
Sunrise Kiss

Set in the 1600s, the crown Prince Athlai Stuart was arranged to be married to the eldest daughter of the Earl and Countess, he snuck aboard a ship to Thailand used for trading to get away. When he arrived, he met the country's own crown Prince. As time passed, the two princes grew a friendship and blossomed into something deeper.

MadTitan_2199 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter Two: The Prince and The Eldest

It was a cold, rainy night when Queen Vallia successfully gave birth to a handsome baby boy. Although the night was bitter and the storm brought an eerie atmosphere, the queen nonetheless, was filled with warmness and an overwhelming feeling of joy once she saw her son wrapped in a blanket by one of their servants.

"What should we name him my love?" King Chester, who was there with her throughout her labor asked in a whisper.

"Well, I'm gonna have to need some suggestions." The queen replied. "I'm too tired to come up with names."

The servants were hesitant to call out the numerous names they wanted to suggest, they were too shy to even open their mouths, for who are they but only servants.

The king noticed this and smiled as he said, "Well, you heard your queen. Let's hear your suggestions."

All of the faces of the servants present glimmered with joy as they all burst into excitement and filled the room with countless colorful names for the queen to choose from.

"How about Jacob? My queen that's a beautiful name!" One of the servants announced.

"Or Ethan!" Said the servant next to the previous one who spoke.

"I think Lance is a more suitable name for the prince." Proposed by one of the guards who joined in on the fun.

As more and more names are suggested, the king collectively calmed them down. He turns to his queen and saw her face in utter delight that it warmed his heart.

"All of you have wonderful suggestions, there are so many good names that it is quite hard for me to pick just one." Queen Vallia smiled.

"How about Athlai my queen? It is a peculiar name and not a lot of people have it but it is still as beautiful as its meaning." A young Vince Vallighton spoke.

Vince Vallighton is the only son of the royal family's head of security. Since he was a kid, he was already taught by his mother everything she knows in all of the years serving in the royal family. She knows that she is getting old as days pass by, so she trained her son at an early age to be the perfect successor of the title "Head of the royal family's security", something that Prince Athlai will soon experience.

"May I know the meaning of this name Vince?" The queen asks.

Vince was shocked that the queen gave an interest to his suggestion, he quickly recomposes himself and replied.

"It means "My hour or time" my queen."

The queen thought about it for a second, naming her son with a name like that seemed like something out of the ordinary especially a royalty like her. Normally, a queen would name her children, common names like John, or Philip but a peculiar name like Athlai would make him stand out from the rest, but would that be better for him?

"Prince Athlai Stuart. The next in line for the thrown." The queen smiles as she visualizes her future son and the future.

She visualizes her son's coronation day, and the kingdom under his rule. She even visualizes his son's wedding day and how beautiful would it be to see him at the altar as his bride slowly walks towards him.

Happy and contented with the name, she looks at her sleeping son and said, "I like that name for him. Remember that name. f

For that name shall be spoken all around the kingdoms and of the world."

"For I am his mother and I shall reach the stars to give him the best in life."

"All hail Prince Athlai!!" One of the servants cheered. The other servants joined in and erupted into joy as they celebrate the naming of their crown prince.


Days after the queen's rather direct way of asking for the return of her son, Prince Athlai arrived at the castle with a huge grin on his face. Oh, how he misses his home, from the friendly smiles of their royal servants and guards to their gardeners that aren't always there all the time but they still are friendly and respectful to the prince and the royal family, but the one thing he misses the most is his siblings.

As he was entering the castle, he stumbled upon his eldest sister, Princess Dalia, and his mother arguing. He silently watches as both women howl words at each other.

"This is so unfair! I don't want to be wed to that ugly son of the duke!" Screamed the princess, she tried to storm off but her mother grabbed her by her wrist and stopped her.

"Don't you dare walk away when I am talking to you, Dalia!" The queen hissed. "He's a good man with a bright future ahead, why can't you see that?"

"A good man? Are you bloody serious?!" The princess exclaims.

"Whenever he sees any women's chest, he stares and lingers like a creep! And let us not forget that he smells like cheese."

"Then what about his brother? Sure, he's a little bit older than you but he's a successful businessman." The queen tries it all to convince her daughter to wed but she brushes it off without batting an eye.

"I am at the age of maturity, Mum. You have to trust me, the year is not yet over. There is plenty of time to scout out men to wed." Princess Dalia reassured her mother.

Meanwhile, Athlai, who was listening in on their conversation has now decided that it is now a great time to announce his arrival now that his sister and mother calmed down a bit. Unfortunately for him, his sister spotted him before he could even open his mouth to talk!

"Oh great, Father's favorite is here. What joy." The princess said sarcastically.

"I'm home!" Prince Athali nonetheless announced his arrival and ran towards them and gave them a big warm hug.

"Welcome back! Oh, how I missed you, my son." Queen Vallia greeted his son and reciprocated her son's hug by hugging him back. "How long were you standing there?"

"Unfortunately, long enough to know that the meanest sister imaginable is still not married. What joy." Prince Athlai teased.

The princess raised an eyebrow and looked down at him, she knows that his brother was just teasing her yet her pride and ego could not stay still and brush off that little comment about her marital status.

"Well, well..." She started.

"Dear brother, I am quite delighted that you are solicitous about the welfare of my marital blues. It's touching, no really I am quite touched."

"Unfortunately, let us not speak grandly of me, but of you!" The princess continues.

Meanwhile, the queen was simply delighted to see their little quarrel that it reminded her of when they were kids. She couldn't help but recollect the memories of them as a child, bickering at each other and calling her name to hopefully pick a side for either one of them.

"You should have unraveled by now that once I am done with my season of courtship, you will be the next one to suffer while I will be with my husband sipping tea and will happily watch you fail to acquire a bride." The princess ended her, quite a paragraphic roast to her brother with a smirk as she looks up and down.

The prince was taken aback by her sister's comment, he had forgotten how sharp-tongued she was. With nothing else to say, not even a witty comeback to save his pride and ego, all he can say is "Mum?".

"Oh stop it, Dalia, your brother is gonna have numerous women chasing after him. Who doesn't want to marry my little adolescent baby." Queen Vallia pinched her son's cheeks and nozzled up her nose to his.

"Mum! Not helping! And I'm still twelve years old, technically not yet an adolescent." Athlai exclaimed as he glanced at his sister who was snickering at the sight of him.

"You, my brother, are gonna die a virgin."

"Enough of that nonsense Dalia." Their father suddenly appeared out of nowhere and approach them. He hugged Athlai to welcome him home and turned around and kiss his wife on the cheek.

"Why do you look so dapper, Father? Do you have errands to do yet again?" Princess Dalia asked.

The king smiled and said, "No darling, no errands this time. We're going to a party."

The two children both widened their eyes as the information sank in on them, they both slowly turned around to face their mother and when they saw her, she gave them an apologetic smile.

"Surprise my loves." Their mother hesitated, unsure of how they would react.

"You evil person! Is this your yet another ploy on introducing me to future suitors?!" The princess fumed.

"No darling that is not wha-"

But before she could finish talking, Dalia cut her off and said, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, MUM! How desperate are you?!"

The princess stormed off but this time the queen lets her go and did not try to stop her and reason with her. Queen Vallia then turned to his son and expected him to get angry at her as well based on his reaction earlier.

But to her surprise, his response was the total opposite of what she thought and was bracing for as he said, "I am quite tired from the travel but if it makes you happy Mother, I can attend the party. I might even convince Dalia to join as well with some sort of bargain."

The queen smiles and hugged his son tightly, incredibly thankful that she was gifted such a wonderful son.