
Supremacy of the Beast King

A genius scientist failed to control his experiment on space tunneling and was killed by his creation. But was given a second chance in another world inside a young boy with the same name. Is this coincidence or what? But when he found out that he was poisoned to death by his father. he knew this world is not simple as it is. Giving a second chance, he would make those people who kill him pay and try to fulfill his last life creation. But wait, there is one clause-- no, two clauses. He can't speak and-- manaless. Yet, they made one mistake? *Ding [Mental fortitude improves.] [The first test passed] [Reward: Beast Taming Inheritance] [Initiating the second test] ***** Read my other book. Ascension of the Supreme Tech King

_Evergreen · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs

Contracted Beast

A group of people was groaning on the ground, sweat dripping from their bodies. None of them could lift their hands. Their mouth was wide open, gasping for air. A young man with a swollen face and blood dripping down the corner of his lips, shivering, wriggling on the floors in blood and sweats. His eyes were fixed in one direction. On a young man standing on a podium.

"This will be the end of today's training." Al Casendra wrote on the board.

He looked at the people on the ground for a moment without an expression on his face. Al Casendra shook his head slightly and left the training ground. 'There is still a lot of work for them to reach the level of a soldier in my previous life.'

'It's time for me to complete the Matrix.' He thought and walked faster.

"Hey, you must be the stupid young man that questioned his highness yesterday, right?" a voice asked suddenly...

All attention turned to the face of the young man with a swollen face. The young man avoided the numerous gaze and cracked his knuckle. When the crowd saw this, they busted into laughter, forgetting all their fatigue.

"You should be happy you're alive. I expected to see your corpse. But I guess this is just a warning." A female said in disdain.

The young man with swollen face turned his head and looked at the female. He wanted to retort but he couldn't come up with something reasonable. He sighed and shook his head.

"You should appreciate the grace his highness showered on us. Don't misuse it because of your ignorance and pride. You wouldn't know how you died." A thin young man beside him whispered.

"Let him continue, he won't know how he dies, a rank 3 novice mage, and you think you can say anything you like to his highness. Idiot." The female ridiculed once again.

"That's enough. He has learned from his mistake. I believe he won't repeat the same mistake." A middle-aged man shouted. "Let's focus on our next training. What do you think it would be?"

"We won't know. Because the way his highness thinks defers from us." Another middle age responded calmly.

At the back of the castle stood a gigantic mountain. On the lower part of the mountain was a strong metallic door. In a small, room with many beasts. A young man was drawing something on a monster's skin. His face was devoid of any emotion and his gaze fixed on his work.

'I have tried many times. Is my conjuncture wrong?' He raised his brow lightly. He shook his head. 'I'm not wrong. My calculation may not be perfect enough or the God's Matrix is missing something.'

After working for a couple of hours, Al Casendra looked at the beast scroll and scrutinized it for any obvious error. 'I don't detect any error.' He twisted his lips.

'Let's try it. Now, I don't need God's breath to tame a beast if this works.'

At once, he sat on the ground and put the beast scroll in front of him. Since he was the creator of the skills. He knew it by heart. He close his eyes and began to chant some words. Also, his hands began to move in a strange pattern. However, it was in accordance with the matrix drawn on the beast scroll.

The temperature in the room dropped and a frost of ice gathered around Al Casendra. Suddenly, a matrix appeared in the thin air, following his hand's moment. After a couple of seconds, Al Casendra stopped chanting and moved his hand.

At the corner of the room was a peak rank one eagle. He sent Sir John and some powerful hunter to hunt the eagle. It took them three days to capture the eagle, with some sustaining deep injuries.

Al Casendra turned his head abruptly to the eagle and pointed his finger at the eagle. Immediately, the flowing matrix in the air moved swiftly toward the eagle. The eagle opened its cyan eyes and stared at the incoming matrix. It struggled against the chain. Its instinct was telling it to escape. However, the chain was too powerful.

The Matrix entered into the eagle's head and it shook vehemently. Also, Al Casendra trembled. But when he opened his eyes and stared at the eagle. His deep blue eyes emitted a strong powerful aura, spreading throughout the room. At once, the eagle stopped struggling and cowered in fear.

A light smile appeared on Al Casendra's face. 'Finally, I succeeded.' He stood from the floor and dusted the sand from his clothes. He looked at the back of his palm, a matrix appeared at the center in the shape of an eagle.

'Good! If not for my Soul Beast. I wouldn't have been able to subdue the eagle quite easily.' He thought and massaged his temple. 'If I have a mana cultivation technique. My level would skyrocket. Perhaps, I would have been a beginner mage by now.' He sighed but the slight smile didn't disappear from his face.

'Be at peace. I won't mistreat you.' He said in his mind, staring at the eagle eyes.

The eagle relaxed his wings and looked at Al Casendra intently. Al Casendra chuckled and loosen the chains on the eagle. The eagle squeaked. It was half the height of Al Casendra. He reached over and patted the eagle on the head. The eagle tilted its head and stared at Al Casendra.

'What a funny beast.'

Al Casendra walked to a small box and bring out a beast core. He looked at the eagle and threw the beast core to the eagle. At once, the eagle open its mouth and swallowed the core. It looked at Al Casendra for a moment and approached him.

'You want more. Hmm?' He picked another core and threw it.

Al Casendra steps out of the mountain with the eagle. The eagle cried and spread its wings and flew into the sky happily. It circulated in the sky above Al Casendra's head.