
Supreme Evolution: Rebirth

In a world beset by unprecedented change, a young man named Bultear is killed and revived with a special role as the Supreme Evolution candidate. After revival he soon finds out that he has fused with Sigmund, a stray dog he took care of, gaining thus two sets of Evolver abilities, while others only have one set. The machinations of powers that be have something big in store for him. In front of Bultear is a world 500 years after the Great Fall, where the emergence of Evolvers poses a great danger as well as a chance to storm high into the sky and etch his name in history! The cogs of this machine are ever turning, how will the mysterious, supernatural fog surrounding our main character affect him and his role in all of this? This is a story of beasts, vampires, mutated humans and many twists and turns set in the wild Victorian era!

Luke770 · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs


With a slow flow, and a stillness of a summer's evening, the cobblestone roads were shimmering in the in moonlight, overlooking the slowly dwindling waves of people who, tired and, were finishing their daily duties. In this sea of people two people were walking with steady steps down a narrow alley way, the rusted roofs of the houses faintly reflected streaks of a moonlight. When they left Eltlin street, they came upon a run-down building at the corner of this particularly empty street.

" My, what a wonderful place you have me walking to, is this where your division headquarters are supposed to be located at?"

To Bultear's joking remark, Sinthia paid no heed as her long silky hair swayed in the summer breeze. To Bultear, the green tips of her hair reminded him of a spring's bright innocence while as she spoke, the tone of her voice was like a cold snowfall; beautiful yet firm.

"Yes, here is our headquarters. It is like this since we specialize in fast and flexible responses to any and all possible situations."

Said Sinthia with pride, Bultear's joking tone completely lost on her. With taps of her leather boots upon the uneven streets with Bultear in tow, the rusty, creaking doors of the HQ presented themselves before the pair. The doors of such were with no accessories nor engravings; utterly bland. The single detail of the doors was a small slit in upper center, from such a slit two eyes were peeking out.

" Cheesecake"

The doors clanked and screeched open to those words as Bultear tried and failed to keep his eyes from widening from the ridiculous password being said out loud so seriously.

" Is there a problem?"

" No, no problem, I just... cheesecake really?"

"It's our leader's favorite food, but I can't fault you for being shocked, since chocolate cake is clearly the superior dessert."

A voice spread out in the hallway as they saw a lanky man approach from the adjacent room. His curly hair mid length hair swirled around his head. The bushy chevron moustache refined his look. His tone was serious even though the contents of his words were anything but.

"Sull, we have no time for jokes."

"But Plumplum I wasn't joking at all. Chocolate cake is indeed better, don't you agree Bultear."

"My opinion on cakes is sadly not too developed since I was never able to afford them...I would introduce myself, but it seems unnecessary now."

"It would be very unnecessary indeed. We of the third division have an interwoven history with you Bultear Amalen the Reborn. There is not one person in the division that has not at least heard of you."

'The Reborn? What a nickname I have, well it's at least better than test subject or prisoner.'

"I don't mean to waste your time any longer, I also have matters to attend to. I just wanted to look at you with my own eyes and see the type of person you are, a person, who two days ago, was a prisoner and soon to be test subject and now is our official member... My name is Sull Mickert, you can call me Sully."

He lightly bowed, tipping his non-existent top hat. Moving out of the way, the pair passed by him quickly while a look of annoyance was transparent on Sinthia's delicate face.

'What a peculiar guy.'

Thought to himself Bultear as he sped up his gait to catch up to Sinthia's rapid steps.

"Sull Mickert, fourth seat. He is the head of reconnaissance in our division, our greatest scout."

"So, he must be a big deal then."

"He is a buffoon."


'Fourth seat... I remember Safir mentioning seats; probably titles for highest ranking members of the division, they also earn the most aside from the captain.'

As they made their way down the unassuming corridor, a small, empty office room awaited them.

"No need to look puzzled. Look at this."

The white wall that couldn't look more ordinary was tapped three times by her dainty hand. To a gasping Bultear this sight was unexpected as the wall suddenly spread apart to reveal a flight a stairs leading downward.

"Whoa, a secret tunnel."

"This is the third division's HQ after all, this shabby building is but a cover for the real thing."

With a serious expression on her face, she walked down the stairs. The stairs were short, the pathway was unexpectedly long.

"How far underground are we?"


'A woman of few words I see."

As Bultear was sighing to himself the came to an end, now in a massive room with a bunch of tables, papers and other office material Sinthia then spoke.

"This is the office we mainly use it for paperwork and other administrative work."

Looking around the empty room, that was well lit despite being underground, he saw that each table had an extra gas lamp, the tables were also separated by a small piece of wood; probably to keep a sense of privacy while working.

"Do all you do your work here in one room?"



"Being underground does not provide with much space."

"Makes sense... where are we going now?"

Pointing at the righthand side of the room at a wooden door.

"Going through there will lead us to the training room."

"What of the other door?"

"That is the storage... "

As she paused Bultear hoped that his guide of few words would deign him with at least some extra information.

"... We store our Evolver artifacts in there."

"Artifacts?... Wait!"

She gave him no time mull over her words nor to ask anything more, with her stride widening she reached the door to the training room opening them.

'Massive, wide, open' Were the first words that came to mind when he saw the 'room'. It looked more like an auditorium, an underground colosseum.

"I though you said that being underground doesn't provide much space?"

"This took up most of the space we had."

"Well, its respectable to strive for a majestic look."

"Nothing vain as that, the power of us Evolvers are varied and, in some cases, affect a large area. Thus, this was made this way purely for utility reasons."

"That was the longest sentence you said in this whole trip."