
4. Chapter 4

The air in the upper L-Corp offices were heavy. Thick with some unseen tension, bubbling and boiling waiting for the right moment to burst. The low lights of Lena’s office banked most of the room in darkness, leaving the Luthor to sip slowly from the glass of amber whiskey.

Lena drowned her glass and kicked off her black heels, leaning back into the plush leather chair. Her hand reached for the bottle again, refilling her glass. She felt like she deserved it, now with Lillian in custody and Lena will damn make sure she never leaves her cell.

Victory was always intoxicating. It was in Lena’s blood, to achieve and win over their enemy, no matter who it was. It gave Lena a shiver of pleased desire to see the look on Lillian’s face when she realized she was beat at her own game.

Lena took another harsh sip from the glass, free hand moving up to untie her dark brown hair from the tight bun she wire.

There was more than just victory that burnt in her stomach. The reason why she lingered in her office and didn’t retire to her penthouse for the night. She was waiting for Kara to appear, Lena knew that the El wouldn’t resist the chance for another back and forth game.

Lena figured out quite quickly that Kara and Supergirl were one in the same, though still not as fast as Lena would’ve liked. The Kryptonian had a way of distracting Lena from her goals, it made a much more primal, desperate, need to rise up every time their eyes locked.

Lena thought she had the smoldering look down to a key but every time Kara marched in front of her with knee high red boots, crimson cloak flowing from her shoulders, those steel blue eyes darkened with such a look that it made the whole of Lena throb with need.

That familiar throbbing came back to her, clenching in her stomach for a tight moment. Her green eyes fluttered shut, lips hovering near the rim of her glass. She could already picture Kara standing before her, low husky voice whispering out each and every command.

She loved the difference between Kara, from reporter to Kryptonian, but Lena’s mind always lingered on the Kryptonian hertiage. To see what type of person was hidden in that suit. How it leaked out with how Kara would square her shoulders, chin angled the smallest bit up.

A single one of Lena’s eyes popped open at a familiar ‘thud’ from her balcony. The smirk twisted larger at each heavy step Kara took into the office. Lena drowned the rest of her glass and unbutton the first button on her blouse, allowing more the pale cleavage to spill out.  

Kara strolled in with what looked like purpose in each step. The long legs of her suit were tucked into the near knee high red boots. The suit hung like a second skin to her body, bringing out the layer of muscle that covered the blonde. Blonde curls flowed freely like a lioness’s mane down her from her head.

The Kryptonian rolled her shoulders, allowing the crimson cloak to drape perfectly from her back, there was a glint in those steel blue eyes, “Your Mother is officially sitting behind bars.”

The blonde’s pitch was deeper than usual. Husky, low, even a touch sultry. Kara came closer to the desk, tanned hands going to rest on hips.

Lena felt a blush begin to appear on her neck, slowly creeping up to her cheeks by the way Kara stared at her. With midnight blue eyes lingered on the patch of creamy pale skin on top of her cleavage.

The quick glasses of whiskey had left Lena feeling the buzz far quicker than usual. Paired with the way Kara was looking at her and the smell of victory in the air, Lena’s heart was racing. Pounding within the contents of her chest.

“Do you drink?” Lena motioned to the bottle, grabbing it to refill her own glass.

“Human drinks do little in getting me anywhere.” Kara tried to smile but it came out much more like a smirk.

Kara licked her lips when Lena bent forward the smallest bit, allowing another glance down her shirt. There was a voice deep inside of Kara’s head that told her she shouldn’t be looking at her best friend like this.

That coming here tonight was a very bad idea. Not with how every meeting between the two went. With how as each week went by, a desperate need for the other became too strong to resist.

It unlocked a bit of Kara that she barely understood herself. The Kryptonian need. The biology that she thought she could hide, that she was successful in keeping under lock and key. Those lessons that her Mother had taught her decades ago came roaring back. Kara was the premiere of the House of El.

But no one, no matter how powerful they were, could stop biological cues.

Kara took another step forward closer to the desk. The slowly growing outline of her cock made the lower half of her suit too tight. Usually it would be at this point that Kara made her exit.

Instead, tonight, Kara stayed in her spot, drawing closer to Lena and the desk, driven by some unseen force.

Lena’s eyes dropped down from Kara’s face, running along the long outline of the blonde’s body. She took a harsh sip from the glass, “We make a good team. Lillian had no idea.”

