
Supreme Celestial System

In a fantasy world where species like dragon, human, elf, phoenix, beast, mermaid, fairy, werewolf etc. live together. And it was into this world that our Mc(Eren) was transferred. Arin finds herself in someone else's body. [Then Ding!] [Ding! Supreme celestial System has been activated.] Author note: Hey first its true that the beginning of the story and some parts resemble some novels but none of the characters are related to others from the novel, also the stroy flow will become completely different later!!

kapoorrr · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs



I am in the body of an almost 16 year old child. And for some reason I became unconscious.

So my name is Eren. I am the grandson of the king of the Falling star Empire. But except my grandfather William, no one else is my real relative. But the predecessor of this body was engaged to a girl in his childhood. From my memories I know that she is very beautiful. His name.....

Yes, her name is Arya. He was adopted by his grandfather.

I have very few memories, I don't even know about my parents.

I don't even know about the palace. I don't know of meeting more than about 30 people just from memory.

The last time I remember was that day my grandfather had told me about Mana. With which Long can use strength and magic like those superhero movies. I am feeling very excited. And who wouldn't be excited to be able to use magic?


"Just then a sound came from the system."


[Ding! Host Beginner Gift Package Available for 5 Minutes]

[Ding! yes or no]

"Words appeared on Windows in the system". Will I get something good?


I said in my mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for activating your hidden genealogy.]

[Ding! The host will be congratulated for this

Attaining the "Purification Lotus Flame".]

[Ding! ...congratulations to the host for getting the perfect body]

[Ding! Merging of the Host Gifts with Spirit and Body]

[Do hosts want to start now]

[Ding! yes or no]

Thoughts for a long time.


Then suddenly my body felt like it was burning from inside.

What is happening?

I started having severe pain in my body and mind.


[Ding! Warning: The host's body is being rebuilt.]

[Ding! Warning...Warning...

The mentality of the host is breaking..

Activating emergency cooling procedures]

[Ding! The host will be kept unconscious for about two weeks.]

"Arhhh... Hey, it hurts..."

I am feeling a lot of pain, it feels as if someone has broken my soul into two pieces. My body feels as if someone has set fire inside my body. When the pain started becoming unbearable, suddenly my eyes became blurry. Am I dead again?

Hearing such a loud moan of pain, a young girl of about 20 years of age, with long black hair, sharp eyebrows, a shapely waist, wearing a green dress, came running into the room.

What is happening???

The girl's eyes widened after seeing the view of the room. In the room, Arin's body was hanging in the air about 2 feet above the bed and seven colored flames were burning around it. Which is purifying and restoring his body one after another.

Young miss what happened...

As soon as he looked towards the bed...

The old man stammered and said...how could this happen?

The girl asked after seeing such an exaggerated expression of the old man.

What is this uncle...

This this.....

This is his blood awakening.

What…the girl asked loudly.

Yes, when one awakens one's bloodline, changes occur and it seems that the young master's bloodline is very strong.

Will it be okay? The girl asked.

Yes. There is no danger in this, if he is successful in this then he will be able to do farming also.

Young miss, I have to go. I have to give this news to the Prime Minister and all of them. And I have a feeling that young master will wake up in 2 weeks.

Hearing this, a slight smile appeared on the girl's face.

Get up quickly my dear Eren...

The girl spoke softly with love in her eyes.