

"So I'm going to take some time to think of that, how much will i have to wait till im summoned again "

"Time here works differently so don't expect much downtime "

"Fun seems like if i want to get a break I'm going need to get some minions "

'Might as well be productive '

Open up the forms, can you let me see the details about the void knight


Void Knight

Domain: Void , Protector, War

Rank : ???

Synchronisation Efficacy: 0%

Skills: ???

"Well its seems im going to get a lot of info to digest, Im guessing the more i master the form the more synchronisation i get, I'm guessing that forms the automation allows me better use of the form "


"Domains ?"

[Sprits come from different domains elemental the most common and abstract concepts such as the void to even the ancestors of those races could be considered a spirit summon ]

"What about the rank ? "

[Rank is the general power of the form, the system must collate data to establish a rank as I apologise to the user I know my function yet I lack the data to fulfil that function, This will be gained when efficacy increases and regarding the skills you will discover that with efficacy increase ]

"Well that's good to know how would i use my design points on this form]

[Void Knight Development ]

[Error ]

[Due to the void knight being a welcome gift development is restricted until the user gains a sprit of equal level ]

"Fair enough it seems like I'm not given everything what other forms can I create "

[Human Domain: Neutral]

"Im guessing because I was one I can create it "

[Correct but the human is of Earth and the genetic maximum of that race pales in comparison with humanity of this world, a plain unmodified human you are exceeded by a Rank D Human within the world ]

"Well if the form is so inferior why not improve it , Go to design "


Domain Evolutionary Fusions: *Void Born* *Warmonger* *Knight*

Evolutionary: [Racial Data on other humanoid Races Mising]

Lycanthropic Evolutions: [No compatible forms to create Dual Forms]

Fusion Evolutions: [No compatible forms]

Note's: Due to inferior genetic template it allows the full genetic adaptability of the race through evolution through the system

"Seems like I need to do a lot of hunting to fill out the library of the system"

[That would be advisable]

"System can you do experimental evolutions, Like trying to force a new evolution"

[The system can comply but it will cost design points to create the form but may fail though still will make a form never the less, experiments like this would benefit from the complement of data similar to the wanted outcome, for example trying to imbue a form with magic would benefit of having data on a natural magic user species ]

"That's interesting, regarding the abomination i would make, could i use them as summons"

[Due to the twisted nature they would be considered aberrations and summoned by equally twisted summoners though eventually, you will be able to if a form lets you summon your own summons ]

"So basically i can become an anchor to the prime material plane and just empty out my realm "

[Yes but that form must have sufficient power within the realm to be able to pull of such a feat and sadly we are not close to such a spectacle of just summoning our own armies on a whim though think about making forms within domains similar so if the eventuality happens your at least thematic]

'With me being summoned won't that act as publicity for summoners to summon from that domain .....can i potentially make a form of monopoly on that domain'

[That is a good idea also ]

"The hell you can read my mind"

[I can create life, cut tears, in reality for you to be summoned, I created a plain of existence ...to read a mind is child's play and that's what you are suprised about!]