As Kara drew closer, the faint smell of vanilla assaulted her senses. Coming from the pale warm body sitting in front of her. Kara took a deep inhale, masking it as taking a breath. The smell spread through her body, untightening that grip deep within ever more.

Kara finally reached the edge of the desk. Moving without thinking, Kara reached for the bottle of whiskey and the other empty glass. Unscrewing the lid, she poured herself three fingers worth.

Being this close to Kara made Lena’s heart beat out of her chest. There was a smell that rolled off of the blonde, much like a summer day mixed now with sweat and grim from the fighting hours before.

Lena pressed her thighs together, not being able to control herself being this close to Kara. Heat rolled off of the blonde, like on a perfectly warm summer day. She watched with dark green eyes as Kara claimed one of the leather chairs in front of the desk.

The air was different between them. Usually Kara was quick to disappear as Supergirl. A quick exchange of words, she never made herself comfortable, stay longer. Instead now, the Kryptonian had her long legs stretched out in front of her and sipped from the glass of whiskey.

Kara had hoped the taste of whiskey would help. She hated whiskey, she wasn’t like Alex who could drink her way through an entire bottle through a night. It didn’t help, it made her head feel more fuzzy with each sip. Another sign that she should get up and make her leave.

Lena’s racing heartbeat filled Kara’s ears, the faint vanilla smell blocked her nose. Every breath Lena took sounded like it came right next to her ear. Before Kara could make a move, Lena pulled back from her chair and stood.

Kara’s blue eyes followed after Lena, watching as the Luthor walked around the desk, eyes staring out through the windows and over the night sky.

The pencil skirt was far too tight on Lena’s bottom half. With a longer than normal cut that ran up her pale right leg. Every move brought a flash of creamy skin out to show. The thin material did nothing to hide the bubble ass that Kara tried so hard to ignore.

The blonde swirled the whiskey in her hand, taking another long sip. Her left hand curled around the edge of the armrest, clenching it tightly in some form of self control. Eyes drinking in the barefoot woman.

That voice in her head grew louder and louder. Lena would love it. Would love being held down by Kara and pounded ruthlessly into. Kara’s cock beat to life, straining against the Kevlar suit. A burning need rushed through her bloodstream, trying to take hold of every single one of Kara’s senses. To end with this cat and mouse game and fuck Lena thoroughly.

“We do.” Kara finally said once the silence had dragged on for too long.

Lena glanced back to Kara, leaning her back into the large window. The nights of the city looked good on Lena’s face. It covered most of her face in the midnight sky, bringing out the green eyes that stared on at the blonde. Waiting to see who would be the first one to cross the line.

Kara drowned the rest of her drink and stood from the chair, drawn closer to Lena by the Luthor’s pair of jade green eyes that glowed out from the darkness that surrounded her.

Wet heat pooled in between Lena’s legs with each powerful step Kara took closer to her. Until the point the Kryptonian stood in front of her, large shadow dwarfing her. The tension over the room seemed to focus between the two women standing mere inches away from each other.

Lena was forced to look up at Kara, becoming lost to the Kryptonian’s midnight blue eyes that matched the color of the night sky behind her. Lena had thought about this moment far too much in the past weeks, how it would start, where it would go.

Kara’s tanned cheeks were flushed red, caused by something much more than the quick flight through the cold night air that brought her here.

Lena was the one to tempt fate, small soft pale hands reached out for Kara’s chest. Setting the tips of her fingers to rest near Kara’s abs. The french manicure nails contrasted with the dark blue and red of Kara’s supersuit.

Wide green eyes stared up at Kara, plump red bottom lip becoming hooked in between pearly white teeth, “A Super and a Luthor.”

Kara’s nostrils flayed, unable to speak. She was still trying to fight it, fight the savage, primal need in the bit of her stomach. The need that pulsed to life in between her legs. Kara had never came this close to falling apart like this, not even quick one night stands that she used for this purpose.

Lena knew every button to press already. Her green eyes analysed each little cue. The fingers traced up along the House of El sigil on her chest, placing her palm down over it and begun to push Kara backwards, “My Brother did far too much research into the Kryptonians. After he was gone, I was interested in what he had found.”

Kara moved back with her, thankful that her cloak wasn’t so long that she could trip over it. The back of Kara’s legs hit the white couch, Lena’s hand curled up to her shoulder, pressing down as a sign for Kara to sit.

