
Chapter 888: Goddess Star People

Peter Brown was about to set up a Locking Qi Array on Mars when suddenly his mind stirred, and a large screen appeared in front of him.

Looking at the screen, Peter's face slightly changed.

At first glance, he saw an alien fleet heading towards the Solar System.

Upon closer examination, Peter found that the fleet seemed to have a navigation system and was not affected too much by his formation, heading straight towards Earth.


Seeing this situation, Peter felt that it was unusual.

Why was there navigation? Why the planetary navigation?

The more he looked, the more unusual the situation seemed to him.

Soaring into the sky, Peter headed into space. Once in space, Peter took out an interstellar navigator he got from the Return-to-Earth Star people.

With the launching of the navigator, Peter began to investigate the interstellar navigation signals coming from Earth.


Soon, Peter was hovering above the United States.