
Gold Nugget Buys a Fridge and Luke Delivers Things

บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Thinking about it, the shopkeeper realized that it made sense.

He was a shrewd businessman, but he wouldn't renege on a deal; that would be bad for his shop's reputation.

He led Luke and Selina to the back door and brought out a batch of Chile king crabs.

Luke pretended to examine them for a moment before he waved grandly. "Pack 'em up."

He had already determined with his Sharp Nose that the king crabs were fresh, or he wouldn't have spent so much on them.

Although he jokingly claimed that the shopkeeper was a bad man, the man's produce were all of a high quality, which was why he dared to sell them at such high prices.

After purchasing the seafood, Luke and Selina returned with Gold Nugget.

The seafood had to be put in a freezer or eaten when still fresh. Also, if they bought any more stuff, there would be no place to put it in the car.