A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)
Disclaimer: this chapter is not to offend anyone's religion and such I just invision this is what happened in sodam and Gomorrah.
I went back to heaven to our Father's Throne room I stopped on the way to talk to Metatron, previously the prophet Enoch, then turned into a seraph after becoming God's scribe.
We had a short of teacher and mentor relationship, as I told him everything humanity learned and progressed in my trips to Earth.
He was busy working as a secretary for Father in the sectoral division, alongside the other angels in that division who worked for other seraphs and archangels.
"Brother Isaiel, you came back it's been a while," Metatron said with his wings becoming lighter as a sign of his happiness.
"Yes it has Metatron, how are you? Are you adjusting well in heaven? I said happy to see the scribe.
"I am fine Brother, I was just returning from the archives in the library it is full of incredible knowledge." And I'm adjusting quite well as Raziel, taught me how to use my seraph abilities."
"But how about you Brother? Did you come to speak with Father in the Throne room? Said Metatron opening a scroll.
"Yes I am Metatron, I am going to report the progress of Abraham and the future of Father's special people."
He nodded closed his scroll and said that he was Free and and to go on his way as a way to not make Father wait.
I walked in the door of Father's Throne room, and I used my wings to cover my eyes and face.
And then I flew directly to my Father's face and reported my mission and the desperate plea from Abraham, to have a child with Sarah to be the Father of many nations.
He understood the problems that Abraham was facing and told me that in the next year, I, him, and Michael would speak to Abraham to relieve him of his doubts.
I agreed and I left the Throne room and went to Seth's heaven because I knew that Able would be there with his Brother.
When I got there Seth was chatting with his wife In a beautiful meadow. "Do you know where Able is? "I'm looking for him," I asked Seth.
"He is back at the house he seemed downcast when we spoke with him." Said Seth.
I went to the house and I saw Able, he was outside the wooden house, staring at the memory that was playing out where Seth, was enjoying supper with Adam and Eve.
"She should be here in heaven, not that mother of abominations, in her body it is not fair." Able raged.
"I understand your anger Able, and I know you want to be reunited with your mother, all of heaven is tracking The Mother Of All, for any trace of her if she is on Earth, she will be found," I promised Able
"I should have come earlier and stopped her from taking control of her body." Able lamented.
It is not your fault nothing could be done she had your Father, surrounded by Hellhounds and she had Leviathans, they would have killed you."
" You will have a chance to get your mother back when we find her," I said encouraging him.
"He smiled at me and I could tell he was grateful for my words and encouragement."
One year came and Micheal, me, and Father went to Earth and walked to Cannan to meet with Abraham. My vessel was a Faithful boy who believed in my Father and longed for a purpose, even if he was a temporary vessel.
Abraham went out to meet us and Father told him: "Abraham, your wife Sarah will have a son."
then Sarah said in a low mutter inside the tent. "As old as I am, and Abraham even older, could I have pleasure again? Laughing.
I looked at her and said: Why does Sarah laugh when god says that she will have a child?
"I didn't laugh," said Sarah.
You did indeed laugh. you don't believe. I insisted
Is anything too hard for God? I asked.
I will come again when the time is right for you to conceive, and you will have a child. I told Sarah truthfully.
My Father looked at Abraham and told him:" I am tired of the growing sin of Sodam and Gomorrah, I will destroy every soul in both cities: men, women, and children."
"But my nephew Lot and his Family live there! Protested Abraham.
"It would not be like God to destroy the righteous with the wicked." Said Abraham
What if they are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you spare the city to save the righteous?
"I know that the judge of all men will do what is right." Said Abraham.
"If I find fifty righteous then I will spare the city." Said Father
"I am just dirt, not worthy to speak to God." But what if there are only forty -five righteous In the city? Will you destroy the city for lack of five?
"If there would be forty-five I will not destroy it." Said God
"What if there are only forty found? Questioned Abraham.
I will not destroy it if there are forty righteous in the city.
At this point Michael, was becoming tired of this human questioning his Father and his eyes light up in an attempt to smite him.
"Don't be angry with me." What if there are thirty? Questioned Abraham again.
"I will not destroy it for thirty." Said God
"What if there are twenty? Abraham questioned again.
"I will not destroy the wicked city if there are twenty righteous souls in it." God said impatiently at this point.
As we were leaving to go to Sodam and Gomorrah, Abraham spoke this last time:
"this is the last time I will ask you what if there are only ten righteous? Will you destroy the city?
"No, If I can find ten righteous souls I will not destroy the city." Said Father
"If you can't find ten righteous can you warn my nephew Lot, and his family? Said Abraham
"Yes we will visit them tonight." I said leaving
/Castiel pov/
I saw nothing but Sin and corruption in this city called Sodam and Gomorrah, it is a filth that would make even the worst demons in hell shocked at such debauchery.
