
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
93 Chs

The End of A Season

The doors to my office opened as I was putting on my armor for the oncoming battle against Indra and the rest of his forces.

Ezekiel walked into the room with his head bowed low and his sword hanging on his waist, his calm and focused demeanor was a refreshing sight to see than the chaotic attitude of the angels, due to the pending fight between Michael and Lucifer.

"Permission to speak freely sir? I nodded as I turned around. "I do not understand why are we involving ourselves in matters of the pagans when the final battle between Michael and the Accuser is upon us. Ezekiel stared at me as he waited for my answer to the question that all of the Seraphim had been asking themselves.

"Because Ezekiel, the usage of a relic from the Elder gods is a much bigger concern than the apocalypse. I have seen how the world has ended several times, many of them by a similar relic to Indra. That thing is nothing but a poison to the preservation of the universe and the natural order." I showed Ezekiel one of my memories of a man using one of the relics, and completely destroying his universe and erasing himself in the process.

"What's the importance of those relics anyway? It's powerful since it destroyed an entire universe." Vincent was pacing around the room as I looked at him.

"It's difficult to explain to a human the capabilities of the relics, but those subjected to the relics' glow are promised all that they desire. It only asks for one thing in return: complete and total obedience. It is temptation incarnate." I thought back to all the people who became slaves to the relic's power and lost everything.

"The relics give vast amounts of power to those who wield it. It operates like the Apples of Eden, from the Assassin's Creed games." Showing Vincent an analogy to help him better understand.

"But Eden has locked out the world from its gates a long time ago, how can anyone steal an apple from its gardens? Ezekiel stared at me in utter confusion, due to him not getting the reference.

"But that doesn't explain you searching for any leads on the location of the relics, it feels like all of this is personal for you." I had an expression of regret on my face as I sat in my chair.

"Yes, I do believe that I have some personal feelings for this matter since I had a hand in the creation of the relics and their power."

"Wait, didn't you say that the relics were the creation of the Elder gods? I grimaced as I tried to think of how to best explain this to him.

"My reasons are not important for the task, what's important is that we stop Indra before he becomes powerful enough to accomplish his goal." I sent the coordinates of a temple in Jerusalem to Ezekiel, Peter, John, and Adam.

I appeared in front of the temple wall just as the four angels appeared in front of me. They all looked ready for a fight.

"Listen! What I am about to show you and everything that you will see is for your eyes only, the others will learn of this location when the time is right. If the information about this place is compromised, I have already made contingency plans ranging from erasing the location from your minds to brutally killing the four of you in such a way that God, Death, Lucifer, Heaven, and Hell will weep in absolute terror." I looked at my four most trusted angels and observed their expressions as if they were going to be the secret keepers to the location of something that not even God knew.

"You have no reason to doubt our loyalty commander, The four of us are yours to use as weapons and extentions of your will since the moment we met you." Ezekiel drew his sword and knelt in reverence, as the others nodded and followed Zeke's lead.

I nodded and began to draw some Enochian sigils and runes on the wall, the runes glowed for a second and then a red door with my symbol manifested as I opened the door.

The squad walked into the door portal and we were greeted with a long corridor of bookshelves, the place had the smell of dry paper and ink as the group looked in amazement at the books.

This library was the full manifestation of the Great Library of Alexandria, when the physical manifestation of the library was destroyed in 642 CE, I sealed the library from Earth and allowed it to continue its duty of documenting all of human history.

The library's function was to document every single memory and action of humans since Adam and Eve in the form of books. It also was a storehouse of every personal weapon, artifact, Hand of God, and Holy relic I owned/was in charge of.

"Lord, this place is a vault of absolute knowledge and artifacts! Surely we can touch the pages of such a valuable resource? Peter grabbed a book from one of the shelves and waited for my answer.

"You may read the books in this library, but I advise against any thought of stealing or not returning any of the books. Because you will be heavily punished by the archivists." I pointed to the cloaked guardians of the Library who were watching our every move.

I walked past the endless mazes of bookshelves entered a secret room to the door of my vault and turned to the group for confirmation.

"This is it. Once you enter this vault, you are bound by oath to secrecy for all of its possessions and secrets." The entire group nodded as I opened the vault door and stepped inside.

The interior of the vault was massive, with various sacred treasures kept in cases. The Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, my crown of thorns and nails, and the spear of Longinus.

The spear of Longinus was kept in a golden box made of sheet metal and metal bars, both the interior and exterior of the box were covered with ancient warding sigils.

I placed a drop of my blood on one of the sigils, the others had to back away and cover their eyes as the spear flew to my hand.

The spear was one of my most powerful weapons, I would say that it was equal if not stronger than the Lance of Michael. The spear was so holy that any being of darkness would feel extreme pain by simply looking at it, it also had the power to rewrite reality, make any believer go insane, fire energy blasts, and cancel out the abilities of the Elder god's relics.

After I got the spear, we teleported to one of Shiva's temples in India, the rest of the seraphs and the gods were already there.

We formulated a plan and entered the portal inside the temple, where Indra's army was waiting outside for us.

"How nice and sensible Indra must be, to send us a welcoming party to greet us. The aura they have is much different and stronger than last time." The monkey King laughed as Kali gave him an irritated look.

"It's due to the power of the relic, the person wielding it has the power to enhance the abilities of whomever they choose." I could feel the influence of the relic within all of them.

"That doesn't matter, Shiva and I will face Indra, while you guys handle the rest of the gods." Kali and Shiva started to move forward but I stopped them.

