
Superman's Doomsday

{ how cool is the cover pic uhhhh rate it out of 10, it's Ai generated } Six years ago, the invaders from Apocalypse brought a cloud of despair. When the heroes fell and the whole world fell into desperation, the invaders withdrew without warning. The earth has survived the most difficult battle, but it has also paid a heavy price. Superheroes either died or escaped into darkness. People say that the age of heroes has passed and glory no longer exists. And six years later, when people look up at the stars, the deepest prayer in their hearts seems to have finally heard back. A new superman came to this end-of-life future Warning - as usual translation work Author - dead/lost stranger

Deep_Singh_6455 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 2 New Life

  Six years after the Battle of the End.

  Six years later, the aggression is still a scar that stays deep in the hearts of all mankind. Perhaps it will be difficult to wipe out time in another ten or twenty years. The post-war world established a federal government. Although the government did everything in its power to declare to the people how their fighters fought bravely on the battlefield, how the government did not give up hope, and finally ushered in this hard-won victory, but people who knew it All understand that this is nothing but a lie. They did not win at all. The truth is that the enemy's leader suddenly fell between the victories, and the invincible alien army withdrew from the earth.

  There seems to be an era of superheroes. In the early days of the advent of alien invaders, the Justice League, which has always represented the Earth's defense, disappeared. There are rumors that they had fought for the earth, but eventually fell, but most people who survived the disaster sneered at them. Lex Luther, the president of the Lex Group, stood out in person —— He is also the philanthropist —— who has contributed the most to post-disaster reconstruction work, pointing out that humans entrust their destiny to such a group of superpowers The approach of the author is very stupid, and humans should have seized their own destiny long ago.

  Luther's many speeches have made his concept deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The era of superheroes has passed, and a new era in human history will begin here. The remaining superheroes on earth also hid their tracks, turned into urban legends and rumors in the world, and continued their careers in the dark, but most of them did not show up in front of the public.

  " When we need it most, superheroes abandon us, so we must learn to be self-reliant. "If a reporter wrote after the war, it basically represented the mainstream of the times.

  And our " unfortunately " traversed the end of the world, and is now leisurely watching TV in the sunny living room.

  Jay Reynolds, —— at least his new hukou book is written at the age of eighteen, but in fact he does not know what name and age the identity after his crossing should be. At the end of the battle at the end of the day, when the orphanage adopted him and asked about the age of the name, he wrote one by himself. And that war created too many homeless orphans, so no one can verify the information he fabricated.

  He found an opportunity to test his superpowers and found that as he expected —— he had most of the superman's abilities. Thermal line of sight, frozen breathing, super power, super speed, flight capability, but the capability is relatively limited, which is significantly worse than the genuine version. He estimates that it is related to his age. He also quickly realized that he had traversed a parallel universe based on the DC comic world. He was no stranger to DC comics, but the world at hand was obviously not able to be paired with any of his known comic cosmos.

  He naturally doubted whether he would also be a Kryptonite like Superman. Unfortunately, he did not have any memory of this body's origin, and this suspicion could not be verified.

  He lived in the orphanage for less than six months and met his parents —— Reynolds and his surname in the household registration book was also changed to Reynolds after being adopted. Father Charles Reynolds is the editor of the well-known metropolitan newspaper " Planet Daily ", and mother Jane Reynolds is a nurse in a metropolitan hospital. Jay still remembers the scene of the day he was adopted, an office filled with warm, soft and sunshine. He was sitting on a wooden chair with back, and the Reynolds sat on the opposite sofa across a coffee table.

  What Jay was most impressed that day was that Mr. Reynolds was relieved of the dean's lighter. It's a revolver-shaped lighter. If you pull the trigger, the flame will eject from the gun. Mr. Reynolds pinched the lighter in his hand and played it. The expression looked like a big kid who discovered a new toy.

  " Focus point! "Mrs. Reynolds reminded with displeasure that " we are not here to buy you a lighter today. "

  Mr. Reynolds laughed a little bit embarrassedly, and he let go of the lighter in his hand.

  The two returned to Jay, and Mrs. Reynolds squeezed out as much a smile as possible, saying: " Relax, Jay, tell us more about your own business. "

  Jay scratched his head: " What kind? "

  " Like your hobbies, you must have your own hobbies, right? "

  " Um reading?I like to read all kinds of books. "Jay hung a smile on the sun that could almost be the standard answer, saying that " sometimes tried to write some articles of interest to him. I like to be clean and tidy, and it seems that there is nothing special about helping to repair the east. "

  Mrs. Reynolds smiled with great satisfaction, and it looked like she was looking at her favorite clothes when she visited the mall. She said: " is awesome, then I think you will like our family very much. If you want, we are very happy to be your adoptive parents. "

  " You can even have your own computer. "Mr. Reynolds said that he unknowingly played the lighter again.

