
Sunshine (Naruto Fanfic)


Ashley_Walls · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

chapter 5

"Okay Naruto all three of us will be teaching you everything we know." Said Madara

I will also teach him and hand him the fox summon scroll

"Ok Kurama will also teach you is that ok?" Asked Tobirama as he looked at the young boy.

"Aye sensei's I will do my best to make all of you proud" He said as he bowed to them. Soon I will be able to protect all the people I care about. And I could also learn sealing to set you free Kurama

Hehe you will became a great ninja kit.

Thanks kurama. I want to go back to the village and show them that I can protect them all. Also can become the next hokage!


3 yrs past Naruto is now 9

You now would find Naruto in the training ground practicing his Mokuton (wood release).  Hes trying to incorporate it into the Rasengan


"Madara it's time to let him go back to the village"

Madara shook his head "I know it's just I wonder how he will do?"

"Well we will be inside him and we can see what hes doing. Haha and here to say you and Tobirama say I'm dumb" laugh Hashirama as he hit Madara on the shoulder

"Yes we are in him aren't we.."


"Naruto come over here" yelled Madara

"Hai sensei"

Madara looked at Naruto. He really liked the boy. Hard worker and hes stubborn.

"We will have to leave soon Naruto" said Hashirama while Madara was still in his thoughts. Naruto looked shocked at the news "wait you mean you wont be with me anymore?" He whispered

"Yes" answered Tobirama. Then Naruto started crying.

Seeing him cry hurt the three of them. Hashirama walked up to naruto and hugged him "hey Naruto just because we are not here so you can see us."

"Doesn't mean we aren't in your heart" finished Tobirama.

Kit you will miss them wont you?


Have you thought about sealing them in you? Like I am.

No.....but they wouldnt want to be just caged to me.

Maybe maybe not. It doesn't hurt yo ask. And plus they are extremely attached to you. So you have a good chance.

Ok I'll ask them

Good kit

"Sensei what about being sealed inside of me. I'm an Uzamaki and my chakra is large. It shouldnt be a problem..I mean if you want to be sealed inside of me"

Tobirama, Hashirama, and Madara.faced palmed. Why didnt we think of that.

"I would love to." Said Hashirama clearly happy that he didnt have to part with his grandson.

Naruto smiled and hugged his grandfather. "Madara....Tobirama sensei what about you to?"

Tobirama smiles "I would love to"

"Same kid" said Madara as he had a big stupid grin on his face.


"Tobirama went to tell Sarutobi right?" asked Madara

"Yes and he said he will wait for us at the hokage office." nodded Hashirama

"Then we better tell Naruto"


Mokuton: Rasengan

Yelled Naruto as he slammed it into a tree. Naruto saw the effects

Looks like I will have to add more chakra into it.

Yes, but have you thought of adding some wind into it?. Its sharp as a knife when you combine it into Mokuton: Rasengan it will add more pressure and make it more precise..

Naruto eyes widened I didnt think of it like that. Thanks Kurama

No problem kit. I think I'm gonna sleep now

Lazy fox

Yep and what you gonna do about it

Hehe you asked that? I will cha..no I will send you to meet hades and he can us-

"Naruto" yelled Madara

Naruto sprinted to Madara and Hashirama sensei.

"Naruto it's time to head back to the village and join the Academy" said Hashirama

Naruto got excited by hearing that "really!!" He started jumping up and down "I can now finally protect some people. I wonder what team will I be put in. Will I make any friends?" "Will-"

"Woh Naruto calm down" said Madara as he saw the boy excited state.

"Go and get your things packed meet us at the entrance of the forest" With that Hashirama and Madara disappears.

Hear that kurama? I'm heading back.

Yes I could hear you. I beat even the freaking dead can hear you and your loud mouth

Kurama naruto pouted

What? I'm telling the truth

After Naruto finished getting his things ready and sealed into the tattoo on his arm he headed towards the entrance.


"Naruto are you ready" asked Sarutobi as he stands outside the classroom door.

Naruto nods "Yes jiji I am"

Sarutobi nods "Be good. Make friends. Meet me in my office straight after okay?"


With that Sarutobi and Naruto walked in the room.

"Lord Hogake what do we owe the pleasure" asked the Instructor

Sarutobi answered "Iruka this here is Naruto" as he pushed Naruto forward.

"Nice to meet you" answered Naruto with his hand stretched out.

Iruka looked at Naruto then stretched out his hand to meet Narutos "Nice to meet you Naruto."

"Well I better leave. I can hear the damn paperwork piling up on my desk" And with that Sarutobi left.

"Class" said Iruka

"CLASS" shouted Iruka using big head no jutsu

The classroom became quiet.

Iruka looks at Naruto

"Introduce yourself to us Naruto"

Naruto turns and face the class "Nice to meet you all. My names Naruto Senju." With that the class was shocked they didnt know there was another Senju that existed besides Tsunade. "I have 3 more names added on the that (he gained the Uchiha name when Madara gave him the Sharingan through a forbidden scroll) But Naruto Senju is what I shall go by. I like this village and everyone in it even the ones that are evil, gardening, training. My dislikes is staying still, how long it takes to cook ramen, people who are just hurtful to everyone. I know you have a reason but goodness dont take it out on the innocent. My dream is to be Hokage to protect all the people in this village"

"Interesting dream you have Naruto" said Iruka as he walked up to Naruto. "Any questions?"

A kid in the back with a white dog on his shoulder raised his hand " I thought all Senjus except one were dead"

Naruto looked at him " Well it seems they aren't huh?"

"Ok Naruto sit in the empty seat by Ino Yamanaka. Ino raise your hand please"

A blonde girl wearing purple raised her Hand. Naruto headed to his seat and sat down and got ready to listen to  lesson.