"Be careful, I suggest that you use your true forms if you wish to have a chance of taking the relic from him." They nodded and disappeared as I led the charge against Indra's forces.

Both armies met in the middle and began to clash, as a mass of bodies and blood spilled to the ground as the gods killed each other.

Susanoo destroyed a group of gods as the two of us faced each other with the urge to kill, as we ran together with our weapons raised.

"I have been waiting for this day Isaiel! Only one of us can come out of this alive, and I intend to mount your head on my wall." Our weapons clashed as the aura from my spear gave Susanoo extreme pain.

We fought at speeds close to the speed of Light, many gods stopped fighting to look at our battle, as Susanoo was losing even with the power of the relic backing him.

"I refuse to be embarrassed like this! Susanoo eyes glowed as time slowed down to a crawl.

Susanoo sped up with lighting as I parried his strikes, I kicked him in the stomach and the tip of the spear became filled with mystical energy.

"Waqt!(time) I shouted as the spear glowed and time resumed normally, the spear also shot out an energy blast that destroyed Susanoo's armor.

Susanoo was sent flying from the blow until he smashed into a wall. Susanoo managed to dig himself out of the wall and jump at me with an electric-charged fist.

I blasted him away with the spear and began to fight hand-to-hand as I grabbed his neck, and threw him to the ground with the tip of the spear at his neck.

"Yield. You know that you have no chance at overpowering me, and without the support of Indra, you have no chance of surviving this war." Susanoo began to laugh as he looked at me as if I was stupid.

"I refuse! I have already failed my people and my pantheon with this war. The most dishonorable thing I could do now is surrender, I don't care if I die, but I care about the safety of my pantheon." I gave him an incredulous look as I gestured to the battlefield.

"You care about the safety of your pantheon yet you side with a power-hungry megalomaniac, who will most likely enslave or destroy you all after he accomplishes his goal."

"You think you are so special, don't you? Susanoo sneered. You can't even hope to comprehend our struggles, watching your divinity weaken by the day, your most trusted believers leave you completely, why do you think I fought you so pathetically? It is because our pantheon's divinity is running out. Why do you think Amaterasu is not here!? Susanoo screamed as I scanned the battlefield. 

He was right, many gods were fighting alongside us in this war, yet Amaterasu was nowhere to be found. Even the Monkey King and many other Chinese gods were present in this fight. 

"you probably think I joined Indra simply because I hate you because of that night, right? No, I did it because Indra told us that once he got rid of heaven, he would restore our divinity. But that was a mistake, he lied to us and now he's corrupted by that relic's power." I read his mind to see if he was telling the truth.

"I'm letting you live Susanoo, but try something like this again, and the last thing that you will see is my light burning you alive." I got off him and sent him back to Japan, so that they could deal with him.

I teleported to Indra's location, and watched as he was in a 2-v-1 situation against Shiva and Kali, who were in their true forms.

The relic was in Indra's hand as he created clones of himself, and sent them at the two Gods of destruction, who destroyed them easily.

I went invisible and charged at Indra with my spear, Indra somehow sensed my presence and dodged out of the way.

"Isaiel! It's such a pleasure to face-off again, let me deal with these two and then the gods can see my victory over heaven." Indra looked insane as he was being consumed by the power of the relic.

Indra raised his hand and the entire space changed to a coliseum, and fired an energy b last at Kali who was knocked unconscious from the blow.

I charged the spear with my grace and threw it at Indra, Shiva wasn't idle as he teleported behind Indra and used his power of destruction on his arm.

Indra howled in pain as his arm was disintegrated, the spear reappeared in my hands as Indra grew back his arm and teleported away.

"You and Shiva are the same, cows driven by the herdsmen's whip. I serve the old ways! That relic gave me an army with a thousand sons, each one greater than the last. What are you without heaven, Isaiel? I am a God! YOU ALL WILL BOW TO ME!!

Shiva was violently thrown across the room, as Indra tried to sneak up on me. I stabbed him in the heart and used the ground to hold him.

"What am I? I am the one who knocks!! I grabbed his head as I severed his connection to his domains and to the relic, leaving him completely human.

"What have you done!? You think you done something by taking away my powers, I am still the god Indra." Indra struggled to break free of his restraints, not looking at me as I began to rewrite reality.

"Are you sure that your name is Indra?

"What are you talking about? My name is Indra, I am the god of-wait, what was I the god of again? No, my name is █████, █████, █████. I-I don't remember, why can't I remember it? █████ looked at me with fear and confusion as his face paled.

"Terrifying isn't it? This is what all you gods fear, losing your name, the source of your power as a god. Killing you would be a mercy, so I simply rewrote all of reality to erase your name from existence." The man stared at me with anger, fear, and finally confusion as he looked at Shiva and me with a blank expression.

"Who are you guys? And why am I in a cave? And can somebody please tell me my name? I reassured the man, before giving him the name Ezra, and teleporting him to a homeless shelter.

"What do we do with the relic, even though Indra is defeated, any one of his supporters could easily use it for their own gain." Shiva questioned as I picked up the relic.

"I have a secure place to store it, you can deal with the aftermath of Indra's defeat. I'll be busy with my own family business for a while." I felt Michael and Lucifer's grace dissappear from Earth as they fell into the cage, and the gossip in heaven on who is going to be the new leader of the host.

Sorry for the late chapter, I was handing some personal matters in my life. hope you all enjoy the story.

Nonstop_Hamilton85creators' thoughts