
Bandit Attack (2)

Kade opens his eyes and looks around, he is in a dilapidated house that is surprisingly clean. He sits up and shooting pain run across his shoulder and neck. He remembers his careless mistake of getting distracted in battle and curses at himself. 'I can't let that happen again!'

Sensing eyes staring at him like daggers Kade painfully turns to his right. He sees a big chested maiden and two kids watching him cautiously.

"Leave me and the Mister to talk. Go to the river and clean yourselves." The maiden orders the kids.

"But, sister" the children whined.

"I said now."

The kids grudgingly got up and left the house, and kades attention turned back to the maiden.

"How are you alive?" She asks in bewilderment. "I take care of people in the village, so I know the amount of blood you lost would have killed 5 normal men. Are you an adept?"

'It looks like mortals do know what adepts are.' Kade thought. " Yes, I am adept miss. Thank you for saving my life, I am indebted to you."

"Master adept, there no need to thank me I am unworthy." The maiden said as her attitude became respectful once she ascertained Kade's identity.

"How long was I out for, Miss… uhh?"

"About 3 days and my name is Jenny master."

Kade frustratingly hits his lap, he would not let a repeat of the bandit attack happen ever again. He realized that before he continues his journey he must learn the basics of water exoskeleton.

"Master, are you ok, let me rebandage your wound"

"I'm fine, but I do need a new bandage."

Jenny went to get get some bandages out of the cabinet. She brings a basin of water full of medicinal herbs in front of Kade. As she bends down to soak the bandage in the water, kade catches a glimpse of Jenny's twin peaks. Jenny sensing something looks up and her lips arch into a seductive smile. Kade's baby maker started to rise as he felt his member throb. She reached over and…

"Big Sis! were tired of waiting outside" The boy and girl protest.

"You stubborn children, I told you to go to the river! Master, these are my younger siblings Victor and Sarah. "

"Hello" they shyly greeted Kade.

"Ok, didn't I tell you guys to wash your selves."

"Yes, but we don't want to go by ourselves to the river." They hesitantly turn toward Kade. "Will you go with us, Master."

"Are you out of your minds" Jenny angrily asked.

Before she continued to berate them Kade said: "It's ok Jenny, I could use a soak my self."

"Thank you, master, then I will trouble you with watching over them."

The kids lead Kade around the town to a secluded shrubland.

"Wheres the river?" Kade asked the children.

"It's right behind the shrubs, no one knows of this area except for us."

They walked into the shrubs, and on the other side, they come across an endless expanse of green plains. A rushing river was seen afar and the kids excitedly ran towards it.

Victor and Sarah take their clothes off and splash around in the water. As they were play fighting, water droplets started floating up in the air.

"Victor, look," Sarah said wide-mouthed, as she pointed to the countless droplets above her. "Master Kade, are you doing this?"

"Yes," Kade grinned. As he brought his arms together, the droplets fused to form a massive water sphere. Kade released it and a downpour of water splashed on the children.

They joyfully screamed and splashed around even more.

"Again, again" they yelled as water beads rolled down their skin.

Kade looked strangely at these beads. Instead of dropping off the children's body it sticks to it. And when they touch other beads they fuse together on the skin. He suddenly thought water element particles could be arranged in a similar way.

Kade suddenly had an epiphany. "The water exoskeleton can be formed by water element particles!" He yelled.

If he brings water element particles on his skin. The properties of the element would act as a glue to hold the water and allow it stay on and retain the shape he makes. But, Kade has never tried to use the water element particles in this way, he has only used his spirit.

"Kids, could you stay in the river? I figured out something very important and I need to be focused".

The kids nod eagerly to please Kade. Kade sits down and assumes the meditation position. He draws in the abundant water element particles, but instead of absorbing it for his spirit he forms it on his skin.

The particles rush over and form a dense layer of the water element over his skin. Kade then configures two water waves and manipulates them to form countless droplets. He brings the droplets over his body and begins to form dense sets of shimmering blue plate armor on his body. The magnificent elemental armor makes Kade look noble yet tyrannical. The kids look at him in awe as his armor formation completes. Kade also nods in satisfaction.

"Victor take this dagger and hit me with it as hard as you can. Don't worry it won't hurt me." Kade said assuringly.

Victor walks over and takes the dagger from Kade's hands. He puts both his hands up and quickly stabbed down. As the dagger hits the armor, it is reflected back and you could see fine cracked lines on its blade. While Kade's armor doesn't have a single scratch.

"We should get going, we've been here for quite a while. I don't want your sister to worry. " Kade tells the children.

As Kade dissolves the water exoskeleton, he couldn't stop grinning. His discovery of the water particle cohesion led him to the advanced tier of the water exoskeleton module. The soul chip beeped.

'Your understanding of the laws of water has reached .001%. Comprehension of water has significantly increased, and all water abilities have upgraded.

Kade was shocked, Usually, only grade 6 adepts or higher had any development in the elemental laws (Excluding other planar beings.) It was extremely rare for an adept under grade 6 to have any proficiency in elemental laws. The difference between an elemental adept who has some attainment in laws and one who doesn't is like the heaven and Earth. Even the smallest attainment in laws will dramatically help you with every aspect of the element.

Kade jumped up in excitement and the kids giggled. They left the river and headed back towards the town. In front of Jenny's house, a mob of villagers are yelling and questioning her.

"Where is the stranger, get him out!"

"The bandits said to hand him off before they come, or they'll raze our village to the ground!"

Jenny who looked unreasonably calm saw Kade coming over and smirked. "You foolish swine. There comes the man your asking about, but he isn't to be trifled with."

"And why is that." A villager mocked.

"Because he could destroy us all with a flick of his hand. This man is an adept you backwater scum. He is a master of this world, and will be your demise if you dare to incur his wrath."

The bewildered villagers look at kade doubtingly. "You are adept."

Although Jenny dramatically exaggerated his status and power in this world, Kade thought he should still show the villagers his strength. He forms a water wave and propels it toward a tree., shards of wood fly as the tree is blown to pieces. 'It seems the laws of water have increased the damage of my water wave.' Kade thought, containing his excitement.

The villagers look in awe at Kade, some even begin to prostate and beg for mercy. An elderly villager walks toward Kade and bows.

"I am village leader Myo. I have seen the terrifying power of adepts back in my youth when I was a courier for one. You only seem to be an apprentice, but you are powerful enough to destroy this whole village without breaking a sweat." The elderly suddenly bows down to his knees. "I beg you to help this lowly village. The bandits have sent a letter this morning, telling us to hold a person by the name of Kade. They said if you aren't here when they arrive they will raze this village to the ground. Please stay Master Kade or our village will be destroyed and our families massacred." he said with glistening tears in his eyes.

"Get up, all of you," Kade said without emotion. "I will stay and protect the village."

The village explodes with cries of joy and relief. Kade shook his head, the only reason he stayed is because his heart would way heavy if the villagers were massacred because of him. He had just attained the water exoskeleton so he was confident in his abilities, and he needs more combat experience to battle the powerful stone giants.

Suddenly war cries and a stampede of hoofs interrupt the villager's cheering. A band of 30-40 men on horseback race over to the village.

"Where is Kade." The bandit leader roared.

The entire village subconsciously stepped back leaving Kade to face the savage bandits alone.

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