The Kryptonian dropped down into the couch, left hand reaching for the armrest and squeezing it tightly. Kara had no doubt that Lex could find sources about the certain members of the House of El. About Kara.

Lena’s hot fingers circled around Kara’s tanned neck, leaving red hot marks in its wake. The Luthor’s mouth came closer, leaning down to whisper into Kara’s ear, “It would feel so good , Kara.”

The growl that came from Kara’s mouth in response was the sexiest thing Lena had ever heard. Both of Kara’s arms snapped up and wrapped around Lena’s waist, pulling her down into her lap as she twisted her head to connect with Lena’s lips.

With their lips connected, Lena angled both of her legs down on either side of Kara, her ass grinding down into Kara’s lap. One of Kara’s tanned hands slipped down to Lena’s ass, grabbing a rough handful and squeezed tightly.

Lena broke the kiss with a loud moan, arching her head up to the sky and grinds her ass down harder into Kara’s lap, “ Kara.”

Not even the realization that Lena knew that Kara was Supergirl was enough to snap Kara from her moment. A piece of Kara hated this, hated losing control over these feelings. The other, the much louder one needed more. It needed to be shoved inside of Lena and fill her with her cum over and over again.

She was made to breed, a warrior of the House of El. If life had been different and Krypton was not brought to ruin, Kara would’ve been second in line to be the Head of El, only after her Cousin.

If things had been different, she would’ve married to one of the many other Kryptonian Houses and formed an entire new generation.

It was dangerous to lose herself to it, to become no better than the Daxamites. Who had centered their entire society around those primal urges only. Those urges that the Kryptonians thought themselves far above.

Kara’s lips dragged downwards, leaving hot flushed kisses along Lena’s long pale neck. Her lips secured around Lena’s pulse point and sucked down hard on it. A breathless moan rolled from Lena’s plump lips, greedy hands fisting Kara’s blonde hair.

The Kryptonian’s cock bounced for attention from underneath Lena. Kara pushed Lena to the side and down so that the pale woman was laid out on the couch. With one knee placed onto the couch and kept the other foot positioned on the floor.

“We have to be quick, they’re expecting me back.” Kara explained, leaning back down to clash their lips back together while her fingers went to lift up Lena’s pencil skirt.

Lena didn’t want it to be quick but the louder part in her head needed to be filled by Kara no matter how fast or slow it was. Kara’s tanned strong hands ran up over Lena’s thighs, bunching the thin pencil skirt around her waist.

A single tanned finger hooked around the edges of Lena’s wet silky thong and pulled it to the side, “Oh, fuck .”

Lena’s head peeked up at the sound of Kara cursing but was swiftly shoved back down when Kara’s tongue ran across her pussy lips. There was already a thin amount of wet cum that had leaked earlier, enough to to spill out on Lena’s upper thighs.

All thoughts of making this quick ran from Kara’s mind. Lena’s pale pussy was cleared of all hair, waxed and shaved in a way that only seemed to fit the perfect L-Corp CEO. Plump lips leaked clear cum, pink clit throbbed at the feel of Kara’s pink tongue on it.

Kara felt a hunger she had never experienced. Breaking through any other thought and taking the whole of Kara’s body. She needed to fuck Lena until Lena knew she was Kara’s. Kara wanted no one else to see Lena like this, to have the Luthor’s pussy lips begging for attention.

The blonde’s waves became fisted when Lena’s greedy hands came down, pushing Kara’s mouth to her, wordless in her want. The Kryptonian’s mouth was eager, wrapping around Lena’s clit lightly and flickering her tongue across the bundle of nerves.

Lena’s back arched off the couch at the applied pleasure. She was too excited, Kara’s tongue caused more and more of wet arousal to drip from her center, coating Kara’s chin in a thin layer of it.

Kara’s right hand moved down her body, finding the hidden zipper to unzip the spot around her crotch. Removing her lips from Lena’s pussy, she leans up, fishing out her cock from the contents of her pants.

Lena wasn’t sure what to expect at finally seeing Kara’s cock. Her mouth ran dry, green eyes becoming fixed on the pulse tanned length that Kara fisted. The blonde smacked the thick head against Lena’s inner thigh and tore her hand away, allowing it to hang freely from in between her legs.

A series of thick veins curled in and around it, dropping down to two low hanging filled nuts. The head was a light pink color while the rest of it matched Kara’s natural skin tone. It was larger than what even Lena pictured, standing out nearly a foot away from Kara’s body. A sweet unique musky smell escaped now that the Kryptonian’s cock hung in the open.

