

Two Childhood sweethearts Stella & Sebastian were in love with each other from their childhood but due to some misunderstanding no one confessed to each other and their family forced them to marriage and still they were living as strangers after her graduation Stella started working for his company and they slowly started to understand each other... But destiny decided some thing else for them and they get separated by an accident Read my novel to read further and how they united in the end If you like it after reading just comment in the comment section and yeah throw some stones too THANK YOU...

ARU · สมัยใหม่
390 Chs

You Have To Take Revenge On Me...

You Have To Take Revenge On Me...

Asher had known the situation from the very start as the surgery took more than 12 hours and it almost exhausted most of the surgeons…

The bullet was at such a place that one move and he would die at any moment… No one was ready to take the risk as Sebastian was not someone who could be taken lightly… Even though some were ready, they were still afraid to go through it… When the time was running, Jane had entered the scene and told them that she was ready to take the risk if there was even a 0.1% possibility of him surviving...

She had been crying since then. Asher wanted to go to her and comfort her as his heart was aching but then again he was the culprit of all these things so he had sent Rachael to her and he himself was guarding Stella 24/7

"Who...Who is not able to survive? My… My husband? He… He had promised me that in this life he would never leave him no matter what… Do you get that… DO YOU GET THAT?"