
Chapter One: Press Any Button

Author's Note:

I Got this idea from Dragon Ball: RPG Rebirth, by Klldarkness and Goku the Gamer, by Astroman1000. I really like gamer stories and love Kll's story as it continues, and love Astroman's although he hasn't updated it since April 2018. There was a slight problem with each for me though. I like Si's but i wanted to see Kll's character follow canon even slightly, and Astroman's? well, I find it's a fun adventure, but manipulative bulma turns me off a little. And so, I decided to write my own story, although it will probably be shit as this is only my second story ever written, and my first isn't even finished or on this site.

I think that's a good enough introduction to my thought process, Ikuze!

Human-like speech: "HEY YOU!

Human-like thought: 'Genius!'

Eternal Dragon, Monsters, other shit: "Aw, he thinks he's people"

Other Shit thoughts: 'Holy Shit! His power levels fucking huge!'

Gamer System Opening: [You have leveled up!]

Gamer System General: Allocate your status points.

Unknown Voice: "Hmm, your power is increasing, good."

I do not own The Gamer or Dragon ball Z, they are owned by Manhwa Comics and Akira Toriyama respectively. Only the idea to fuse them and my insert are my own, along with any OCs I think up for said story.

0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0

[You are dead]

... Well shit, guess I'm dead. What gave it away you ask? Maybe the BIG FUCKING SCREEN SAYING I'M DEAD! Like seriously, the fuck mate? One moment I'm sitting at home, drinking some pop and editing my VR software for game creation and next thing I know, I'm here, in a giant ass white space with big black bold words telling me my life is over. I had a lot going for me too, Minimal student loans because of my scholarships for Vincent University, A good flow of money from some small but good quality VR games, and I was just about done with a bigger game that I had put a good three years into. Sure, I didn't have a significant other, and my family wasn't living near enough for me to visit them, but it was a good life with a great future...

I... I... "I want some answers..." I whispered into the void.

"Answers huh? If you wanted them, just ask."

"Huh! Who's there!? Show yourself!" I shouted out. No one came forward and the voice did not speak again. I stayed where I was for a bit, before a thought came to me. 'Just ask.'

"Where am I?"

[The Eternal Void, Birthplace of of most Gamers]

... Oh shit, I'm a Gamer aren't I? Fuck, that's not gonna go over well with my health insurance. "I understand, What do I need to do?" I ask.

[Player recognized... Hikari Aki.]

[Loading Systems...]

[Loading Status...]

[Loading Explanations...]

[Loading guide...]

[Startup Completed, Initiating SI Protocol]

"Wait, SI Protocol? does that mean..."

[Please choose a world to be inserted into.]


One Piece


Dragon Ball


Kingdom Hearts


Massive Meetup

ohhh shit, I'm The Gamer, thats gonna bring me bad luck isn't it? At least I understand basic mechanics and skills from the comic. But That's a hard choice, normally I wouldn't be so indecisive, but I love all these options. Except RWBY, I never even watched that show. I do have a pretty good idea what the last two options are, fusion between two worlds or just mash all of them together. I think I'll just go with Dragon Ball, I practically know that series by heart. "I choose Dragon Ball!"

[World "Dragon Ball" chosen, please select a time of entry and character you wish to be.]


Dragon Ball(early)

Dragon Ball(mid)

Dragon Ball(late)

Dragon Ball Z(early)

Dragon Ball Z(mid)

Dragon Ball Z(late)

Dragon Ball Super(early)

Dragon Ball Super(mid)

Dragon Ball Super(late)




Gohan(Z-Super only)

Goten(Z-Super only)



Trunks-Kid(Z-Super only)

Bulla(Super only)



Piccolo(DB(Late) Z-Super only)







King Cold


Farmer With a Shotgun

... Holy Shit, thats a lot of options. Whatever, I already know what I'm gonna pick. "I pick Dragon Ball Early and play as Goku!"

[Terms Excepted]

[loading status]


True Name: Hikari Aki

Name: Undecided

Title: Gamer

Level: 1

Exp: (0/100)

Hp: (100/100)


Ki: (50/50)


Str: 0

Str (strength) is your general physical power in all aspect, it affects your damage output, Ki Reserves, and a minor effect on Health(Hp)

1 Str = 10 damage

Every 5 Str = 10 Hp, 10 ki

End: 0

End (Endurance) is your resistance to damage, your stamina, KiRegen (Ki Regeneration), and minor effect to Hp and Ki

5 End = 10 Hp, 10 ki

5 End = 1 KiRegen/min.

Dex: 0

Dex (Dexterity) is your overall speed and flexibility

1 Dex = 5 mph running speed

Vit: 0

Vit (Vitality) effects your health and Ki directly, but also decreases your aging rate(aging is not affected due to Saiyan biology covering this) and increasing your lifespan.