Lena felt a thirst come over her she had never experienced with any past lover. That musky smell filled her nose, making her head focus only on Kara. Both of Lena’s small hands reached out and wrapped around the long meaty cock, forming a tight seal around it.

Kara moaned into the air, thrusting her hips forward into Lena’s soft hands, eyes shutting, “Fuck, stroke my cock, Baby.”

It was like a completely other person. This Kara now that was awaken, the part she tried so hard to keep suppressed. When Kara’s eyes opened and her head rolled back down to stare at Lena below her, it was completed.

Lena didn’t feel fear, not with Kara. The look in the Kryptonian’s eyes had a far different reaction out of her, it made her body caught fire with lust and want. A desire to always be underneath Kara, to feel the thick cock in her hands fill her pussy so rightfully.

Fat droplets of precum leaked from the head of her cock, Lena dropped a hand to gather the liquid onto a single fingertip and tease it behind her plump lips. Blue and green eyes were locked. Blue eyes were locked to how Lena’s plump lips sucked her finger clean, having her first taste of addictive Kryptonian cum.

Lena’s other hand still jerked up and down over Kara’s cock, putting on a show for the blonde with her mouth and finger. Until finally she popped the single digit out of her mouth and circled the finger around her lips, “Dealicious.”

It was all too much for Kara to take. Tearing her cock from Lena’s hands, she shoved it back into her pants and picked Lena up from the couch. She growled against Lena’s flushed red face, “I’m going to fuck you in my bed, on my couch, across every flat surface of my house, Lena.”

Lena could recall something about victory being intoxicating to her. The sense of victory of having Kara’s cum on her lips was far the best taste.


It was the fastest Kara had ever made the trip from L-Corp to her own home across the city. A blur of speed and mere moments, Kara was entering through her bedroom window and tossing Lena onto the bed into a sea of blankets.

The low lights of the bedroom turned on with a flick of Kara’s hand but then her attention was turned back to the half naked woman in her bed.

The crimson cloak was the first article of clothing to leave, becoming a pool of red on the ground near the bed. Next were the knee high boots, kicked off to leave Kara only in the supersuit proper.

Lena leaned back into the plush pillows, fingers tracing over her own lips as she watched Kara undress for her. Those lips gasped open when the top of the suit were pulled off slowly, allowing every roll of Kara’s tanned muscular upper body to be showed.

Lena knew that Kara had to hide a well toned body underneath the all the slacks and cute collar shirts. To be faced with it didn’t compare to what Lena daydreamed.

Her shoulders were broad, with thick muscular biceps and forearms. Her breasts were hidden by a tight black sports bra that rested above a set of pornographic set of abs. Lena’s eyes leveled on the tight bronze stomach muscles that looked like someone had craved them out of stone.

Every piece of Kara looked to have been formed by hand into marble, deep and thick. It was a body that writers wrote legends about, the type that the likes of Achilles held when he stormed Troy.

Lena crawled slowly to the edge of the bed as Kara kicked off the bottom half of the suit, leaving her only in a tight pair of compression shorts and matching sports bra.

By that time Lena had made it to the edge of the bed and laid down on her stomach, with pale hands reaching out to rest on the hard set of abs, Kara had the bra off. A single fingernail traced up the hard center line, “Jesus Christ, Kara.”

Kara chuckled deeply, leaning back the smallest bit and flexing her muscles even more, “See something you like?”

It wasn’t how Kara normally acted but the normal Kara was gone since the moment Lena had kissed her, replaced now with the Zor-El. A Kryptonian that had been groomed to lead and fight for Krypton. Whose traditions went back thousands upon thousands of years.

Lena’s eyes peered down to the long thick outline of Kara’s cock that stretched the material of the compression shorts, looking as if it was going to burst free of the tight contents at any moment.

Lena’s mouth leaned forward, placing a kiss to two of the tight abs and then running the tip of her tongue down where her finger just had been until the moment where she hit the waistband of the compression shorts.

Above her Kara palmed one her breasts, twerking one of her nipples in between two of her large fingers. Lena’s mouth dropped down over the tight material of the compression shorts, placing her mouth where Kara’s cock head threatened to burst free.

Hooking her fingers over the waistband of the shorts, Lena pulled down, freeing the monster cock and allowing it to bounce up freely.

