
Supreme Beast: The Book Of Souls

Nux Steel finds himself reincarnated in the body of a dead boy in another world after being killed in cold blood by a bloodthirsty vampire. The world he finds himself in, is a world filled with people who have magical abilities that give them the power to reshape the lands, tear space and destroy the skies. These abilities come in the form of a book called a Soul Book when they awaken their Beast Soul. Find out how Nux survives in this world, as he awakens the long lost soul of the dead Beast God.

JJ_Smart · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

The Infinity Gauntlet

'The Infinity Gauntlet!!!' Nux thought.

The gauntlet which he thought was lost or stolen, turned out to have become Soul Bound with him somehow.

His heart began to beat loudly, Prince Naveen was going to kill him if he found out about it. But on second thought, he realized something.

Slowly, his expression began to change from one of fright, to one of happiness. 'If Prince Naveen were to 'ask' me if I knew anything about the gauntlets whereabouts, I can deny it. But... can he force me to open my Soul Book and check it himself?' Nux began to ponder, forgetting that he was in the middle of a teaching.

"NUX!! NUX!! NUUUX!!!" Mr. Nicole made a chop on Nux's head, stunning him in the process.

"ARHHH!!" Nux was brought back to reality when he felt his head get attacked by Mr Nicole's powerful chop.

Mr Nicole gave him a stern stare and asked. "Did you see anything that you don't understand?" Nux shook his head while still massaging it.

"Ok. Where were we. Right!" Mr Nicole spoke some words again, and a metal club formed from a torrent of brown energy.

"It is impossible for anyone to see what's written or drawn in your Soul Book, that phenomenon hasn't been fully understood by any researcher, but they have a theory that it has something to do with ones soul."

"You might be looking at a sword in someone's Soul Book, but you will never know that it is a sword, no matter how it is depicted in the book."

Nux felt like a mountain had been lifted off his shoulders, he had solidified his thoughts that Prince Naveen couldn't know if he knew anything about the gauntlet if he didn't say.

"The next stages won't be taught to you unless you pass the first, and I won't be there to teach you, so work hard and gain the attention and respect of your teachers."

"Won't be there?... I don't understand, What teachers?" Nux asked, he wasn't liking where this was going.

Yes, he would love to go on adventures and do all the things that he read in all those novels and mangas, but the thought of doing them without someone strong and capable that he trusted by his side, that was a bit scary.

"The Awakened Academy." Mr Nicole simply replied. That answer cleared all of his questions. He was going to an academy and would meet with the best of the best of his kingdom.

He was going to have his very own Academy Arc.

"Also, you have to chose which Academy you want. There were scouts at the awakening ceremony, and some wanted to see you. You were able captured their attentions." Mr Nicole then frowned. "Chose wisely. Not all that glitters is gold."

'Yeah, it coud be diamond.' Nux inwardly laughed at his dumb joke.

"Will you like to see them now?"

"No, I need to digest all the information I just received." Mr Nicole stood up from the ground and began to walk towards the wooden door.

"Thank you very much for taking care of me all this time, I couldn't have survived without you." Nux's words drifted into his ears.

"I'm just doing my part." Mr Nicole said. "Your father was a good man." And with that, he left the confines of the room, to deal with his own matters.

Nux sighed, his body had reacted to Mr Nicole's last statement.

He stared at his Soul Book, and a wide creepy smile began to crawl up his face. 'Let's see what this bad boy can do.' He thought.

His Soul Book's pages flipped, and settled on the page that contained the Infinity Gauntlet's image.

"Elemental Gauntlet? So that's it's real name." Nux muttered as he stroked his smooth chin. "Can I change it? It looks so much like the Infinity Gauntlet."

After thinking for some seconds, Nux shrugged his shoulders. "Won't hurt to try."

He cleared his throat and spoke firmly. "Change name to "


"Change na... oh its working." Nux stopped as soon as he saw the red writings that he knew as Elemental, change to Infinity.

"Much better." He smiled in delight. Now how do I summon it? Mr Nicole didn't show me how."

Nux didn't struggle this time, he just thought about the gauntlet, and then, like a ghost, he felt its cold metallic embrace on his hand.

As Nux was about to grin from ear to ear, his face froze.

The gauntlets golden shine was nowhere to be seen, in its place, a demon like black and red metal rested. "What's this?"

The gauntlets dominant color was black, they didn't reflect light, but seemed to absorb it instead. The holes behind each knuckles were red, and the fingers ended with sharp blood red claws.

Red vein like lines snaked through the backhand. The veins originated from the holes and spread around the gauntlet to give it a kind of otherworldly vibe.

The claws were so sharp, Nux could actually sense them, the danger that the gauntlet as a whole emanated was overwhelming, even for him who owned it.

"When did this transformation occur?" Nux asked himself, while stretching his hand as far away as possible from his body, he didn't want to accidentally cut off his limbs.

"I have to say, its just as scary as my Beast Soul, perhaps my Beast Soul is the cause of the transformation." Nux praised its beauty.

For the next ten minutes, he swung his arms about, and practised the techniques he learnt from Mr Nicole while getting used to its weight.

He had trained in close quarter combat with Mr Nicole, though he wasn't a pro, he wasn't a rookie either, he could perform his footwork well and probably wrestle an american black bear.

Satisfied, Nux took off his clothes to go and take a shower.


In a large hall filled with nothing but darkness, a man could be seen shivering as he knelt before a hooded figure sitting on a throne made of skull and bones.

"So you're telling me... That he doesn't have it." The hooded figures voice sounded like a whisper as it echoed in the dark hall.

"Ye...y..yes My Lord." The man on his knees stuttered.

"I see...You have done well." The figure spoke.

The man on his knees felt relieved, but before he could thank the hooded figure, he felt the world spinning around, his body felt weightless, and when his gaze landed on a headless body, he cursed, before he fell into the cold embrace of death.

"Find him, do not let him out of your sight for a second." The figure spoke menacingly.

Out of the dark corners of the hall, four hideous beings made out of a collection of bones, knelt before the figure, and then vanished out of sight.

"No one steals from me and lives to tell the tale." The hooded figure spoke one last time, before also vanishing from the hall.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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