
Chapter 440 Little Wine Emperor

Tian Xun and Lin Shen had not expected that they could dig up such sensational news.

Lin Shen was unaware of Little Wine Emperor's origins, so Tian Xun briefed him on Little Wine Emperor's achievements.

No one knows which race Little Wine Emperor came from; it remains a mystery to this day.

Even though he claimed the third spot on the race ranking, Little Wine Emperor never left his race's name on it.

Moreover, Little Wine Emperor's position as the third on the race ranking was not because his strength was only third best, but because his last opponent was the Phoenix Clan Empress, to whom he had once expressed admiration.

During that race ranking, the Phoenix Clan reached its peak and claimed the top spot on the list.

However, that was a very long time ago; although the Phoenix Clan no longer contends for first place today, they seldom fall out of the top ten.