1 Vit = 10 Hp, 10 Ki

5 Vit = 1 HpRegen/min.

Every 5 Vit your maximum age goes up a year

Int: 0

Int (Intelligence) effects how fast you learn, processing speed

Wis: 0

Wis (Wisdom) effects how you use what you know, and how fast you act on it

Status Points: 30

The stats of an average person are between 4 and 6 with exceptional people able to make it to 10, this means that you could start off as super human in two stats or spread them out semi equally or fully equal. Please allocate your stats and choose a name before we continue.

Alright then, I already understand that trying to be superhuman in two or three stats is a really bad choice, and unequal distribution will make me weak in areas so I'm going with five points each, fully equal. The name though... I don't want to be named after Goku for this, too personal, I think I'll use Son but use my real first name.


True Name: Hikari Aki

Name: Son Hikari

Title: Gamer

Level: 1

Exp: (0/100)

Hp: (100/100)

Ki: (50/50)

Str: 5


Dex: 5

Vit: 5


Wis: 5

Status Points: 0


These are objectives you can complete for EXP, Zeni, and other rewards.

[Quest Completed]

Complete character creation

+10,000 Zeni

+100 Exp

[Level Up!]

Each Time you Level up you gain five Status Points to allocate and a Perk Point


These are special conditions you can gain buy using Perk Points, benefits are directly related to how much you spent to get them. Here, Take these 5 Perk Points and purchase the Perk in the menu, it will be very useful in your endeavors.

uhh, ok. "Perks?"

[Perk Menu]

Saiyan Brain Hot wiring

A saiyans brain is hot wired to be as violent as possible by the Frieza Forces in order to make it seem to the saiyans that its in their nature to kill. This makes the saiyans more willing to kill planets off for Frieza. This perk will remove that program form your brain, relieving yourself of the fight against false instincts.

Costs: 5 Perk Points


Oh... Oh shit, so this is how the game is going to make it easier to convert other saiyans to my side. I tapped the Buy button and a prompt came up asking if I am sure, hitting yes, I felt the will of the program leave my head. I didn't even know I was already fighting against it, and my thoughts seem clearer now.

[Begin the Game?]

you are informed on the basics of the game and are ready to begin.


Tapping the yes button, everything faded away and I lost consciousness.

0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0

[You have woken up in a soft cradle.]

Hp and ki restored to 100%, all negative status effects negated.

Oh shit, I'm on Planet Vegeta. this does not bold we- oh wait, it's Bardock.

He spoke with a gruff tone, "Power Level of One? Damnit, another Low-Class. Well, the least I can do is get my son off world before Frieza destroys us."

Wow, asshole, just because I'm weak now doesn't mean I will be later. Wait, is this going to be a Minus-like Storyline? That would be great, maybe i can pull Gine into the pod or something. He busted the door open and grabbed me softly, which was surprising to me, and started running down the corridor. He stopped and pick up two pods, one using his tail, and continued outside of the base and jumped for a bit before reaching a small house. That's when Gine walked out of the house.

"What is all this about?" she asked as she noticed the pods. Bardock just stared at her for a second before setting the pods down. He opened one and put me inside before turning to Gine.

"Frieza is coming to destroy the planet, he already had my team killed along with a couple other ones. He's coming here to finish the saiyans off easily since he called them all here. I want to send Hikari away" He said quickly before turning back to my pod. 'Oh hey, My name is set on Vegeta too, hopefully it stays the same on Earth.' He began to push buttons while Gine walked up to us.

"The second pod is for what then?" she asked before continuing immediately, "I'm not leaving if your not going."

"I knew you would say that, the other pod is for a distraction, I'm going to send it the other way with a relatively close course to Frieza's ship. I'm going to launch Hakari a little after I launch that one. Then I'm going to try to stop Frieza, I know I don't have much of a chance, but a little chance is more than none." He stated as he finished imputing routes on both pods. He looked to Gine and they both nodded.

"Be careful Hikari, grow in to a strong and capable man, find a wife, have a few kids, try everything at least once, and most importantly, please don't forget us my son." Gine started. "Fight well, and protect those close to you, Keep yourself safe, and try to find your brother. I am sure he will like to have a family after we are gone." Bardock Finished. Then he launched the distraction pod. I was starting to feel an actual connection to these two. I.. I don't want to leave them to die. I started to scream as I banged on the windshield.

Gine started to tear up and sighed, "I think he knows what we are doing Bardock."

Bardock nodded his head in agreement, "He is a smart one, I'll give him that. He knows we are sending him away and he doesn't want to leave us, but, I won't allow him to pay for our mistake of trusting that bastard Frieza." He walked towards the pod and tapped it, the engine started and the pod rose, I banged as hard as I could and started to cry. Then, I felt the calmness of what I suspect is Gamer's Mind kick in and stopped. Bardock nodded to me in a respectful manner while Gine waved goodbye, I'll most likely never see them again.

It was at least twenty minutes into the flight that the gas was let out and I was put into Hibernation for the trip to Earth. This is gonna be fun.