
Super Robot Wars: Rebirth of Gears

Takumi Nakamura, a college student with an unyielding love for mecha games and robotics, tragically finds himself thrust into the world of Super Robot Wars OG through an unfortunate transmigration. Awakening in the reality of a game he loved to play, Takumi realizes that he is now trapped in a government-operated program called "The School." This sinister facility is designed to mold humans into elite mecha pilots, using psychological and physical torture along with body modifications to push them to the absolute peak of piloting skills. At first disoriented and overwhelmed, Takumi quickly recognizes the impending war that awaits him in this familiar world. Knowing he must be prepared, he decides to bide his time and endure the brutal training while keeping a low profile. With only his intelligence and expertise in mecha technology at his disposal, Takumi must navigate the treacherous halls of The School and survive the relentless tests and trials meant to break his spirit. https://www.patreon.com/Nii07 https://discord.gg/zpZvf2d8fp I do not own Super Robot Wars or any of its characters

Nii07 · ไซไฟ
15 Chs

Chapter 12

Takumi's heart pounded in his chest as he listened to Dr. Koch's cold words. The room felt suffocating, and the weight of the situation pressed down on him like a vice. He knew that he had to stay composed, no matter how excruciating the pain or how dehumanizing the procedure was.

Summoning every ounce of inner strength, Takumi met Dr. Koch's gaze with a determined stare. "I'm ready," he replied, his voice steadier than he felt.

Dr. Koch nodded, seemingly satisfied with Takumi's response. Without further ado, he began the examination, his instruments and tools gleaming under the harsh lights of the room. Takumi's body tensed as the doctor's hands moved over him, probing and measuring, subjecting him to various tests.

As Dr. Koch continued his questioning, Takumi felt a growing sense of unease. The truth serum was having an effect, making him feel strangely open and vulnerable. He answered each question to the best of his ability, his mind racing to keep up with the doctor's inquiries. He could see Dr. Koch jotting down notes, analyzing his reactions, and assessing the effectiveness of the dosage.

As the examination progressed, Takumi's focus wavered. He could feel the effects of the serum taking hold, his thoughts becoming hazy and disjointed. He struggled to maintain his composure, his voice growing distant as he responded to Dr. Koch's questions.

Suddenly, Dr. Koch injected Takumi with another syringe, and a wave of dizziness washed over him. Takumi's breath caught in his throat, and his vision blurred as he felt a suffocating pressure on his chest. Panic surged through him, and he struggled to draw in a full breath.

"D-Doctor… what… did you...?" Takumi managed to stammer, his words slurred and barely coherent.

Dr. Koch's gaze remained cold and clinical as he continued writing notes, seemingly unfazed by Takumi's distress. "Relax, Alpha. This is simply another part of the examination process. We're measuring your physiological response to different substances."

Takumi's muscles tensed, and he fought against the growing sense of paralysis that threatened to consume him. His heart raced as he listened to Dr. Koch's explanation, a sinking feeling in his gut telling him that something was terribly wrong.

As Dr. Koch conversed with his assistant, Takumi strained to hear their words through the haze of his own thoughts. And then he heard it—a single phrase that sent a chill down his spine.

"Scorpion venom," the assistant muttered under his breath.

Takumi's eyes widened in horror as the truth hit him like a ton of bricks. He had been injected with a paralytic venom from a scorpion, and his body was beginning to betray him. Panic surged through him, his mind a whirlwind of fear and desperation.

"D-Doctor… please," Takumi managed to choke out, his voice barely audible. "You… have to… help me."

Dr. Koch's gaze flicked to Takumi, a twisted smile tugging at his lips. "Fear not, Alpha. This is simply another step in the process. We need to observe your reactions to different stimuli. It's all in the name of progress."

Takumi's consciousness drifted out, his fragmented thoughts blurring together. In the depths of his semi-conscious state, he felt a jolt of intense energy surge through his body. His eyes snapped open, his vision a dizzying swirl of colors and shapes.

His heart raced erratically in his chest, pounding against his ribs like a frenzied drum. The world around him seemed to spin, a disorienting whirlwind of sensations and sounds. He tried to take in his surroundings, to make sense of what was happening, but his mind felt muddled, his thoughts a chaotic mess.

The sight of the syringe protruding from his chest sent a surge of panic through Takumi. His breaths came in ragged gasps as he attempted to process the situation. Adrenaline surged through his veins, his body on high alert despite the lingering effects of the venom.

Takumi's muscles twitched and spasmed uncontrollably, a surge of energy coursing through him. He felt both hyperaware and disconnected, his senses overwhelmed by a whirlwind of stimuli. Every sound was magnified, every sensation amplified to an almost painful degree.

He struggled to move, his limbs feeling heavy and unresponsive. It was as if his body was trapped in a state of chaotic collision—crashing and hyperactive all at once. His chest felt constricted, the venom's paralysis still holding him captive even as adrenaline coursed through his veins.

Desperation clawed at Takumi as he fought to take a breath, his lungs burning for oxygen. His attempts to inhale were met with resistance, his body trapped in a cruel dance between the effects of the venom and the adrenaline that surged within him.

Takumi's vision swayed and wavered, his surroundings a blurred tableau of lights and shadows. He wanted to cry out, to call for help, but his voice failed him, reduced to a mere whisper amidst the chaos. Unable to cope any longer his eyes rolled back and he seemed to black out as foam could be seen on the side of his mouth.

"Hmm, what a disappointing display. Take him back to his cell. Let him rest for two day and begin training him to resist advanced interrogation tactics. I check back within a few weeks and I expect to see better numbers than these. You can receive help from the guards on this task." said Dr. Koch to his assistant as he walked away

The assistant called the two guards who brought Takumi here before. They had been waiting outside the room and when they entered the room one of them covered his mouth when they saw the mess that was Takumi.

"Unstrap him and return him to his room. He's in a fragile state currently so do please be careful or all our heads will roll." said the assistant

The two guards quickly moved to unstrap Takumi from the examination table, their movements careful and cautious. Takumi's limp body was hoisted up, his eyes closed and his breathing shallow. One of the guards exchanged a glance with the other, a mix of concern and unease evident in their eyes.

With careful precision, they lifted Takumi and began to carry him out of the room. The journey back to his cell was a slow and deliberate one, the guards moving cautiously to avoid exacerbating his condition. Along the way, they exchanged hushed whispers, their voices laden with a sense of trepidation.

As they reached Takumi's cell, the guards gently lowered him onto the bed, their expressions a mix of relief and worry. They stepped back, glancing at each other before turning to leave the room. One of them paused at the doorway, looking back at Takumi for a moment.

"Rest and heal up, kid. You'll need it," the guard muttered quietly before disappearing from sight.

For those wishing to read ahead, you're welcome to visit my Patreon where I release a few chapters ahead of time for free before uploading it here.

Nii07creators' thoughts