God's very first creation was his daughter Eden. She was treated as a equal to himself and Amara but Amara grew jealous of God's love for Eden. God then made creation as a gift for Eden and created the Archangel's to protect Eden from Amara. Eden loved all of her brothers and sisters equally. Then God created earth for Eden to play with them. All was perfect until Lucifer had a son... and she met the Winchester's.
Chapter nine:
Jack Kline sat in the living room eating with the Winchester's. They were telling him about God his grandfather, and his father Lucifer. Eden promised to tell Jack all about their family whenever she came back. Then the Winchester's asked Jack what he could do. "I don't know... I'll ask. Hello Eden?" Said Jack Kline and Eden appeared out of thin air. "Hey Jack. What's up?" Replied Eden. "What can I do? Like what am I capable of?' Said Jack Kline. "Well, Jack, there's never been an archangel nephilim before. Michael and Raphael are... were prudes, and Gabriel might be a idiot but he's a smart idiot. Sorry. But un- as far as I can tell. You're about my level kiddo. So you can do just about anything... well almost everything." Replied Eden. Dean and Sam just stared at him as Jack realized that they were sitting in silence because they can't hear Eden.
"Oh sorry! Eden says that Michael and Raphael are pruned and Gabriel is a smart idiot so she doesn't know for sure. But Eden says that I'm on her level so I can do almost anything." Said Jack Kline. "Prudes, Jack, not pruned." Replied Eden. "Oh sorry. Michael and Raphael are prudes." Said Jack Kline.
"Wait Eden so he's as powerful as you? The queen of Heaven." Replied Dean Winchester. "Yep." Said Eden and their eyes grew wide in fear. "Don't freak out and please don't go all Winchester on my nephew." Replied Eden as they all sat around eating their cheeseburgers.
(Time skip.)
The prophet Donatello stopped by and he said that Jack Kline was powerful. He told the Winchester's that Jack's powers was nothing like Lucifer. Not dark. Not toxic. They then decided that Jack needed some protection so take took him to a tattoo parlor and it didn't end well...
Dean and Sam then started because Dean thought that Jack was evil like his father Lucifer. Jack couldn't take the fighting anymore so he teleported away and sat in a dark alley. Eden then appeared and sat with her legs crossed as she sat down next to him. "Hey, Jack. Wanna talk about it?" Said Eden. "Aunt Eden... Am I evil?" Replied Jack Kline.
"No Jack, you're not evil. You're dad, my brother, wasn't always like this. Something changed him, and it wasn't his fault. It was mine. My brother isn't evil Jack." Said Eden as her eyes had guilt. "Lucifer has done evil things, but deep down he's not evil. Jack, you will not be evil. Can I be honest? You're a lot like me a little too much like me. Listen Jack people will always love and hate and fear us. You know at one point my dad God even feared me. So did my aunt Amara. People will always get hurt... and will die because of us. My brothers are dead because of me. It's because of me that the apocalypse started. It's because of me that Amara tried to destroy the universe. As cliche, as it sounds, with great power, comes great responsibility. With great responsibility comes great pain, hardship, and loss. We are the royal family of creation. Yet most of the time we are the most powerless. And all we can do is keep fighting and use the power that we have to save as many lives as we can. We just have to fight the good fight and try to do what's right. We are both the destruction and salvation of everything that we touch. Does that make sense Jack?" Said Eden and Jack just nodded his head yes. Eden then pulled Jack into a tight hug and almost cradled him in her arms.
"Maybe I'm not worth all of this." Replied Jack Kline. "I think that you are. So did your mom, Castiel, Sam, and Dean. We're going to be okay, Jack... till the end of the line... I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Said Eden as she stroked Jack's hair.
(Time skip.)
Donatello and Jack was in the fields and he was telling Jack about his grandfather God, who wanted Jack to open up a portal. So Jack did. He said that Eden would be proud of Jack. Eden wasn't there though. So Jack was doing what the prophet said and opened up the gate way.
Then Sam and Dean's car came flying up behind them and they all jumped out along with Donatello the real Donatello. "Jack stop! That's not Donatello that's a demon!!!" Said Sam and Dean shot the demon. It's form then changed and he was wearing a white suit and had two scars on his face. The demon then started to choke Sam, Dean, and Donatello. "Jack they want to stop you! Contain you! I can give you the world." Said the demon and Jack what Eden said. People feared them. He could use the demon's fear and save his friends. "You're hurting my friends!" Replied Jack Kline and his eyes glowed gold. Fear then covered the demon's face like a mask. And he immediately disappeared.
Everyone was in danger because of Jack. But now because of him they were safe. Jack then understood what Eden was talking about. They were the destruction and salvation of everything that they touched.
That night Jack Kline was continually stabbing himself with a knife and Dean took the knife away from him. "What the hell? Don't be an idiot okay? A. This ain't going to do anything to you. B. What the hell?" Said Dean Winchester.
"Exactly! What the hell am I. I can't control whatever this is. I will hurt someone." Replied Jack Kline. "You know that my brother and Eden think that you can be saved... I don't believe that. If I'm right and it comes to killing you... I'll be the one to it." Said Dean Winchester before he left the room.
Maybe Dean Winchester was right. Maybe Jack Kline doesn't deserve to be saved. But Eden also may be right... Jack is the salvation of everything that he touched... and the destruction.