
Chapter 28: Toughclaw!

Lucian and Hornby stood face to face with a Lion-man as it held the guard by his neck in its large hand.

Lion-men are lion/human hybrids and one of the many races of the beastmen. Their bulky musculature supplements their natural strength. They have lion-like faces, including largemouth and nose, with rounded ears.

The lion-man broke the guard's neck with its grip before dropping him to the ground. Hit by flinched a little as he took a step back.

Lucian noticed, "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Don't be an idiot. That's a lion-men, better we leave it in its cage." He whispered.

The lion-man tapped the lock with one of its claw as it stepped into the light.

"Would you be so kind to let me out of this cell?" The beast suddenly asked, exposing its large fangs as it smiled.

Lucian had to say, he was impressed by how big and powerful this lion-man looked.

Lucian ignored Hornby's first warning and took a step forwards.

"Lucian stop! what are you doing?" He asked as he grabbed both of his shoulders.

"What's wrong with you! He's clearly on our side." Lucian said.

"Don't be an idiot! We were at war with the beastmen not long ago. Don't let him fool you, he will kill us both and escape."

Lucian frowned.

"I won't let that happen."

"You know I can hear you." The lion-man said.

"If it makes you feel any better, You have my word I shall not harm you if you let me out." He then said, placing his hand over his chest.

Lucian pushed Hornby out of the way.

"See he swears, don't be a coward." He said as he took the key off one of the guards, before heading over and unlocking the cage.

The Lion-man slowly stepped out, standing to his full height and stepping into the light.

Lucian could see that it was much taller than him. Standing at about 8 feet tall, with large muscles and a full main of golden blond hair flowing down its back and body.

"You have my thanks, human. I was starting to lose all hope until you showed up and started killing this sorry lot." The lion said.

"And just how is it that a lion-man such as yourself ended up here as a slave?" Hornby said, popping his head out from behind Lucian.

"That's a little embarrassing actually." The proud beastmen said.

"You see, I was out on a quest, hunting a giant boar. The thing took me off guard and landed a powerful blow, knocking me unconscious. Next thing I knew, I was here." He said, scratching his head with a sleeping look on his face.

Lucian laughed a little.

"It's hard to believe that someone as big as you could be taken off guard."

"Yes, well that's how it happened." He said.

"Well, you are free now... Erm, what is your name?" Lucian then asked.

"That's right, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself." The lion said bowed a little.

"My name is Toughclaw. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir." He said.

Lucian nodded.

"It's a pleaser Toughclaw. I am Lucian, and this is Hornby." He said, also introducing himself.

"As I said, you are free like the others." Lucian then said.

"Yes, I thank you for that," Toughclaw said.

"I ask. Do you intend to hunt the one responsible for this?" He then asked.

Lucian nodded.

"That's correct."

Toughclaw growled a little at his response.

"Then please, allow me to serve you, as thanks for rescuing me from this prison."

Lucian thought about it for a moment before nodded.

"If you want to help that's fine with me. Just don't get in my way." Lucian said as he turned his back on Toughclaw.

"Until this quest is complete, I am at your service, Sir Lucian." Toughclaw them spoke before grabbed two swords off the ground and placing them in his belt.

"Great, with one of your kind helping out, I feel a little more confident about this whole thing," Hornby said.

"One of my kind?" Toughclaw asked giving him a rather intimidating glare.

Hornby fore for a second before looking down.

"Ah, yeah, sorry about that." He then said.

Toughclaw started bellowing in laughter.

"Relax dear human, I jest. We Lion-men do not hold such grudges against the humans because of the war. Although tensions remain high, we lion-men stAnd above such pettiness."

Hornby nodded.

"Well, that's good to hear," Hornby said rubbing the back of his head nervously.

"Alright you, Hornby. Show us to that bastard's mansion." Lucian then said with a fierce look in his eye.

Toughclaw noticed Lucian's hunger for revenge against the person he spoke to. However, he decided to remain quiet as he gave a look of understanding.

"Alright then... You saved my life too. I've decided I'll follow you and help rescue your mons... Friend." Hornby said, correcting his comment at the end.

"Very well Hornby. Now let's get going." Lucian said, acknowledging Hornby's allegiance in his quest for revenge.

