
super dharma: the legend is awakened

"Our heart shall not sleep Our sword shall not bend. our spear shall not break our soldiers shall not die in vain. I will fly with the wind.... I will sail with the sea... ......I will travel with the land.... ..........I will drink with the trees in the ocean of flowers..... .. ..I will enjoy the world but I shall not rest until I see the world..." During the year, 10001,in the southern prefecture, a war happened between all the top forces about who will rule the world, some strong forces started using illegal way to execute the lower forces. this bring out the history of the blood bath war also known as the power war which had become an unforgettable history for the younger generation of today. After the war, there is peace like the adage said"after the storm, there is rain" this is the exact definition for what happened in the southern prefecture Many years after the power war, the flowers start to bloom, the street start to bustle, many cities start to emerge and peace flow for many years, however despite all this happiness, sadness still live in people heart for their friends and families who had gone into extinction along with the power war. some people wanted to get their family lost glory back, they recreated the top forces and another war is going to emerge. it is during this time that a young boy is born with the tattoo of a name "Fei Lixuan" below his waist. the name Fei is the ruler of the world,a young man that can never be immitated,this young blood will end the Chaos of the world but he shall not rest until he see the world.

Kennys · ย้อนยุค
15 Chs


Fei han keep trying to feel Fei Lixuan mind.This way, he will be able to control his movement but as nature will have it, Fei Lixuan actually seal his mind.

This is bad,if he should battle Fei Lixuan head-on. Surely, he will be the one at lost because Fei Lixuan is a martial artist and also a five elements sorcerer, if he should get any closer. he is done for as a pure sorcerer.

With no other choice, he has to battle Fei Lixuan head-on.

Whizzing sounds could be heard as sharp spear which looks like that of the crow is formed in the thin air, every spear contain immense power. That sharpness that makes one feel that he's inferior to the spear.

Fei Lixuan gathered the spiritual Qi around him into his life spirit and with a full bloom. Vines emit from his body.

the wood element that Fei Lixuan learned some minutes ago in the challenge had broadened his understanding about the wood element and improve it's power greatly.

"Die" Fei han uttered as he move his hand forward swiftly. The spear charge towards Fei Lixuan with a great speed like that of a lightening.

Fei Lixuan also charge out as vines move in a given order, the movement may seems slow but it is extremely powerful, the vines move toward the incoming spear.

The vines were cut by the spells and move towards Fei Lixuan "wall of vines!!" Fei Lixuan shouted in hurry as the vines stood in a vertical line in front of him.

Golden light could be seen in between the vines, the spear could not break through the defense and end up falling down.

In the next moment, the vines that seems flexible and could be broken by hands turns rigid and thick.

they charge toward Fei han with a crazy speed, Fei han is left with no time to react,"shadowless veil" Fei han uttered at the last minute.

A mystical veil which seems to be colourless and shadowless appeared around him, the spectators couldn't see the veil but they could feel the force that block the vines.

A cracking sound could be heard,the veil break into pieces as the vines sweep forward cleaning everything in it's way.

Fei han is shocked and also scared, to avoid dying on the battle field,"I admit defeat" he quickly uttered with sweat that covered his face.

The young master of the Fei clan who is the third most strongest cultivator in the younger generation, a cultivator who is in Oceania plane lose to a cultivator three plane lower than him.

This is a great humiliation that can never be erased from his mind, he had never suffer a humiliation like this before.

"Fei Lixuan of the college won" one of the elder said and the spectators as well as the disciples of the college were stunned, Xiao wen and Me fang expression were extremely ugly as well as shocked.

Jiang liyue is even more shocked, she had thought that Fei Lixuan will lose against Fei han given that he is the third most strongest, guess she had to follow Fei Lixuan closely, she might gain something in her cultivation.

"it's nothing surprising given that he is a member of the legendary royal Fei family" the arhat said at one corner of the audience as he look at Fei Lixuan with disdain.

On the first day of meeting Fei Lixuan, he had a bad impression of him.

At the front of the battle field where high steps are located,at the top of the steps is the majestic place where the royalties were watching the battle.

"what do you think of that young guy called Fei Lixuan?" the emperor asked the empress." He is talented but I don't think he should be qualified enough"the empress said looking at the battle field.

" Yes, mother is right, he only beat the third most strongest, there is still Lao man and Qian"the second prince said looking unimpressed.

There were three children from the empress, two are males while the one left is a female.The latter is called chuan yuan and the first two sons are chuan Qi and chuan Yan.

the one who spoke just now is chuan Yan, the second prince, the concubine had just one kid which is male called Chuan Leng.

the name of the emperor is chuan laoming, he is generally known as emperor chuan, he is from the chuan family, chuan family is known for it's governance over the last years.

"then let's look forward to the other performance"emperor chuan said nodding at what his wife and son said.

After Fei Lixuan fought Fei han, many didn't dare to challenge him again given his current abilities.

After many countless fight which Fei Lixuan found useless and boring, he felt like entering the ground and go into a deep slumber but he couldn't.

As the rules said, participants are not allowed to leave until permitted to do so.At last, the fight ended and left on the battle field is 900 participants.

this is an extremely cruel elimination method but to the people, it is not cruel, instead it is justice, your fist determine your place.

"The universe is impartial so it treats everyone equally" Fei Lixuan murmured to himself as he look at the people who are eliminated, some are not bothered because they came to test how far they can go while some are really touched because their clans had high hopes for them.

if a disciple of a clan could be able to leave the city and achieve something great outside and experience how life is, it is a great honor to the clan, their disciples will brag about it forever.

"the cultivators are allowed to take some rest for the next two hours, after that we will move on to the next round" one of the elder said Loudly as he looks at the participants one last time before going back to the rest of the elders.

"who do you think is very eye catching today?" the elder asked looking at the plenty participants in front of him.

"Lao man, Qian,Li ming, shao wen" another elder replied, "what about Fei Lixuan?" he asked looking toward Fei Lixuan who is sitting crossed leg, closing his eyes and is deep in cultivation.

"Forgotten him already, he is also extraordinary talented given that he could train with the challenge and defeat the third most strongest cultivator"the elder replied.

" I wondered who the lucky three winners will be"the elder said with a smile," let's just look forward, there are many talents yet to unveil "another elder replied.