
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

SuperAlchemist · กีฬา
160 Chs

Only 25.1 seconds left!


Gentry called for a timeout.

Last 1 minute and 44 seconds.

Rose first executed a "change of direction without slowing down" breakthrough layup, taking the lead by 1 point. Following that, with an "air feint pass," he assisted Korver in hitting a 3-pointer. He showcased his extraordinary talent to the extreme, not only leading the team to recover the score but also taking a lead of more than 4 points.

At the moment...

The Suns were left with only 1 second.

With a 4-point difference and only 1 second, the Suns felt immense pressure instantly. Coach Gentry had to call a timeout, instructing the entire team on tactics.

"'Change of direction without slowing down,' 'air feint pass'—these are not talents; they are simply impossible moves. Rose not only possesses exceptional talent but also has a 'big heart,' helping the team secure a 4-point lead in this life-and-death battle. It's impressive! The Bulls' ability to surpass the 'Big Three' of the Heat and reach the top of the Eastern Conference this year is no coincidence."

In the stands...

Parker sighed.


Ginobili nodded and said, "Rose has been amazing this year. Carlos missed that three-pointer under double coverage; it's unfortunate. However, we shouldn't expect too much from a rookie. He's already impressive to fight with Rose to this extent. Even if we lose, it's okay. Give him some more time to grow, and he might surpass Rose."

"That's right..."

Parker nodded in agreement.


At this moment, Duncan suddenly said, "Don't rush to conclusions. There's still 1 minute left; the game is not over yet. Anything can happen."

Though he didn't say much, Duncan had a mysterious belief in Carlos, the rookie. He felt that this highly talented center, with a unique offensive style, could dominate the game.

Wall, clenching his fist, had a triumphant smile on his face. "Lose, lose. That's the Bulls, that's Derrick, the 'Windy City Assassin' that even I can't beat. Carlos, you can't possibly win!"

On the court...

"Bee... Bee!"

Back from the timeout...

The last 1 second of the fierce battle began.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Curry dribbled and passed the ball to Carlos. He faced Luol Deng without hesitation, accelerating with the ball.

A step to the left, a breakthrough.


A quick stop and change of direction under the crotch, Luol Deng lost his balance, and Carlos, with giant strides, passed Luol and attacked the basket, racing against time to grab a two-pointer.


Boozer and Noah defended in the paint, four large hands waiting for Carlos!

Facing their defense, Carlos showed no fear, taking a step into the free-throw line.


Carlos caught the ball and soared high like King Kong, defeating four hands with both fists. Despite the double-team defense from Boozer and Noah, he dunked the basketball into the hoop.


The forceful and powerful dunk made the basket buzz.

"My goodness, facing a double-team, Carlos actually performs a thunderous dunk like a force of nature. This move... it's too amazing, too bold," exclaimed Mario.


Jose was also amazed, shouting, "Dominant! Carlos's style is too dominant, like a personal dunk of violent aesthetics. Not only telling the entire league that Carlos is an all-around offensive player but also telling the Bulls that winning in my home court won't be that easy!"

"That's right..."

Mario's expression also trembled. "With this dunk, Carlos has already scored 41 points tonight, with 44.3 seconds remaining. Trailing by only 2 points, the Suns have a real chance."

On the court...

Bulls' possession...

Rose pushed the ball, controlled the time, and then called for a teammate's screen. One-on-one against Curry, Rose relied on his physical talents.


Once again, he accelerated, leaving Curry behind, entering the paint. He maneuvered in the air, performing a dazzling fake before shooting, but the difficulty of this shot was exceptionally high.


No... a rebound?!

Surprisingly, it was Noah who grabbed the rebound, passed it to the perimeter, and Rose received the ball.

Only 25.1 seconds left!

George rushed to defend, needing to stop this play as quickly as possible.

Even though... he might not be able to!


Carlos also rushed up, double-teaming Rose with George, converging on him and forcing him to stop. However, Rose remained calm, protecting the ball, observing his surroundings with a cool gaze.

Two rookies weren't enough to make him panic.


Seeing Luol Deng coming out to support, Rose decisively passed the ball. However, he overlooked Curry, who was hiding behind them, out of sight.


Curry, who had been looking for an opportunity, suddenly intercepted, swatting the ball to the frontcourt and charging out.

"Oh no!"

Rose was surprised, turned around, and chased at full speed. When Curry got the ball, Rose also appeared in the frontcourt in time, but Curry showed no intention of backing down.


Full-speed charge...

Curry faced Rose's defense, penetrating into the paint. However... just as he and Rose entered the free-throw line area, he gently tossed the ball into the air above his head.

Carlos, rushing up from behind, jumped in advance, soaring like a flying eagle.

This was understanding!

In the next instant...


Carlos stretched his long arm, grabbed the ball with one hand, and slammed it into the basket!

"Wow! An alley-oop dunk completed between Curry and Carlos, a crucial LOGO attack at a key moment!"

"Great shot!"

"The Suns have tied the score!"

Home fans roared in excitement.

"Bee... Bee!"

Tom Thibodeau called for a timeout.

There were only 13.8 seconds left.


In the stands, Parker shook his head and exclaimed, "One moment the Bulls were leading by more than 4 points, the next moment, it's tied. This game is really thrilling!"


Ginobili smiled, "The Suns' resilience has exceeded my imagination, especially Carlos. At the last moment, a dunk over defenders and an alley-oop dunk with Curry. Scoring 4 points in a row to tie the game. This kind of 'big heart' is not something you'd expect from a rookie."


Duncan grinned, "I told you Carlos is more formidable than you think. Clearly a center, yet so agile and exceptionally talented. He's destined to be extraordinary!"


Parker nodded, "Carlos is playing very well, but the Bulls still have one more offensive opportunity. If we defend well, we can force overtime. If the defense fails, that last basket was a magnificent game-winning shot!"

"Bee... Bee!"

Amid the discussions.

Timeout ended...

Last 13.8 seconds!

The Bulls' offense played out.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

At the top of the arc, Rose had the ball, and it had to be Rose with the ball. The player directly defending him was... Carlos. However, at this moment, Rose wouldn't act recklessly.

Pressed the time to 8.3 seconds.


Luol Deng stepped forward to set a screen, Rose circumvented Carlos, dashed to the right arc, and was about to use a three-pointer to kill the game, with Curry coming up to block.


Only interference, absolutely no fouls.

However... with only 6.4 seconds left, Rose surprisingly made a fake motion, a feint, then accelerated, lightning-fast past Curry, and like the wind, he rushed towards the basket.


Faced with the double block from Frye and the chasing George, he shot after a super fake.



The basketball hit the backboard and went through the net.


Desperate cries echoed from the stands!

CanemCaelesti999,TheRace,ArthurCE10 3 power stones!

Davd_Catalyst 1 power stone!

Thank you!

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