
Superman's Saiyan brother

Twelve years ago, the first spaceship brought a superhuman son to the Kent family. Twelve years later, a second spaceship brought a Saiyan son to the Kent family. What kind of waves will the brotherly combination of Superman and Saiyan cause in this world? Ps1: The world background is a new and completely different comprehensive American comic world after the protagonists of the previous game merged with the universe. DC movie animation + some comics from Marvel movies + Jackie Chan’s adventures + some movies containing extraordinary powers. Some of the characters and abilities are designed I will definitely not follow the routine, and I will not follow the original plot flow. Instead, I will intercept the major events and rewrite it. The plot and characters will be affected by the butterfly effect of the comprehensive world. I will try my best to write a plot trend that you have never read Author : dreams and reality Translation work : don't own anything :

Deep_Singh_6455 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Chapter 1. Arrival of second spaceship in kent farm

In the vast chaos of the heavens, the flow of flowing timelines , one vast world in the vast chaos after another, may be expelled or hidden in the face of the flowing light, there's a universe shinning like a bright star , not timeline willing to flow along side him .

Until the luminous light passed through a universe of spring, a soft sound sounded, and then a leading force sucked the lightning into the Daquan universe. Between the stubbornness, there seemed to be a golden god dragon and a handsome man nodded with a smile.

" hmmm heavenly universe, Huang asked." 

"Dragon Ball Super Almighty Universe, Dragon God Sarama." Dragon God Sarama also greeted the change with a smile , and his body slowly disappeared with the flowing light.

"Dragon Ball Super? a crossing person? It also condensed some different racial abilities of the Dragon Ball world. Interesting, such variables are interesting! …"The central diversified universe group of the Daquan universe said slightly, "Well, the Saiyan spacecraft, so we should put it in this universe." hehehe interesting " a dark figure said 

Everyone nodded to his suggestion. 

On a clear night in 1992, among the Kent Farm in the Town of Simovl, Amere Kamas, the twelve-year-old boy Clark Kent sat on the ground and stared at the starry sky, and a hint of desire and confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Child, what are you thinking about? When you grow old, you can't sleep on time!" Jonathan Kent, who looked like the standard farm, sat next to Clark, with a gentle and bold smile.

"I always feel that the starry sky is talking to me as if I want to tell me why I was sent to this place …" The boy Clark seemed a bit literary, and he continued to stare at the starry sky and whispered.

"You will find the answer, Clark it may take a lifetime, but remember what I said, don't worry, and don't show your ability in front of outsiders. People will fear what they don't know unless they really do know everything about the unknown. So prepare for that time, you can be proud to stand in front of people to face everything! "Jonathan rubbed Clark's hair and said seriously.

"Today you saved Rana, you should feel the fear and anxiety of their hearts. I know that you can't watch them dying in front of you because you are a kind good boy, but …"

"But one day, I mean, if one day, when you have not thought about standing out and facing everything, even if I die in front of you, don't choose to save me!"

"Dad …" Clark's eyes flashed a trace of panic. He watched what Jonathan Clark wanted to say, but felt his throat blocked, but he opened his mouth for a while but couldn't send out his mouth but couldn't send out his mouth. Sound, and Jonathan also watched his son falling into memories.

I remember that one night in 1980, a spacecraft landed near Kent farm, and Jonathan and his wife Martha Kent found a baby in the spacecraft.

The couple who had no children felt that this was a gift from God, so they adopted the child and used Martha's original surname Clark as his name, so Clark Kent became a member of the family.

The Kette family originally thought that Clark was just an ordinary alien child, and was no different from the normal Earth people. After all, he did seem to be exactly the same as the Earth.

But when Clark suddenly awakened his ability when he was nine years old, countless voices drilled into Clark's ear. His eyes could see the human bones and internal organs. Such changes made him almost crazy …

Under Martha's persuasion, Clark has adapted to his ability. At least he will no longer be scared by his ability. At the same time, under the warning of Jonathan, Clark began to hide his abnormalities and was silent in school. It is often bullied by others.

During the day, when Clark and his classmates were driving through a bridge, the tire suddenly exploded and the vehicle was out of control. The school bus driver was subconsciously hitting the steering wheel to avoid the traveler.

Seeing the drowning school bus, the students lost their final oxygen. When they struggled weakly in the water, Clark still did not hold back, exposed his ability, pushed the school bus ashore from the water, and rescued the children who fell into the water …

The children's parents are fortunate to have some fear. They do not know what Clark did. This is the fear of the unknown. Even God's miracle cannot convince them to eliminate this fear from their child.

As Clark fell into confusion, Jonathan brought Clark to the basement, pointed at the spacecraft, told Clark's life history, and gave him the key to the suspected spacecraft …

How much impact and fear of these concepts bring?

And more horrible, after that, from various means from humans!

Therefore, Jonathan felt that even if someone died in front of Clark, even if the dead person was himself, Clark should not expose his ability to rescue each other.

"Dad? Dad! Dad !!!" When Jonathan was in memory, his ears sounded Clark's call. The sound was a little hesitant, and then it was incredible. Intersection

This is the excitement that Jonathan has never felt on Clark!

He looked at Clark a little blankly but saw Clark's fingers pointing in the direction of the night sky.

Jonathan looked at the direction of Clark's fingers subconsciously, and Jonathan felt that he returned to twelve years ago.

A meteorite fell -like fire came near the Kent farm, and then the sound of a slight impact. Martha also walked out of the house. Everything that happened in front of him made Martha also have a feeling of knowing each other.

"Dad! Mom! He shouted! It's a spacecraft! That's not a meteorite, it's a spacecraft! I can see it very clearly!" When Jonathan and Martha had not returned to their senses, Clark shouted loudly and then flew in the direction the spacecraft landed.

Jonathan and Martha were worried about Clark and hurriedly followed. Soon they saw Clark look at a ball-like aircraft. It seemed to have not found a way to turn on this aircraft for the time being.it's different from his spaceship.

With a "click!", The aircraft opened at this time, and the loud cry echoed around, just like the night twelve years ago, the same empty environment, the same bright crying sound, the alien, they did not know the origin of it, A baby cry made Jonathan and Martha's heart warm.

( ask to add to the library, to power stones )

{ translation -me 

Proofreader -Simran }