Though she just had her hands on it moments ago, Lena found herself stunned into silence again. She leaned back a smallest bit, taking a long look up and down Kara’s wonderful body. To the strong muscles of her arms and chest, the roll of her abs down to the ‘v’ her lower abs made and then to her monster cock throbbing in the cold air of the bedroom.

Kara was impressive. A short patch of trimmed blonde hair rested on her pubic patch, the only sign of hair where everywhere else was waxed and shaved. The Kryptonian looked like a blonde hair Goddess standing here before Lena. A great Greek Goddess of strength, beauty, and intelligence, wrapped all together in a red and blue bow.

None of Lena’s past lovers could compare to Kara in any aspect. She beat every single one by a far margin, on a level of her own. Was this the woman Kara hid underneath the layer of Kara Danvers? A woman who looked bred for a single purpose.

“Kara, you’re so sexy.” Lena moaned out, running the palms of her hands down over Kara’s stomach.

Kara was never one to be blinded by ego, but her cock bounced at Lena’s moan. She placed her hands behind her head, flexing her biceps to try and find some level of self control. It only caused a gutted purr of pleasure to escape from Lena again, turned on by the sight of Kara simply standing naked in front of her.

Lena’s attention turned back to the massive meaty cock standing in front of her. Her hand looked so small when it finally wrapped around the base of the cock, slowly sliding upwards, drawing a droplet of precum out when her hand circled around the fat head.

The Luthor’s tongue couldn’t be stopped, moving without thinking to lick up the tasty precum. Her plump red lips kept pressed to the head, flickering her tongue across the cumslit, causing Kara’s thighs to shiver and roll, “Good Rao , Lena.”

Lena’s hand dropped from the base of Kara’s cock, resting both of her hands on the bed and only used her mouth for what she wanted to do. The Luthor arched her face below the Kryptonian’s godly cock, running her ruby red lips and pink tongue over the thick under vein.

Kara’s mouth opened in a silent moan. Out of all the short one night stands she had, no woman had ever taken this much time to play with her body. As soon as they had her naked, all they wanted was Kara’s cock shoved inside of them.

There was that Kryptonian side that enjoyed the worship, how it stroked her ego in the pit of stomach. Lena looked so fixed on her cock and body, taking the time to run her little tongue and hands over every tanned inch, acting as if they had all the time in the world for this. As if it was the most natural thing in the world for these two to lay here and do this.

But a piece of Kara knew it was. Between a Super and a Luthor, the energy between them could go so many ways and for Lena and Kara, it was only meant to go this way.

Kara’s head rolled back when Lena’s mouth sealed around one of the large nuts. Playing and rolling the baby soft flesh in her warm mouth before popping it out, “I dreamed of doing this for so long, Kara.”

Lena’s mouth kissed its way back up the underside of Kara’s cock until it reached the thick head. Forming a tight seal with her lips around the head, Lena pushed her mouth forward, mouth nearly being spread to the point of uncomfortable to get used to the girth of the Kryptonian’s cock inside of her mouth. Both of her hands curled around the base, stroking the flesh as she moved her head forward.

Kara’s lips gasped open. Eyes fixed on the dark haired woman trying to take every inch of her cock deep within her throat. Her cock and balls twitched with pure pleasure, the warm wet walls of Lena’s mouth and throat closed in on the tanned flesh.

Lena was only able to get it half way until it was far too much for her to handle at the moment. Keeping her lips tight, she drew back up, drawing out a stream of precum until Lena’s lips were only wrapped around her head. Soft small pale hands spread the mixture of precum and spit, making a wet sound with every move of the wrist.

Those ruby lips finally disconnected, leaving a trail of spit and precum connecting the two still together. Lena’s sinful tongue licked up the substance and connected her lips back onto Kara’s cock, causing a lewd slurping sound to ring through the bedroom.

Kara stared down with hooded eyes, enjoying how Lena looked with her cock in her mouth, “We found another use for your sexy mouth, Lena.”

A trickle of cum escaped from Lena’s pussy at the praise from her lover. Moving in motion with her hands, her mouth bounced up and down along the long curve of Kara’s cock, sucking in all she could. Cheeks were hollowed, with her tongue slurping the precum and curling around the sensitive underside.

