
Super harem in another world with my godly abilities( Rewriting )

Alan Mackerel. A talented 21 years old college student ,A genius who easily passed every national level exams with his talents.He was also good in sports and has won many gold medals in many sports events.Inshort he was a prodigy. As he was genius with high IQ he never had problems with his studies,so he never felt anything about academics hard to complete.Even though he could do many things easily that others couldn't, he never stopped working on himself and kept improving his skills without losing interest in anything. But as the time passed he felt that nothing interesting is happening in his daily life. He liked playing games and was also interested in anime,manga stuff.Yes he was also an otaku but not a nerd. He always liked fantasy stories where main characters get magical powers.But always gets disappointed at the dense characters. One normal night something interesting happened, . [MESSAGE:ACQUIRED OPPORTUNITY:TRAVEL ANOTHER WORLDS] . [MESSAGE:CREATE 3 ABILITIES OF CHOICE] . [MESSAGE:YOU BECOME A GOD] . he was suddenly given chance to explore different worlds. He was full of energy and excitement . Join his journey... how will our main protagonist [Alan]will survive in another world, challenging every difficulty. From conquering the world to conquering the beauties.Creating own different world to creating his super mega harem.From humans to elves,demoness to angels,from experiencing the food to experiencing the cultures. How will be his adventure and what will his future will hold. _____________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/hPxUv9tnGW

Omkar_M_7463 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs








Alan was unsuccessful in finding food because he was playing around with the monster. He looked disappointed in himself, he could have found food if he would have killed the monster and gone further searching for prey for food.

Alan asked Girls did you find food?

No master, we were looking for it but we heard a loud voice. First, we ignored it but later the voice didn't stop we were worried so we came to check. But it's good that you found food.

food? Alan looked confused.

We can cook this orc, Ariana said.

Eww, it's nasty looking.

[both girls looked at him]

master don't be a picky eater. It will taste good. we will cook it tasty.

Alan then started explaining. This orc looks carnivorous and carnivorous animal meat has many toxins also this animal is a humanoid. I just don't feel like eating it.

Yes master, it contains toxins but we can use our skill magic to remove it while it looks humanoid but it's just a monster and It will also taste like a slice of pork meat.

"I see so basically it is a pig in the humanoid form".

The sun is going down so we have to hurry up and find a safe place to stay tonight.

Yes master we will go search again.

No wait, we will go together.

but before that, we have to take orc meat with us.

Angelica drained its blood, Ariana sliced it properly and removed its toxins.

Okay now all that left is to cook it.

I will create a skill that will store the meat.

" I put meat in the storage and cast ice magic on it so it will not spoil".Ok now let's go.

Three of them started walking searching for good place to spend the night.

They came across a place with many caves.

What is this there are so many caves.It would be better if we don't go close to it.It would be quite a hassle if we encounter some monster again.

They ignored the caves and went further.

After covering some distance they found a huge hollow tree.they searched its surroundings and inside.

It looks nothing lives here.We can spend our night here.

Yes master, we will start our preparations for food.

Alan gave them the stored meat.

Ok sis let's cook it, said Ariana.

Alan created small stove with stones while Angelica collected dry sticks.

"If you ask me why we are not using cheat magic to do it , yes it's because its fun this way rather than making it easier.It gives feeling of camping.I always liked camping.Its fun when we camp with our friends and its becomes more interesting and enjoyable when you do it with your girlfriend.

Or your girlfriend's, (alan grinned).Well ,you understand don't you".

"The night sky was aglow with bright moonlights. The pale crescent moons shone like silvery claws in the night sky. We looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinitely spread glowy sky.Under which we lit campfire cooking the food we chat many things".

After our lunch, we went inside our hideout.

Girls requested that they will keep watch on surroundings both taking turns on midnight.

I created a protective barrier around the tree and asked them to rest in soul space.It was a tiring day.

" I lie down on the hay bed, while turning in for night, saying farewell to today awaiting for welcoming tomorrow".

"Goodnight, sweethearts" ...

While they were sleeping something came following while hiding itself and keeping some distance between them. Undisclosed to them,kept its eyes on them all night from faraway .

What was it?

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