"Ok, Just one question first. How are we going to hide this guy before we get there!" Hornby shouted pointing at Toughclaw.

The lion-man scratched his chin, nodding at what Hornby said.

"He's right. My presence outside may cause alarm. Although cowardly in my eyes. I shall follow you from the rooftops and shadows."

Lucian nodded at his response, deciding to check out his stats before he forgot.

Name - Toughclaw

Class - Lion-man. Swordsmen.

Skills - Dual-wielding. Expert swordsmen.

Rank - 9/20 - Ruby rank.

States - Strength 9/10 - Speed - 8/10 - intelligence - 7/10

Magic 0/7.

Lucian was very impressed. Toughclaw was the highest rank he had met so far and had had to say he believed it.

"Right let's move," Hornby said as he leads the way to the exit.

The three of them exited into the shop, thankfully no one had been in and discovered the dead bodies they had left.

Lucian walked onto the street and noticed that the coast was clear.

"Alright let's go." He said as he and Hornby stepped outside, while Toughclaw quickly jumped and climbed high onto the roof unseen.

Lucian couldn't help notice how agile and quick Toughclaw was, climbing up onto the roof with such skill and speed.

"Just wait till you see him unleash. Those beastmen are no joke." Hornby said.

"Have you met many before?" Lucian asked as the two walked down the street.

"Yeah... They are strong warriors. Much stronger than us." Hornby said, shaking off a memory.

"Anyway, this way." Hey said as they headed into the nicest part of town.

Not long passed before they arrived outside lord Gilberts estate. Hornby wasn't kidding either about its size.

The state was massive, with plenty of land, It was also surrounded by walls with only one gate leading onto the estate. Guards were stations at the gates and also patrolling the grounds outside.

"I had no idea a place like this was inside the town," Lucian said.

"See, I told you he has his own army!" Hornby said as the two looked at the gates from afar.

"The numbers don't matter if they are weak," Lucian said.

Hornby looked at him like he wasn't making sense.

"Numbers do matter to us!"

"And besides, how do you propose we get through the gates?"

Lucian gave it a little thought for a second before smiling.

"Like this."

Lucian pointed his finger at one of the guards and concentrated on drawing on his magic.

"When this shot fires we charge. Got that Toughclaw!" Lucian shouted to both of them.

"What the hell are you doing!" Hornby shouted as he watched Lucian getting the water magic ready.

"Draw on the power and. Water bullet!" Lucian shouted as he fired a magical bullet of high-pressure water at one of the guards.

The water hit the guards head so hard that it literally shot through his metal helmet and blew his brains out all over the steel gate.

"As I thought, I can change the way the attack works if I use my imagination." Lucian thought as he prepared another shot.

"Now!" He shouted as he fired another water bullet, this time making it larger in size.

The magic attack hit the other guard, who had been too shocked to even draw his weapon, knocking him from the ground, smashing the gate over from the force.

The gate was flung open and Lucian and the others all charged towards it and inside the estate.


"Sound the alarm!" Voices shouted as try guards were alerted by the attacks.

At least thirty guards swarmed into formation as Lucian, Hornby and Toughclaw headed closer to the small castle in the middle.

"Alright Sir Lucian, this is where I help repay my debt!" Toughclaw shouted as he drew both swords, taking one in each hand.

"I hope you thrive in the afterlife!" Toughclaw shouted as he charged at the wall of guards.

Toughclaw moved at an amazing speed for his size, using his large and powerful muscles he starts to cut down every guard in his path.

He moved with such grace, wielding each sword like a paintbrush as he painted the ground red with their blood.

"AARHHGG!" The guards shouted as more of them were swiftly cut down by Toughclaw.

"He's too strong!" One of the guards shouted.

"Alert the others!" Another said before his head was suddenly parted from his shoulder.

"I forget how frail you humans are! Such weak bones and bodies! It's a wonder you were ever able to match us in the war!" Toughclaw shouted as he sliced another guard in half before standing to his full height.

"Well he gets to work fast," Hornby said.

"Just be thankful he's on the outside," Lucian said as he un-clipped his war hammer and charged in, following Toughclaws lead.

"I'm coming for you, Gilly!" Lucian shouted at the top of his lungs.