. Sheets and blankets were messy, so Alex took a moment to make it with care.

Next, he turned to the shelves holding his books and old stuff from school. Wiping away the dust, he reorganized them, appreciating the value of the things that represented his interests.

With the main tasks done, Alex focused on the floor, vacuuming and mopping. The room transformed from a clumsy shack to a somewhat like-able space. His current surroundings reflected the energy and clarity he gained.

Satisfied, Alex admired his cleaned room. With a contented smile, he realized that simple actions, like cleaning up, could positively impact his mindset.He made a to-do list for his obtained money

Investment Capital (The Bigger Part): Alex planned to invest the majority of the money strategically. Researching stocks, bonds, and real estate, he aimed for long-term financial stability.

Emergency Fund (The Smaller Part): Setting aside a portion for emergencies, Alex understood the importance of a financial safety net, learned from his family's past struggles.

Bills and Obligations: Clearing pending bills and debts would provide peace of mind, ensuring financial stability.

Shopping and Personal Expenses: Treating himself to a shopping spree, Alex upgraded his living space and invested in essentials, enhancing his day-to-day life.

Savings: After allocating for investments, emergencies, bills, and personal expenses, Alex set aside a small portion for savings, believing in building a cushion for future goals.

With plans in mind, Alex headed to the mall to treat himself. At a clothing store, he carefully selected stylish outfits, less bothered about the price of them since he had quite an amount to spend. He tipped the store attendant generously.

Next, he visited the fragrance section, choosing a few high-quality perfumes. Feeling good, he completed his transformation with a fresh haircut at the barbershop, The barbershop was conveniently located at the mall. As he settled into the barber's chair, he engaged in a conversation with his barber. 

Barber: (With a friendly smile) "Well, well, look who's back! It's been a while, Alex. How have you been?"

Alex: (Settling into the barber's chair) "I know, it feels like ages since my last visit. I've been good, just really busy with work and some other things. It's great to finally have some time for myself."

Barber: (Nods) "I understand how life can get hectic. So, what's been going on with you lately? Any exciting news?"

Alex: (Chuckles) "Actually, nothing really. I have just been focusing on my work, and things seem have taken a turn for the better. I've learned quite a bit about managing my money, and it's been a game-changer."

Barber: (Intrigued) "That sounds interesting. It's always good to hear about someone getting ahead in life. So, what's next on your agenda?"

Alex: "Well, I've got some plans to take better care of myself, too. I realized that I'd neglected some personal stuff while I was so focused on work and ."

Barber: (Curious) "Like what?"

Alex: (Grinning) "First, I needed a fresh haircut, of course. It's been a while, as you can tell. I've also got plans to join the gym and start working on my physical fitness. It's all part of this broader plan to improve my life in every way."

Barber: (Finishing up the haircut) "You're looking sharp already. And remember, it's not just about the haircut, it's about self-care and investing in yourself."

Alex: (Appreciatively) "Thank you. It's good to have your perspective, and it's nice to catch up. I'll definitely be back more often from now on."

As the barber put the finishing touches on Alex's haircut, they continued to chat.

Feeling like a new man, Alex decided to prioritize his fitness. He joined a nearby gym, signing up for a membership.He returned home with only a few dollars left in his pocket. As he sat down at his desk, he couldn't help but feel that he had to replace the money he spent by trading with his investment capital so he decided to ask the system for guidance once again.

He accessed the system and started a new trading session. Drawing from his previous experience and the lesson he had learned, he carefully assessed various investment options. He knew that strategic choices were essential, and he was determined to make the most of his pocket change.

Over the course of a few hours, Alex made calculated moves and decisions in the financial markets. His investment capital began to grow rapidly. The numbers on the screen started to climb, and the stated capital he had started with was transformed into a very good substantial amount once again.

Alex decided it was time to withdraw a portion of his profits. He understood the importance of managing his investments wisely and not letting greed dictate his actions. He made the withdrawal and watched as the funds were transferred to his bank account.

With his increased investment capital, Alex decided to invest in something that had been on his wish list for a long time—a high-performance, well-spec'd PC. He had always wanted a powerful computer to assist him with his trading endeavors, and now he had the financial means to make it happen.

Alex conducted thorough research, comparing various options and configurations. After careful consideration, he found the perfect model that met his requirements.

With a few clicks, he placed the order for his new PC. 

That evening, he called his family and decided to send a significant portion of his earnings to his mother. This gesture was a heartfelt way of giving back and acknowledging the sacrifices she made for their family. His mother was deeply moved and expressed her gratitude.

The next day,Alex wondered as he sat down to assembly his new pc. One major decision on his agenda was to buy a car. His current mode of transportation, relying on public transit, was both time-consuming and occasionally responsible for his lateness.

Alex found a reliable and stylish car that suited his needs. He wanted a vehicle that reflected his current status but was also practical for daily use.

Visiting the dealership, Alex was quite shocked at the sleek designs and shiny exteriors.He had never owned a car, not even a second hand one.

The car he had in mind, A Toyota CHR 2021 model was displayed prominently, and after a test drive that confirmed his choice, he was ready to make the purchase.

Sitting across from the sales representative, Alex wanted to ensure he made the right choices. Negotiating the terms with confidence, he managed to secure a fair deal that aligned with his budget and preferences.

As the paperwork was finalized, Alex couldn't help but glance at his bank balance on his phone, now considerably larger than before. 

Driving off the dealership lot in his new car, The smooth purr of the engine and the comfortable interior were a stark big difference to crowded buses and hurried subway rides.