
Chapter 336: Caught

The Female Night Ghost walked leisurely toward them, stopping just outside the blue light. Lin Shen and Wei Wufu were only a little more than a foot away from her, clearly able to see the evil smile on her face.

The Female Night Ghost's lips moved slightly, and a humming or singing sound floated out from between them.

Listening to this voice, Lin Shen grew even more suspicious that she had been the woman combing her hair in the neighboring stone house, but now the song sounded anything but pleasant.

Her expression made Lin Shen feel as if her song were a prayer of thanks before a meal, and that as soon as her singing ended, she would hungrily devour them as if they were steaks.

Lin Shen suddenly realized that when he had overheard the woman humming, it had probably been this Female Night Ghost luring him over.

The two people killed by the Night Ghost were likely dispatched in the same manner.