
For now.

Millions of years ago, before there was human life on our world, there was life on the sun. These people were not like us. The only place that they had to live was on the sun; none of the other planets were inhabitable for them, not that they knew of.

You see, this species were not human, and they were not animals. They came to be known as the sun souls.

The first sun soul was made when a small star became what we know as our sun. They were made at the same time. The souls were made to power the sun and keep it shining from the inside using their own lives for that sole purpose.

And so they had their own civilisation inside the sun, with a layer of gases protecting them from any beings that would want to harm them. But our story doesn't follow the whole sun, it follows one sun soul in particular, a girl called Estra.

Estra was a smart and powerful girl in the suns centre, the core, the strongest that had ever been born and so, according to tradition, she was chosen from birth to power the sun for the next million years.

Unlike the rest of the population, she didn't want to spend her life keeping random species, that hadn't been born yet, alive, she wanted to ask questions, like what was outside the star that they called home, and who made them the ones in charge?

There were no answers to be found on her planet.

So one day she left, not knowing that she would never be able to go back.