
Supreme Douluo(Dropped)

It was in a small vilage named holy spirit village where the story of 2 legends began ! Follow the adventure of Tang Xue and Tang san the legendar twin brother !

Adam_Simard · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
20 Chs

New beginning .

Tang xue then stopped before an academy with xiaogang . He entered followed by grandmaster.Suddenly a powerful presence was moving toward them at great speed.

Er long: Tang xue it is you why are yo.... Xiaogang ????

Xiaogang yes it is me er long , i promise to come back to take you away once i am done hunting my spirit rings with tang xue ...

Tang xue: Xiaogang don't worry we will stay a bit here i want to reach rank 90 so i can go get my ninth spirit ring while getting yours... you should cultivate as well i can sense that your power is on the verge of breaking throught rank 70.

Er Long: titled douluo ? you are not kidding righ tang xue ?

Tang xue: no , i found out why my mother was injured by spirit hall and they will pay ! right now my father the rank 98 clear sky douluo , told me i habe only 40% chance to win against Qianxi jiao , but once i get my ninth ring he not be my match anymore , it turns out that i am going to Star Dou with teacher so i will go see the overlord of the forest the Draconic Ox python to have him become my ninth spirit ring , i also heard thatthere is immortal herbs in his domain that can help my mother reach rank 98 as well so once i reacher rank 99 i will just focus on helpingeveryone to reach it so everyone can become Titled god together to conquer the realm of god as well .

Er long: such a monster ... will reach titled douluo at 13 years old ....

Xiaogang: After having my spirit rings i will not run away anymore ... i will take you back with me to Shrek and Flenders will be happy to see us both together again .If i hurt you again, what i am not willing to do again , tang xue promised that he would tutn me into a trash again .

Er Long: Kid it is not good to threaten your teacher but i think this is how it have to be done with him ..... since if not he will not open his heart and listen to it.

Tang xue: Teacher from what i sense once your power reach rank 70 , your body will be able to take 2000 years old as first spirit rings so tell me what type of configuration you want and what type of path you want to walk .

Xiaogang: i will walk the path of Assault and Defensive system , i want Defensive ,Speed Attack and Attack defense as my first 4 spirit rings .

Tang xue: Then we will look for 2000 years old Golden Xuanwu Turtoise or Xuanwu turtoise king , 6500 years old Thunder Wolf king or Wind Lion , 11000 years old Battle Saint Ape or Great King kong , 25000 years old Demonic Dragon or Earth dragon king , 40000 years old Golden lion king or Steel Qilin , 60000 years old Black Xuanwu Turtoise or Golden Elephant king , 75000 years old Flaming Lion or Scarlet tiger emperor. Those shoild be your 7 spirit rings if i can manage to find these, they are based on what you need Defense,speed,attack,attack defense,attack defense,defense,atack speed . this will make you a setup of 2 purple and 5 black rings but the eigh one will be 100 000 years old when times come i may have an idea of an ancient beast in the north frozen plain that will do.

Xiaogang: are you certain you can fight all these ? 40000 years old golden lion king rival even beast of double their age ... Black xuanwu turtoise of 60000 years old most totled douluo can't kill that ?

Tang Xue: don't worry .... if it were not that Titan apes are xiao wu and mine friends i would have got you a 10000 years old titan apes as third spirit rings . But i will not touch titan ape and if i hear anyone touching them they are dead .... i will even let my friend the 100 000 years old titan ape rampage . Actually Er ming told me when i find someone worthy and strong enough i can bring the person to him wiyh xiaowu as well , Er ming is getting old and want to give his spirit ring to someome me and xiaowu trust so i was keeping it for when Tang san Reach Spirit Saint , since my brother told me that at rank 70 he will need my help for a 100 000 years old spirit ring .

Er long: Tang san ??? your twin brother ? whst rank is he at ?

Tang xue: 47 he should be near 50 now , i already know which beast and where to find it for him . he already have 800 years old Sky bamboo snake , 2100 years old man faced demon spider,5000 years old Jade phosphor python and 11000 years old black crawler. now i will get him a 25000 years old Ancient Jade Cobra king which has is almost extinct but i found one and made sure that no one touch it , its poison is the strongest ever and his body is as hard as Black Xuanwu turtoise , this is perfect for tang san's Bue Silver emperor grass.

Xiaogang:What you want tang san to die ??? those beast at 20000years old even a 50000 years old man faced demon spider does not dare bother it , it must be known that a man faced demon spider of 50000 years old is feared by even 100000 years old beast , only youthe freak got a 65000 years old mutated one !

Tang xue: what you don't know is that no poison work on meand ican manipulate and create poison even stronger than this little snake ... even dugu bo was afraid of my poison when i was rank 76 .

Xiaogang: ho ! then tang san will be a monster in the future !

Tang xue: i fear only one person actually and when she reach the same realm as me, i am not sure how to stop her , but i am lucky since she is my future wife Zhu Zhuqin.

Xiaogang: how is that possible ?