The Garrison was sent on a mission to scout and destroy any of the monsters that Eve, created to destroy the Earth.
I was finishing up the monsters in my sections when I saw a family of humans, they were not like the evil and wicked people of this city.
They were faithful and righteous people. However, we were given strict orders to not interfere with the people of this city and to kill the monsters and let no human escape.
"But they were innocent and righteous." I thought and I realized that I was showing emotions.
Emotions were things that could lead an angel to disobey our Father's orders. But as I saw the small child face, he was so afraid I realized that it shouldn't be a problem to save the righteous.
So I appeared to them and teleaported the family near the border to Cannan, just as the family was approaching the border, six angels surrounded us.
"Castiel, you know the orders to not interfere with the people of this city. You have disobey direct orders, and we are here to bring you back to heaven.
I sled my angel blade to my hands to defend myself and cover the humans escape. When two of my brothers grabbed my arms, and another angel started to chant a spell to expel me from my vessel.
Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco!
Omnipotentis Dei potestatem invoco!
Ab orbe Terra,
Hunc Angelus omne obsequendum!
Domine expuet,
Domine expuet,
UT Deum ad empyreum remittat!
Domine expuet,
The last thing I saw as I was ripped out of my vessel was the remaining three angels butchering the family.
/Isaiel pov/
Both me and Michael were entering the city at night and we walked by lot's house.
"This is perverted, worse than I thought." Said Michael completely disgusted at the sight of the humans.
"Now I see why we are going to destroy everyone, even the children and animals." I said looking at the pitch black souls of the humans.
As we where at the location of lot's house he saw us and told us: "Hey, you strangers, you can't say in the street at night, IT isn't safe."
Lot, invited us into his house and the men came to try and have there way with us.
"Lot, send those men out so we can sleep with them! Said one of the men outside the house.
"Go away; you can't do this evil deed." Said Lot.
Who does he think he is, so high and mighty?
Said another one of the men.
We will break the door down and do worse to you, you foreigner. Said another
Yeah, we don't want your Daughters ; we want the beautiful men!
I opened the door and shot a beam of bright light, through my palm and made the entire group that was essmbled blind.
"You must leave the city tonight. Warn whom you will. God is righteous and will no longer tolerate this sin." I said to Lot and his Family.
Tonight, heaven will smite this place and all it inhabitants. Everyone in Sodam and Gomorrah will die.
Just then Rachel and Anna teleported inside and they usherd the family out of the building.
As the family was leaving the house Michael, told them: God says you are not to look back at the city as it is destroyed.
I felt it the mass power of the combined grace, of every single angel in heaven gathered in the sky ready to smite the city.
And then It came down from heaven I had to teleport myself a mile away from the city to not get my vessel destroyed from the blast.
When it was over and all of the people and monsters in the city were erased. I saw a crystallized stone in the center of the city and picked it up.
It had the power to turn things into salt, even my vessel's hand was becoming salt just by touching it.
I then felt the energy of Eve,and I followed the plan that was set up for her capture. Me, Ezekiel, Tien, Ariel, and Charmeine.
All of us hold hands and we combined and channeled our grace to Eve's current location.
As Eve was surrounded by multiple angels and Michael, they were wait for the signal to attack, just then a bolt of lightning struck Eve and she was completely immobilized.
Able, charged straight at Eve, five vampires charged at him and he smited them with his hands but was thrown by the alpha vampire.
"Stop! Said Eve, I didn't come here to fight I know my presence has cause a disrupting of the natural order.
And I understand that i am here to surrender and be sent back on the condition that my children are not hunted and eradicated by you.
"Why should we listen to you? Said Michael
"Because if you do not agree to my request I will turn every human on Earth my children." Said Eve.
"As if we care about these humans, if you turn them into your abominations then we will turn them back into humans." Said Michael ready to fight.
"We agree to the conditions." I said
:Brother, have you gone mad? Why would you allow this unholy scurge of the Earth to make her demands? Said Michael with a look of betrayal.
"Father has already discussed this and we have much important matter to attend then the constant fighting with the Mother of all."
Very well if you agree, you will leave my children in peace, and do not interfere unless humanity is in danger of being eradicated. Said Eve.
I then stuck up on her and placed my hand on her head. Bright light enveloped her face and her soul came out of her body.
I then separated Eve soul with the Mother of all soul and sent it up to heaven, while the soul of The mother of all went to purgatory.
I looked at the Alphas and I projected my large and superior wings in my vessel and said this: leave now and run and hide if any of you or your children break the oath I will eradicate all of your monster family.
They were scared and all of them left, and I went back to Cannan, to oversee Abraham and his family.