
Creation of the Colt

The year is 1835, and By Father it's been an interesting couple of millennium. It seems so slow compared to humans concept of liner time.

I understood why angels and primordial begins look at humans as dirt, I have seen countless empires rise and fall,as well the start of religions and its pagan gods.

It was simply so small in the grand scheme of things and when looked backed on it everything seem so petty, fights over trivial reasons, the need to conquer land and for power, or religion.

Even historical events that were celebrated in the modern world were either not completely correct or lost in translation in stories.

I saw the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the foundation of the United States, and the horrors of the trail of tears and the population transfer of the Native Americans.

I mostly followed what Father instructed me to do. I interacted with people rich and poor, I protected the prophets, and dealt with human-pagan relations.

I had teleported outside of a warehouse where the hunter Samuel colt, was busy fighting against five normal class demons.

I pushed opened the doors with my Telekinesis and I entered scaning the room.

When the demons looked behind them it was the last thing they saw as holy light burned their vessels. It was such a waste of my grace to deal with them.

When I looked back Samuel, he tried and pathetically stabbed me with a demon-killing knife.

I didn't even bother pulling out the knife as it didn't feel like anything, as if it didn't existed. Samuel, looked shocked as I wasn't a demon nor a human or else I would be dead.

"W-who, what are you? Your not human you must be a monster! Said Samuel as he prepared to hit me in the face.

With a mere thought I slammed him to the wall and pinned him down. I started slowly walking to him as I paralyzed his body.

"Y know, in situations like this a normal person would thank the person who saved him, and then wait for the person to introduce themselves." I said calmly

"We, seemed to have gotten on the wrong foot. My name is Isaiel, and I am a Angel of the Lord." I told him

"An angel? That doesn't exist What are you really? He said not believing me

I didn't even answer him as I simply projected my shadowy wings, that was so powerful that everything within 1km light up and the sun turned up 10 degrees higher.

When the light ended Samuel was looking at me with awe and reverence. "An angel! Oh God!" He exclaimed

I frowned at him, "I would ask if you would refrain from using my Father's name in vain. Samuel colt, I have come here to help you create something that will benefit all hunters." I said releasing him from my hold

"Something that will help hunters? What did you have in mind? Mr angel." He said his curiosity and interest peaked

"Isaiel, is fine and before we talk about this how about a change of scenery." I said as I teleported the both of us to Samuel's house.

Samuel looked aurond surprised at the fact we teleported from the warehouse to the house. "Umm, I apologize for the state of my home I didn't realize that I was having visitors." He looked at me afraid of my reaction.

I politely took a seat and I looked backed at him. "It is fine, I didn't need to talk to you here I just picked your house for your comfort." I said creating two cups of coffee on the table.

Samuel sat down and asked me about my plan to help hunters. "Well, it goes like this, for decades now hunters have been hunting supernatural threats like demons.

"But, what If hunters were able to deal with monsters and demons, not just with knifes but with guns that could kill even stronger beings."

"Because, this knife is just a useless piece of human scrap metal to us higher beings." I said as I pulled the knife out of my chest and slid it to Samuel.

Samuel was pondering the idea in his head and it was a good idea, how many hunters were killed by monsters because they fought in close quarters?

This plan would stop and minimize the threat of monsters aurond the world. A smile graced my lips as I knew he was on board.

"Say, I make this gun how are we going to make it so that it kills these so called higher-beings? He asked

I smiled and asked him to show me his most prized gun that he had. He went to his room and came out with a Colt Paterson cap and ball.

"This, is my family's prized heirloom given to me by my Father before he died by a monster attack." Samuel said sadly as if remembering the events

I put a comforting hand on his shoulder and took the gun and went back to table and pulled a glowing Meteorite out of my pocket.

"You wanted to know how we are going to craft this magical gun right? Well, with this rock." I showed him the Meteorite

This wasn't an ordinary Meteorite, this was a Meteorite that my Father put a piece of his power into it when he eradicated the Dinosaurs making this a type of Hand- of -God.

I grabbed two bowels and I quickly filed one bowl with holy oil and sage. And then I crushed the Meteorite into small bits.

I then put them in the other bowl, and tossed it in with the holy oil, and then used my powers to light it with holy fire.

I sticked my hands in the bowel, and started to melt the rock to make it able to mold it into the shape of a bullet.

When I used up all the bits I had created 13 super-charged bullets with the power of the Meteorite, but I knew that the bullets needed something to stabilize them or else they would explode the gun when fired.

So, I decided to use a combination of my blood and grace as a binding agent, I told Samuel to close his eyes, as I grab a bowl touching it and filling it up with my blood.

Then, I manifested a angel blade and made an incision at my throat and let a few drops of my grace flow into the bowl of blood and dipped the bullets into the mixture.

I did this because the only thing that would balance a primordial element would be another primordial element, and the only beings that would have it were the archangels and Father.

However, I would be a great substitute due to me being the first Seraph and the last angel to have primordial grace within them by God.

When I was done, I told Samuel to open his eyes, and when he saw the glowing bullets he looked at them with reverence and happiness.

I then took the Colt that was on the table and began inspecting it.

I knew that those bullets were nothing but a one-shot chance, due to the fact that it would be completely hubris to think that some human made object would be able to contain the sheer power of my Father if only a piece.

I then began to inscribe my favorite line in the bible from my past life: "I will fear no evil." In Latin on the barrel and blessed it so that anyone wielding the gun would be in a calm and perfect state of mind.

"So, this is it." Said Samuel

"Yes, those thirteen bullets are all that could be made but do not worry I can make more. " I said

However, while that gun can kill anything there are five things those things can't kill. Pray that you don't meet any of the five as I am one of them." I said seriously as he looked at the bullets again

The five things that the colt can't kill are:

1) The archangels+me (can put us unconscious)

2) Primordial beings: such as Death, God, and the Darkness.

3) Leviathans [can only be killed by seraph weapons and bone of a righteous mortal.]

4) Mark of Cain users:, because of the Mark

5) The Horsemen: do I need to explain this?

I gave the gun back to Samuel and told him that I was leaving and that not to mention me in its creation.

He told me goodbye and wished to see me again and I told him "You will." I said mysteriously

Shout out to the YouTube channel Superfanatural for giving me inspiration for the history of the Colt.

check out his channel If you like supernatural content

Nonstop_Hamilton85creators' thoughts