Whatever her mouth couldn’t suck in, her hands were there. It took a duel motion to service the whole of Kara’s massive length. The blonde was stuck there with toes digging into her rug. Her blue eyes screwed tight as she tried to stave off the climax that wanted to burst in her balls.

Her hands moved down to clasp Lena’s head. Weaving her fingers through the dark strands, she moves her hips gently with the flow of Lena’s hands and mouth, half fucking Lena’s mouth.

Kara’s hands squeezed the top of Lena’s skull, a reminder to the Luthor that Kara could snap her skull without much force. A thought that only sent another throb of need to her pussy. That Kara had such strength in every little bit of her.

The taste of precum did nothing to stop the thirst that came over Lena. The taste only whispered for more, more of the musky sweet taste. Lena’s mouth sucked harder, trying to draw the Kryptonian cum straight from the source, becoming lost how Kara’s cock tasted on her lips.

The Kryptonian blood boiled in Kara’s chest, rumbling with a growl from her lips at Lena’s heightened sucking. She needed to empty her balls into and over Lena. As if somehow it would mark Lena as hers for everyone else to see. It had been so long since she had been with anyone like this, and Lena meant so much more than a single fling.

Lena was so desperate to taste Kara’s cum. How she sucked Kara’s cock with zeal, bobbing her head back and forth, throat wrapping and unwrapping over the long length. Her hand jerked fiercely over the length she couldn’t please with her mouth, threatening to bring Kara to a harsh climax.

“Lena, fuck, I’m gunna cum in your mouth. Baby, fuckkk.” Kara cried out, hands squeezing Lena’s skull tightly.

Lena moved her mouth all the way back until only the cock head was still shoved in her mouth. Sucking harshly around the ring of flesh that seperated the shaft from the head, she jerked her hands in a blur of speed.

“ Fuck!” Kara threw her head back, blonde hair falling down like waves as her balls twitched from underneath her cock. A band broke in her stomach with a powerful surge of cum ran through her cock and filled Lena’s mouth.

The whole of Kara’s tanned body went taunt and red as she rode out of her climax, keeping Lena’s mouth sealed on her cock, forcing her to drink her Kryptonian cum with each spurt of the addictive taste.

It finally ended when Kara dropped her hands from Lena’s head and leaned back on the balls of her feet. Lena removed her mouth from Kara’s head, connected still with a line of spit and cum. Using the back of her hand, she cleaned the corners of her mouth, breathing hard and staring up at Kara.

It took only a matter of moments for Kara to catch her breath. Lena barely had time to take a deep breath before the blonde was flipping her over and tearing her clothes from her body. With a quick tear, both the skirt and blouse were thrown to the ground.

The thong and bra were the next to go, leaving every inch of Lena’s curvy body on display for Kara. High round pale breasts were a good handful for Kara, downwards along Lena’s trimmed and flat stomach. Wide hips were the perfect match for Kara’s body.

Kara’s hand wrapped around her meaty length, stroking herself a few times to spread the mixture of cum and spit to lube her length. Moving down onto a knee, Kara rested one of Lena’s legs over her shoulder and shoved her face into Lena’s hairless pussy.

Lena’s pussy and inner thighs were sticky wet with her own arousal. The beat red clit drowned in a sea, only added now with Kara’s tongue lapping up the sweet taste. Lena’s hands reached down for Kara’s head, fisting the golden curls.

Kara’s tongue circled around Lena’s throbbing clit, toying with the wet bundles of nerves before sliding her tongue downwards. Licking the entire space from top to bottom and then circling around the clit.

Kara stood back up and placed her cock head to Lena’s small wet opening. She grasped Lena’s hips as those long pale legs curled around her tanned wasit, pushing Kara closer to her, “I need your cock, Kara.”

The blonde leaned over, pressing a slow kiss to Lena’s cum stained lips, “Your pussy is going to spread so wide to fit my cock that it’s only going to be perfect for me.”

Lena moaned at the possessive, a trait that would usually disturb her if it was anyone else whispering it in her ear, “Show me.”

Lena’s tight pussy was dwarfed by the enormous length that stood pressed to her small opening. She could feel the heat that rolled off the thick head, threatening to split her in two just for Kara’s own pleasure.

With the slow movement of her hips, Kara pressed her head into Lena’s tight opening, the small opening being spread wide to fit Kara’s cock. The blonde had the perfect view of it all, watching slowly as every inch was speared inside of the Luthor’s warm snug heat.

