
Sunshine (Naruto Fanfic)


Ashley_Walls · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

chapter 17

Erza POV

I was skipping to the guild. You maybe wondering Erza why are you skipping. Well today Naruto is suppose to be back from his mission. It's been boring around here without him even though he doesn't talk much his presence is what makes me happy.

I pushed open the guild doors just to see Natsu and Grey fighting again. 'Will they ever stop?' I rolled my eyes and walked up to the bar.

"Ah someone's happy." Commented Cana as she sat beside me. I nodded.

"Ah, Naruto is suppose to back right?" Questioned Cana as she looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. I nodded once again.

Cana then stares at me making me embarrassed. "Why are you staring?" I asked trying to keep my voice level.

"You like Naruto" she stated.

'Whhaa why in the world would she ask me that'

Keeping my cool I just shook my head "No, he's only an older brother to me and that's it"

"Uh huh" she said as she got up and walked away.

'What does she mean by that?' I wondered as I ordered me my cake.

"Here you go" I was then dragged out of my thoughts by the smell of the delicious mouthwatering cake.  I then wiped the drool that was coming out of my mouth and started feasting on it.

-- ??? ---

'Mmm. Someone's in my territory.' I slowly got up and walked to the entrance of my cave. Shifted into my other form that of a dragon with a pure black body adorned in light blue markings and the lower body, inner part of the body is all light grey.

And I took to the sky following the smell of the human that dared to enter my territory.

'Heh looks like I found him' I thought as i spotted a blonde boy with whisker like markings on his face. He looked to be at least nine years old.

I flew down right in front of him in Hope's I will scare him. Welp I was glad I didn't get my hopes up to high because I didnt even scare him.

'Such a brave human' i thought as I folded up my wings. 'Too bad he's gonna die' at that thought I started chucking evily. Fantasising  on how I'm gonna kill him.

--- Jellal POV ---

It's been weeks since I've last since Erza and the others. We gotten split up on that stormy night and I ended up alone in a foreign place.

--- Now with Sarutobi POV ---

'Naruto he has been on my mind for the longest-'

I was then cut off from my thoughts when inu came in to report that all the council members are waiting.

So I got up and started heading towards the room.

'Sigh. Kami watch over me'

I then slammed open and shut the door getting their attention.

"Sarutobi why did you call us here?" Askes councilwoman Haruno.

"Its almost midnight and yet you had your ANBU come into our compound just to call a meeting. Couldn't I have waited till tomorrow?" Asked Haishi

"Troublesome" muttered the Nara leader

  And with that all the other council people started complaining.

"SHUT THE HELL UP" I yelled as I slammed my fist upon the table.

It shocked them all to see me this angry.

I then sighed "who's the leader of this village?"

"You sir" answered the Aburame leader

I nodded "Now why do you people do things behind my back?"

That questioned confused them.

"Okay let me say why I called this meeting. I am canceling the civilian and ninja councils, Danzo you are hereby banished from Konoha for your acts against Naruto and his disappearance."


"Yes I can and I will. I'm the hokage your my people my children that i must take care of therefore you must listen to me for I'm the absolute ruler." I then looked at Danzo "As I said your banished. And all those who are within the 'Root' will be set free. But before you say I have no call to do this. I know you work with Orochimaru and every 'Project' he made you put within your 'Root' even though I have yet to figure out how you make them completely loyal to you."

"When I do they will be freed from your bounds" and with that I left the room not wanting to here more complaining.

"Inu" I called out

"Yes sir"

"Prepare the ToReKo team and send them to my office. They have some killing to do" And with that Inu left.

Naruto POV

'What the hell?' I thought as I saw a giant lizard fell from the sky. After a little bit of staring at the gigantic lizard it started making wierd noises "Is it choking?" I thought aloud getting a little more weirded out by the minute.

I just stared at it in confusion as I slowly turned around and started walking away very very slowly. When I walked away far enough I started running making sure to put enough distance between me and this..giant lizard.
