
Supreme Dragon Bloodline

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FREAK_Reader01 · แฟนตาซี
89 Chs

Flame Zone!

Chapter 19






"Flame Zone!" Eric shouted.

Time stopped... or so it seems, as Red flames quickly spread out, sorrounding the area.

Even the bustling trees filled with vitality just a moment ago, couldn't escape the fate of turning to ashes in a few seconds.

And as for the trees that were faraway , there was no sign of vitality in them anymore, making them wither at an astonishing speed, with no more green lush leaves to tell of its former glory, they looked more like an 100 years old barren tree bearing no fruits or whatever.


This group of villains weren't physically augmented ability type mystics, so even though they could control a little bit of fire with their ordinary talents or affinity control, before Eric they were more like child's play, which made them not able to escape the fate of being burned to ashes after letting out horrifying screams.

Just when Eric was about to drown in the ethereal feeling of power and mass destruction,he sensed his depleting Mana stat "shit!" cursing out loud " I've got to leave", who knows maybe there were monsters or human mystics nearby, that would take advantage of his weak moment and kill him.



Eric zoomed! within the outer part of the forest with astonishing speed above his rank, clearly using and putting all of his remaining mana and strength into this run,even though it would drain him further.


Back in forest.

As there were no Silver Rank Mystics nearby, it took the Lower Ranked Mystics in the area some time to get to the scene, of the gruesome massacre.

As for wild monsters? they avoided the area like plague,and just like that the outer part of the forest was soon devoid of wild monsters.

Monsters mainly relied on their instinct, so even though Eric wasn't there anymore they still felt a great sense of danger coming from those flames.


After running for More than 30 minutes, exhausted and tired, the city walls finally came into view,.

If not for his outstanding vitality stat that timely refreshed his stamina and minimal bit of mana, even if the heavens were to help, Eric still wouldn't have made it out alive with his mana less than 5% of it's total capacity.

Walking for 5 more minutes Eric found a nearby tree, after confirming that there were no monsters in the sorrounding, thanks to his enhanced vision , even though it was almost evening everywhere was still bright as day for Eric.

Quickly resting on the tree's bark as he grasped for breath.

"Seems like I overdid myself" Eric willed and a bottled water dropped on his hand which was already mid air, gulping the whole bottle straight in one breath, 3 more bottles appeared in similar fashion before Eric released a satisfied blench, thinking "Waters this days are pain killer", the taste was heavenly.

Without having the time to indulge in his thoughts, Eric stood up shakily with 10% percent of his total stamina rapidly recovered.

"The sun is almost setting and it isn't in my best interest to sleep outside the city gates"


Eric began his second lap of running, although not fast , his lonely back matched the sunset as he ran towards the city.

Everywhere was strangely quiet , except for the occasional growl and roar from wild beast around the safe zone.


Back in the forest, an undercurrent had begun due to Eric's earlier commotions.


Eric got back home and without even bothering to take off his already bloody and sweaty clothes off , he entered wonderland (sleep).


Unknown place.

A young cloaked man kneeled before the door as he bowled " Sir, we found no trace of the person or beast".

After kneeling for 30 minutes with no reply, he bowled again before taking his leave without letting out another word.

In the room behind the door, everything was pitched black without a sperk of light, stood a figure drapped in black cloaks that made it hard to differentiate from the sorrounding.

The figure sighed "I hadn't expected it to be easy in the first place, since the mission was given by that person, but who or what ever you are, you won't escape my clutches" leaving behind this dreadful sentence, he disappeared.


"I am probably the most unlucky person out my there" with an almost teary eyes, Eric soliloquiesed .

The first he left the city gates he almost lost his life, as if that was not enough he almost losed his life again, but this time it was due to his own arrogance.

But even though, no matter what the reason, if anyone who knew he chanced upon a Spirit Tier Treasure Fruit and heard the rubbish he was currently spewing "I am probably the most unlucky person out here", they would firstly gather together to hunt Eric and then kill him, after they would commit sucided saying life was a scam.

"Like seriously? you had a heaven defying fortuitous encounter and you still have the guts to compare us together, saying you are the most unlucky?!"

"I would rather die than suffer this injustice".

" I risked my life everyday to feed my family and you gave this ungrateful scum such such good luck?

This would have been the headline throughout the federation.


Indeed Eric never knew how terrifying his luck was, the first ever fortuitous encounter he had was a peak tier spirit treasure, that would drive countless power house crazy.

Well... that is a story for another.

Glancing around the room "seems I've got to buy my own house, but that's gonna be letter".

Eric willed as the bloody bag appeared once again.