Kara’s jaw clenched tightly with the rest of her body, Lena’s pussy walls wrapped so tightly around her cock that it made it a push to move the smallest bit forward. Lena’s head was thrown back into the bedding, lips stuck open in a silent moan.

The feeling of her pussy being spread so wide by the Kryptonian cock sent a climax roaring through her body. Forcing the wet band of heat in the pit of her stomach burst already with barely only a few inches inside of her.

The added cum helped ease Kara’s cock forward, making the slow work go faster until her thick head slammed into Lena’s cervix and her hips were flushed with Lena’s.

The two stayed there, Lena’s fingers fisting the bed and trying to calm her body down. Every single inch of Kara’s cock were flushed inside of her pussy, pulsing and throbbing for more. She could feel every vein, every ridge shoved inside of her. Her walls torn and formed to fit like a vice grip along Kara’s cock.

“Such a good fucking pussy.” Kara mumbled out, slowly dragging her hips backwards.

Lena purred at the movement, crossing her ankles behind Kara’s back to give herself a tighter grip. Kara pushed back until only her cock head was left inside of her lover before she shoved quickly forward, spearing the entirety of her length into the Luthor.

The head smashed into Lena’s cervix again, earning a desperate moan, “Harder, Kara!”

Kara smirked at the cry, grasping Lena’s hips for support, she started up a steady pace, hips out and then in. Shoving her full weight into the brown haired woman underneath her. Each thrust made Lena’s body jiggle, made the headpost smash into the wall.

The heavy smell of musk and sweat begun to hangover the room. The wet sound of Kara’s cock fucking Lena Luthor’s tight pussy filled their ears, “This is what you wanted, Lena. You’re mine now. This pussy is mine. Your little body is mine to fuck when I want it.”

The Kryptonian’s hips picked up speed, fucking into Lena like a wild animal. Spreading her pussy wider and wider so it would truthfully only fit Kara’s massive cock.

“Fuck! Yes, I’m yours Kara, I’m yours. Jus..just don’t stop fucking me.” Lena moaned into the room, eyes fixed on the tanned body fucking her. How those muscles flexed with each thrust, bringing a thin layer of sweat to cover the Kryptonian’s body that made Kara even more attractive.

Lena knew Kara couldn’t cum in her but the Luthor’s dirty mind became fixed on the thought. How Kara would empty her balls into her spasming pussy, claiming and marking her as her own. Lena had no doubt that Kara’s cum would fill her so rightfully so.

“If I knew you were so fucking desperate for me, I would’ve fucked you after our first meeting.” Kara growled again, sweat clinging to her body. Her nails left angry red marks into Lena’s pale hips, holding back from her climax to enjoy every moment of Lena’s tight pussy wrapped around her cock.

“I.. would’ve let you, Kara. Fuck, I would’ve bounced on your cock in front of your cousin.” Lena twisted her head to the side, trying to hide her flushed red cheeks into the pillow.

Kara roared like a lioness, leaning down over Lena’s body, “Mmm, such a dirty little girl.”

“Only for you, Kara. Please, cover me in your cummmm…” Lena whined when Kara’s cock hit a too sensitive spot in her pussy.

“All over your pale little body? Not in your greedy pussy?” The thought of filling Lena’s pussy brought her Kryptonian cum to the bursting point in her balls. To fill the woman with her seed, she knew how fertile she was supposed to be with other Kryptonians but would the same apply to Humans?

Lena wasn’t able to respond, with a short more savage thrusts, another climax tore through her body at the same time Kara’s entire body went tense.

Kara pulled her cock from her body and flew her hand down to her cock. With several strong strokes, the Kryptonian was cumming over her Human’s body. Several large spurts flew from her pink head, covering Lena in the white seed.

Each stroke bought more and more from her balls until the point Kara finally tore her hand away from her cock, using her grip on Lena’s hip to steady herself.

Kara’s eyes traced up and down Lena’s flushed red body, the fat sprays and strings of cum marking her skin. She reached down, pressing a gentle kiss to Lena’s lips. The kiss was slow and much more gentle compared to what they had just done.

“Stay the night.” Kara whispers out, tucking up onto the bed and pulling Lena with her, ignoring the fact that they’re both covered in sex sweat.

“I don’t think I have much of a choice, Lady Kryptonian.” Lena teases in the same tone, pressing a kiss to the outline of Kara’s jaw.

“Lady Zor-El.” Kara corrects with a low playful growl.