
Superstars of Tomorrow

"Every time background music plays in my head, I feel like there is nothing to be afraid of." —Fang Zhao Toward the end of the apocalyptic period, Fang Zhao lost his life. However, instead of dying, he found himself 500 years later in the body of a young and aspiring composer who shared the same name. Having received a second chance at life, Fang Zhao sets out to achieve the previous owner's dreams. Armed with the experience of living through an apocalyptic age and his profession as a composer before that period, Fang Zhao uses his talent, wits, and knowledge to make his mark in the entertainment industry of the future.

Lazy Cliché · ไซไฟ
507 Chs


นักแปล: Atlas Studios บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

While Fang Zhao was on Planet Yin, there had been no shortage of topics regarding him on the Internet. Discussions over the Poseidonsaur fossil exhibit still continued, even if the excitement had died down somewhat. Various museums and collectors wanted to find Fang Zhao for a collaboration but were unable to find any trace of him. This time, even Nanfeng had become uncontactable.

When Nanfeng finally returned online, he received an explosion of messages. There was no way he could go through all of them.

Nanfeng was highly motivated to begin this work and promised Fang Zhao he would finish all his tasks.

As long as his performance was good, he would once again receive another salary raise!

Aside from the Poseidonsaur fossil exhibit, another hotly discussed topic online was regarding Fang Zhao's music.

A singer who purchased Fang Zhao's graduation concert copyrights had released a revised version of this song.