
summer princess

this story will accompany some characters from the Andromeda Empire, specifically Claire. Claire Darius is the daughter of the deceased prince and princess, now her grandfather is responsible for the role of father, as time passed Claire started calling him "Father" as this is what he is to her. Along this story there will be different points of views and adventures, i hope you enjoy this journey

marixy · ย้อนยุค
5 Chs

Chapter IV

55 miles from the capital there was the team leaded by Mikah, they had just finished the first day of travel and all preset were exhausted.

For the night they would camp in the forest and by five Am they would go back to traveling. Accordingly to the team's geographic they would reach the desert that separated the Andromeda Empire from the Haur Empire in five days.

Mikah has already become familiar with the team's integrants and they all liked him very much, but there was only one thing that he could think about during the whole day.

The conversation he had with the Emperor in the training ground the night before the team started their journey.

"Mikah i need to warn you of something... The Haur's  Emperor warned me that there are strange creatures in their side of the desert, there are reports of gigantic birds and reptiles so just be extra careful out there, i've placed hand guns in the back of carriage 6 in case of emergency... but i do believe that the guards will be able to handle it"

Nestor's voice passed trough his mind.

How could animals become gigantic? what was happening in the Haur Empire and will the team be able to handle it?

[Well... there is no use worrying about something that has yet to occur, let's focus on the trip] he thought to himself.

/information: in the Andromeda Empire gunpower is on its beginning, the guns are still not much efficient and are still new news. Most used weapons are between sword and bow\


"Yes, you got it right!" Claire complimented her friend "How about we end it for today? for the next lesson why don't you write me a letter?"

It was her eleventh time teaching Albus, and honestly the boy had already made a lot of progress!

"Do you think i'm ready for it?" he asked insecure.

"Yes! in the start you can be confused and change letters but i'll help you trough it... and about your reading i really think that you are doing great! you've already learned the letters sounds and how to use them, i believe that with some more practice you'll be great!"

Her confidence in him was so big that he himself would start being confident "I'll do my best then!... and now what'd we do?" he asked while closing the book "We still have a few hours before dinner time right?"

"Humm, your right..."

It had already been one month since Albus arrived at the Andromeda Empire's Capital and during this time Claire and him have become much more closer, so close that the little girl had prepared him a surprise.

"I wasn't planing on showing you it yet, but as we got some extra time today i think is a good idea" she said making suspense.

"Showing what?" he asked confused.

"We'll have to go see it! and i am going to get you there in no time!!" she exclaimed and walked behind him, holding his wheelchair.

"W-what? going where??"

"You'll se it" she started pushing the wheelchair in direction of the library's exit.

"Wait, a-are you planning on taking me there by pushing the wheelchair?? i can do that on my own Claire!"

"I know, but i want to do it!" she determinedly exclaimed.

[...this wheelchair is not only heavy but Claire is smaller than it...] he thought to himself [there is no way she'll be able to do it]

Albus could've had thought about how she was a princess and it was ridiculous for her to push a wheelchair but as time went by he learned that Claire's kindness shouldn't be limited by her tittle.

As they reached the door the girl had to stop and catch her breath.

"I really thought i could do it... but it's sooo heavy!" she complained in a low voice so that she was the only to hear.

"...Hum, i have a better idea Claire, how about we do something fun?" he smiled and gave her a mischievous look.

Claire had an understanding with mischievous looks, and she already knew that she would like his ideia!

A few seconds later Albus had Claire on his lap, he was making the wheelchair go really, really fast as she lifted her arms up and shouted excitedly "Yayyy" or "Uhulll!!"

As they passed trough the halls the workers gave them worried and scared looks but as they were going to fast no one could stop the kids!

The princess's laugh and commands to in which direction to go could be heard trough the halls and as well as Albus advices, he said things like "Hold tight!" or "There is a curve!"

They were having the most of fun.

Although the young boy knew that he would have difficulty on moving his arms in the next few days, he never let the thought stop him from having fun with his friend!

