
Superstar's Secret Love.

A superstar who secretly fall's in love at first sight with a simple yet elegant doctor who doesn't believe in love, about whom he doesn't know anything. He had never ever thought that he will be able to meet her again or could confess his love for him but as it says that we don't know what destiny had planned for us. Destiny make's them meet again and they were just tied with eachother by the beautiful thread of engagement, but they again get's seperated just because of their siblings. What will happen when they will confess their feelings to eachother..?? What will happen when the past will return in a horrible way..?? "TRUE LOVE IS NOT HOW YOU FORGIVE, BUT HOW YOU FORGET, NOT WHAT YOU SEE BUT WHAT YOU FEEL, NOT HOW YOU LISTEN BUT HOW YOU UNDERSTAND, AND NOT HOW YOU LET GO BUT HOW YOU HOLD ON."

Nish_Verma · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Mehendi messed up.

"Wait a minute... before executing the plan, had anyone told this to Vaishu diii...??" Sid asks them while they all nodded in no as he continues speaking. "So firstly search diii and tell her everything or else she'll not spare us..."

They all agreed to him and start searching for Vaishu and when she meet, they tell her their plan and at first she was hesitating a bit but after sometime she agreed.

"You guys execute the plan and then tell me afterwards whatever happens, because I can't help you all now but Sid, Avu, all the very best..." Vaishu says.

"Don't worry sis just relax and go and apply mehendi and enjoy your wedding... we'll handle everything here..." Anu says while assuring her. Vaishu noda and then she leaves.

"So let's go and search ashi firstly..." Anu says.

"No need of searching her... see she's coming here only..." Riyaz says while looking towards ashi who was coming in their direction.

They all looked in that direction where Riyaz was pointing.

"Ohh god... not again please, again she'll spoil my mood..." Sid says irritatedly while making face.

"Bhaiya... keep patience, cool down..." Anu says while calming him when Riyaz speaks. "Aaj tak wahi toh rakha hai..."

"Now are we all planning to stand here only... let's go outside where the program is going on... Bhaiya, diii you guys execute the plan while we'll make sure that no one come here..." Anu said while others agrees.

"Yeah and we are roaming here only from high time... we hadn't gone outside..." Riyaz says.

"Riyaz, Anu, Veer, make sure that no one gets any kinda doubt upon us... " Sid says while others nods.

(Note-: mehendi ceremony was taking place in lawn and they all were standing in corridor)

Then they all leaves and now only Sid and Avu were standing there and as their plan when they came in ashi's sight, Sid pulls avneet in the room and close the door in a way that ashi can see them.

"What are you doing Sid... s.. someone will see us..." Avu says while stammering and then she tries to make a move when Sid pulls her closer that now Sid's hands were on Avu's bare waist sending shivers down her body while her hands were holding his shoulders and they both were looking in each others eyes.

"So let people see what's mine, I don't have any problem..." Sid says while looking in her eyes sounding so realistic while Avu gets confused from inside as his every word sounds so true and real.

"Sidd... someone will come..." She says while acting like trying to come out from his grip.

"Don't worry... no one will come here..." Sid says.

" Sid..." Avu tries to say something when Sid interrupts in between by keeping his finger on her lips to make her silent.

"Shhh... By the way you know what sweetheart... today you're looking so beautiful that I think I will fall for you again... " Sid says while removing his finger slowly from her lips.

"Ohh really...??" She asks him.

"Hmm... By the way, you had not told me that how I'm looking today...??" Sid asks her.

" Why should I tell you, By the way I 'm angry with you and I'm not going to talk to you..." She says while pulling herself out from his grip.

"Why...?? What I had done...??" Sid asks her innocently.

"How innocent na Sid?? What you had done..?? Like Seriously you don't know what you had done??" Avu asks him while raising her eyebrows.

"Tell na what I have done??" Sid asks her.

"Really... you don't know anything, right so let me tell you... Who the hell was talking with that witch...??" Avu asks while trying to sound jealous.

"That I was not talking, she was talking to me... you know na baby that how much clingy she's..." Sid says trying to explain her.

"Yeah, but she was trying to get close to you na..." Avu said.

"Baby whatever she want to do let her do, doesn't matter. She can't separate us and even she don't know about our relationship and you know I'm always yours only..." Sid says while holding her hand. He don't know why but this time he too feels that it wasn't an act. Every single word which he had said was true while Avu was also lost in her thoughts after listening him.

"One more thing, she can't do anything... so just forget about her and now only about us...okay...??" Sid says while holding her close.

Then they pass a smile and were closing the distance between them when they hear a voice of something get broken and they separate themselves and sees a vase broken and see ashi going from their fuming in anger and seeing her like that they both laugh and hi-fi each other.

"Seems like it was too much..." Avu say's while looking towards ashi's disappearing figure.

"Nope... I don't think so...but I guess that anushka's plan is working... " Sid say's.

"Yeah... I don't know from where all this plan's came in her mind... " Avu says.

" True... by the way, no one can think that an innocent girl like Anu can think such plans... now let's go out..." Sid says while Avu nods.


"Bro, avneet what had happened to this lizard...?? Why she was looking so angry..?? " Riyaz asks them with a frown.

" Yeah and when I had stop her, she had not stopped and went away...." Anu tells them.

" And why she's glaring you continuosly...??" Veer asks Sid while looking at ashi whose eye's were only on Sid.

" Relax guy's... you all will get your answers..." Sid says while ignoring ashi's glare.

" Leave answers and tell us what had happened in room...??" Riyaz asks curiously while other except sidneet (Siddharth and Avneet) agrees and then Sid tells everything to them and they all burst out in laughter. And after sometime anu says,

"Thank god that our plan is getting success and it's fun also... now we had to continue this plan further like this only...."

" Yeah but we had to be more careful from now onwards... " Riyaz says while other nods.

" Yeah and we shouldn't drop any chance... Sid bhaiya, Avu diii you guy's try to stay as much as close with eachother as you can till the time ashi is present here so that she doesn't get some sort of doubt upon us..." Anu says while sidneet hummed.

"Diii now let's go, mom and vibha (Sid's mom) aunty is calling us to apply henna on our hands... they were asking about you so I had said that I'll bring you... let's go..." Anu says while dragging Avu hurriedly.

"Okay but slow down..." Avu says as she holds her lehenga from one hand.

"No slow down or else I'll get scolded a lot by mom..." Anu says and then they both leaves from there.


"Can you please write Siddharth's name in my henna..." Ashi says to the henna artist.

" Okay... but before that I had to finish their henna and then I'll apply on your hands..." The henna artist who was applying henna to another woman says to Ashi.

"Okay..." Ashi says and then she smirks evily.


"Excuse me... can you please do my one work, can you please write Riyaz in that girl's mehendi (henna) who is standing there in green lehenga..." Riyaz says to the henna artist while pointing where Avu was standing with Anu.

"Sure..." The henna artist says with a smile.

"Thank you and one more thing please don't tell about this to anyone..." Riyaz request her while the henna artist nods making him grin.


"Miss... can you please write 'Riyaz' in my henna..." Anu says to the same mehendi wali (Henna artist) to whom Riyaz and Ashi had tell to write names in henna.

"Yeah offcourse..." The henna artist says while smiling as she thought that riyaz had pointed towards Anu as she was also wearing green lehenga.

All were applying mehendi on their hands when ashi tells Sid to come near her but Sid ignores her and goes near Avu which increases the anger inside ashi while they all winks at each other as their plan was working.

(But somewhat they too don't know that what else can happen with their plan).