  But without waiting for Jay to respond, Mrs. Reynolds angrily said to her husband: " Hey!We just renovated the house, and you forgot that we still have 20 years of mortgage to pay off? "

  Mr. Reynolds is wilted. In the face of the angry wife, there is obviously a lack of energy. He whispered: " but I think.A computer is just a big burden. "

  " Do you think?You never care about the monthly expenses at home, of course you take it for granted! "Mrs. Reynolds improved her tone, and Jay felt that if she did not consider the issue of the occasion, she might yell with Mr. Reynolds' ears, and he couldn't help but think of the funny scene.

  Jay spoke in a timely manner: " It doesn't matter, I don't need a computer for now. I think I only need one home now, nothing more. "

  This sentence clearly hit Mrs. Reynolds very accurately. She temporarily let Mr. Reynolds touch Jay's head with a love, saying: " Look, how sensible this child is. Rest assured, as long as you want, you will be a member of our family in the future, okay? "

  Jay " Well " said that he put a little head melon in a hard place, and I am glad that I don't have to endure living with a group of 10-year-old children.

  " That's really great! "Mrs. Reynolds said happily, stand up, " Then you quickly go to pack your things, we will go through the procedures, and then you can move into your new home! "

  When Mr. Reynolds stood up, he still loved the revolver. He finally took it and lit a cigarette before going out. Then he left it on the coffee table very reluctantly. " I also want to get such a lighter. "

  The hospital procedures were quite neatly handled, and Jay moved into his new home that afternoon. In retrospect, Mrs. Reynolds was really kind to him when she entered the house on the first day. She took out drinks and desserts and asked Jay to sit on the sofa in the living room and waited, and she instructed Mr. Reynolds to go for him. Organize the bedroom.

  And now, with the passage of time, he certainly has no such privileges.

  Mrs. Reynolds appeared in the living room wearing an apron and carrying a broom. She came violently, like a warrior ready to go to the battlefield. She shot like electricity, and robbed the newspaper in the hand of Mr. Reynolds with Erlang's leg on the sofa, and then turned off the TV skillfully and shouted: " All got up, don't sit here for a good time!Get up and clean! "

  Mr. Reynolds looked at Mrs. Reynolds who was full of energy and couldn't help but look at it: " is coming again?I remember we just wiped it out, just. "

  What is "?A week ago?"Mrs. Reynolds raised her eyebrows.

  " Only one week! "Mr. Reynolds received an encouraging look from Jay and took the courage to protest, "Which family does cleaning every week! "

  " Less verbose! "Mrs. Reynolds threw the broom on Mr. Reynolds indiscriminately. The latter mumbled with dissatisfaction, but stood up slowly and executed the order honestly, as if his courage had ended.

  Mrs. Reynolds threw the rag to Jay, saying: " Jay also came to help. Your own bedroom, study, and all the glass and cabinets on the balcony, I need them spotless. "

  Jay gave a gift, imitating the soldiers on TV and saying: "Yes, ma'am!"

  The three acted separately. Mrs. Reynolds washed the mop in the bathroom, and the sound of wowing water can be heard in all rooms. Mr. Reynolds kept complaining while holding a broom. Jay confirmed that neither the Reynolds had noticed themselves, and immediately stretched his super speed to sweep his wrapping area like a whirlwind, and after a few seconds, he sat in his own bedroom chair with a minor keynote. A new issue of magazine was read, and all the glass and cabinet doors were clean and a bit reflective.

  Maybe in a few minutes he could help Mr. Reynolds to do his job together.

  He just sat down for a while, and the phone in the living room sounded "buz ". He had to go back to the living room to pick up his mobile phone and slide open the screen, and found that it was a newsletter from a high school girl with him in Lois ——.

  " Hi, Jay, sorry to disturb, but I am going to have a party at home this weekend, and many friends from the club will come. I am curious if you are free? "

  Almost without thinking, Jay refused politely. At this time, Mr. Reynolds, who was moving away from the sofa to deal with the dust in the area, came out and asked: "Who?Classmates? "

  " Well a classmate, invite me to the party. "Jay said that his finger had quickly knocked the rejected information into the input box, " but I didn't go. "

  "Why?"Mr. Reynolds said, " I think you should try it.You almost never go to any classmate's party, then your high school life is incomplete! "

  " I am just not interested. "Jay shrugged, " no big deal. "

  Mr. Reynolds shook his head: " No. Listen to your old man, you have to go to participate at least once, otherwise you will regret it one day in the future. I remember your dad when I was young, I met a pretty good girl at the party, ha I still remember "

  " Unfortunately, she is not a mother, right? "Jay interrupted the road in an untimely manner.

  " Yeah. "Mr. Reynolds was like a deflated ball, " It's a pity. Alas, that is, I was too young and ignorant, otherwise if I had a good chance, I "

  What about "? "

  When Mrs. Reynolds' gloomy voice appeared behind her like a ghost, Mr. Reynolds' face changed suddenly and hurriedly changed his word: "Total.all in all!Group activities with classmates are a very important part of high school life!You must "

  " Alright, I know. "Jay couldn't cry, " Then I'll go. "