Tang xue: i just went a bit overboard with her beast combination .... Ghost nether civet,Thunder fox king,Man faced demon Spider,Nether Shadow Civet,Demonic spider and Shadow leopard. She has got 1 Yellow 2 purple 3 black but even so if i were without my poison immunity i don't garantee i would win against her if she were in the samerealm as me because she is too hard to catch and if someone successfully come close to her since she can duplicate herself once with shadow so four claw and 20 man faced demon spider legs at extreme speed must be dodged at all cost ! Actually her spirit is Nether Civet , so i am really proud of how i got a powerful wifey !

Xiaogang: Scary ! i know why no woman get close to you and why you tell them not to , knowing she is really possessive he he he .

Tant xue:you must know already why no man dares ger close to her as well right ?? that is right i am possessive as well he he he

Er long: so cute ... but even so no man could get close i guess...

Xiaogang: that is true , while you were not there Dai Mubai tried to court her , but she only used a claw and made a little cut on his cheeks while telling him to fuck off , 1 minute after he was purple on the floor so she removed the poison and he never dared again he he he .

Tang xue: he searched for it ... well i will cultivate with this immortal herb a bit , it is said it let the one absorbing it get a whole 5 rank , with this once i am done absorbing my ninth ring , i will be to reach titled douluo rank 93 ... now it should take me some time to absorb but after we are foinf straight to hunt . so Er long when we are done i hope your things will be packed , you just have to give the acadrmy to your best teacher and leave behind your twenty years of sadness , i told xiaogang that even if he run away again i will cripple him and take care of you ... Zhuqin accepted only because it is you since you were so kind , but don't let Xiangang the chance to run away and go straivht for a baby ke ke ke .

Xiaogang's Side

Grandmaster had chill going down his spine while cultivating ,he did not know why but he knew something bad would happen soon .

Back to Er long's side

Er long: you are right actually , if i get pregnant with xiaogang's child he will not be able to run away ...

Tang xue: relax he will not run away anymore , he wanted to run away because he felt inferior and like a trash to any people looking at him . In my case there is only 3 person that can give me a fight but one is my father, one my grand father and the last one my ennemy , now use this immortal herbs with luck it will guve you a second awakening and maje your spirit and spirit ring evolve while your rank will go from 81 to 91 , you will then have no choise to follow us to Star Dou for your ninth spirit ring which i will help you to get , since you are an assault system i know a perfect beast but really strong Ke ke ke .

Er long then went to her side and began absorbing the immortal herb at the same time as both men . 2 days later , Tang xue woke up first at rank 90(93) , then grandmaster and finally they saw Er long's spirit evolve from fire dragon to Yang fire dragon king and her 8 spirit rings began getting older until she had 3 purple and 5 black spirit ring ! she had all reached rank 90 .

Tang xue: well seems like Er long will follow us into star dou forest ! she will need my help anyway if she want to get her first red spirit rings and i know perfectly which beast to hunt for her . When i was looking for my seventh spirit ring with my father we saw a Winged twin headed Fire lizard of about 100 000 years old sleeping ! it should fit perfectly . We will hunt Brother Yu's beast first then we got for Er long's to finish with mine the easiest if it sumbit to my Spirit but hardest if it choose to attack .

The group which was all in contact then appeared at the outer zone of Star Dou forest but on another side where there was more little lake or pond .

Tang Xue:The First beast to look for is a Golden Xuanwu turtoise of about 2000 years ol..... fast i just saw one and they are truly rare !

Tang xue then caught it and slamed it on the ground which stunned the turtoise.

Tang xue: really good about 2350 years old , kill it xiaogang and absorb it.

Grandmaster did as told , and began absorbing the Purple spirit ring that appeared . after an hour he woke up smilling .

Grandmaster: The ability named Saint Dragon Barrier , Create a three layered barrier in the form of a Dragon of spirit power which is immunised to any attack of Dark element type , Spirit ability of less than two big realm highter and physical attack of less than three big realm highter. Such great ability at the start !

Tang Xue: with me here no beast can hurt you so i will certainly select the best beast for my teacher , i just ask of you to remember what you promised at shrek and also to not become arrogant , if you do so then you and Er long will reach the realm of gods with Me,Zhuqin,my father,my mother,tang san,xiaowu and oscar and ma hongjong . Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai can fuck themselves , if rongrong want my help she willhave to apologize and continue her current behaviour which is not anymore disgusting , while Dai Mubai can go fuck himself since he dared to hurt my zhuqin feeling , flirt with other women when he had told her he did not leave for women and also dare to try steal her from me after , he is already lucky i did not kill him and go destroy the Dai imperial clan of Star luo empire .Now let's continue ...

Xiaogang: A thunder wolf king or Wind lion right ?

After a days of searching they finally saw a Wind Lion so tang xue directly slapped it on a wall full of rock knocking it out and letting grandmaster kill it . When the Lion died both his paw began shining with a deep purple spirit ring , xiaogang immediately sat down to absorb it. After 3 hours he finished and surprisingly the paws were external spirit bones .

Xiaogang: amazing ! My ability Dragon Roar , increase the movement speed by 100% for a minute and decrease the ennemy movement speed by 50%.

The ability of the External Paw spirit bone , let the user absorb the spirit attack of ennemy two big realm highter at maximum and send it back toward the opponent with an increase of power of 50%.

Tang Xue: Alright let's go look for a 10000 to 12000 years old battle saint ape or Great king kong.