A man dies meets God and ask if he can be reborn with a kryptonian body in the marvel universe, only for God to play a cruel trick on him and reborn him into a cripple named Conner Kent...or so he thought.
and I'm sent crashing into another car,seriously this guy can pack a punch, Juggernaut looks at me on the ground and says "IM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH" "that is literally the only thing you said the entire FIGHT!" As I say that I get up and throw a punch straight at his chest that makes him fly backwards and he plants into a building "damn it I'm running out of energy" as I say that a man with a red cape,and blue an yellow suit with a S in the middle,he turns to me and says " I don't suppose you need help with that miss" as he points to the direction of Juggernaut who seems to be making his way out the rumble "uh your the guy who caught the plane so your pretty strong I guess...sure" "Great classic superhero team up now watch this" as Juggernaut starts running at us full speed, the man know as Superman widens his feet,hunch's his back, with his fist bawled up and...Squints his eyes? Juggernaut doesn't seem amused and smashes HIS FACE IN, sending Superman flying on impact through a bus "well so much for help 😑...now come on big and red ready for a second round" "IM THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH" "yea yea" I say as I spring into action.
(Conners pov)
Okay so this isn't how I imagine my first fight going,flying was fairly easy to learn but heat vision,and ice breath have been a pain in the ass I thought it would be cool if I use my heat vision to blast him away and maybe get some brownie points with She-hulk but instead I made myself look like an idiot...well laying in a pile of rumble won't help any better,as I say that I fly right back in action "hey you idiot that HURT!" I say as I fly into his chest with a double handed punch,using this momentum I send multiple hits to his helmet while we're in the air once were done he lays there with the chest part of his armor torn in half and his helmet cracked.She-Hulk catch's up with us as she sees the the beaten down Juggernaut on the ground I say "so"while looking around the mess we made in time square "do the police clean this up?" She looks at me and starts to giggle "no we have a clean up crew for that" "oh convenient" I respond "so I suppose I got to go" she looks at me and says "wait,your obviously powerful but you lack the training,the Avengers can give you that" I look at her and smile because obviously JOINING THE FUCKING AVENGERS IS AWESOME I mean I knew it'll happen sooner or later but still,She-hulks sees my smile and says "AS A TRAINEE not an official member" my smiles forms to a frown she giggles at the sight "well I guess" I mumble the last part much to her amusement "well that's great but I don't exactly know how to contact you" I start walking off and ready to blast I turn my head to side to meet her eyes and say "just yell Superman" As I blast off
Short Chapter I know! But I wanted this to serve as our MCs introduction to She-Hulk and by extension the Avengers.👍👍 Maybe double chapter tomorrow