As they reached the garden entrance Albus slowed down "That was so fun!!!!!" Claire got down "I can't believe we hadn't tried doing that into now! Thank you Albus i loved it!!"

"Yes, for me as well it was a lot fun Claire!" he smiled warmly... Is here where the surprise is?"

"Well... Almost!" she went behind the wheelchair and started pushing towards the field "Don't worry, we are close and i can handle taking you at least to there hehe, i can imagine how tiered your arms are"

That was true.

He decided to not say anything and only rest.

As they got closer to the tree the sun started going down, the sky was colored by a beautiful bright orange.

Albus already thought that place as beautiful, but today it was definitely gorgeous!

They got closer and closer, a little bit slow because of the little strength that Claire had, but each time she would push him he could see something new in the tree.

There was a big platform of brown wood in the grass, it had steel cables hanging it in the tree's breaches and close by there was a system of lever.

"What is this?" he asked confused.

"Hum... you remember when you said that you wanted to see the world from my view?" he nodded "I've made it happen!" she smiled.

He was confused.

She pushed his wheelchair in top of the wooden platform and lock it in the ground for security, then she activated the lever and the sound of rubbing wires filled the boys ears.

What was that? was he getting up in the three?

"Yes, now you can get up there and see how i see the world!" she said as the platform stoped in one of the branches and got locked in a wooden support.


He looked forward at the ocean just in time to see the sun completely go down and then, looked down at Claire that smiled warmly at him.

She made people built this so that he could see her point of view...

"The workers did a very god job! can you believe that it only took them five days??"

Her words were getting muffled in his mind.

Everything around him seemed to get bigger and bigger but quieter, he could see the whole Palace from there but he didn't feel like a part of it, he felt like he was traveling in another world.

Was that what Claire felt every time she looked down from this tree? Now he could understand why she would prefer looking down than up.

their feelings about that place weren't the same, but both of them could appreciate its beauty and peculiarity.

"Thank you Claire... i really, really love it" he thanked her sincerely.

The girl who was still talking about the workers amazing job smiled, from ear to ear "I'm glad you like it!!"


Nestor skipped dinner that night because of the arrival of an urgent letter, as he opened it his eyes winded surprised.

There was not only a lot of sand on it, but there was also a few drops of blood.

/We've just reached the middle of the desert and some peculiar creatures have appeared, today our team was attacked by a gigantic Falcon, he was able to stuck his claws in my back and in the shoulders of a guard... we've already received medical treatment but the pain is surreal... we were able to kill the bird and preserve its body in hope that when we come back there will be someone to study it... We reached out third week in the travel today, in only one more week and five days we believe we'll reach the Haur Empire. Singed, Mikah, to his Majesty/

[So this drops of blood must have been from his back injury... Mikah is not the kind of person to send a informal letter but i suppose this are desperate times] The Emperor thought to himself.

The man reached for a piece of paper and a pen.

/Mikah, i hope you, the guard and the rest of the team are doing better! i'll make sure to reward each and one of you once you've get back here, please be careful in this journey and make sure to get some rest as you reach the Haur Empire, keep doing the good work, from Nestor/

As he finished writing he placed the piece of paper in the message bird's leg and gave him a treat "You may go now"

The animal obeyed his owner and got set free in the sky, flying in direction of Mikah and the Team.

The emperor sighed and sat in his chair, what were does strange animals and how long it would take them to appear in their side of the desert? how long would this be one of the safest Empire's in the land and when it would start being one of the dangerous ones?

And because of all this not answered questions his Majesty would be going to send a research team to the desert tomorrow morning.

Everything was already ready for them to depart. They had all the materials and scientists necessary.

he sighed.

As he was getting older he knew that everything should be ready for when he depart and Claire has to take over, but every times he resolves a problem a new one appears.

That's probably what means to be the ruler of an Empire…

Nestor was not sure if Claire would be able to do it… she had so much potential but not a single interest in ruling.

She was a free spirit just like her mother.

Maybe she will amateur over time…

"Father?" a soft and low voice called for him as his office's door opened "It's me, Claire" the girl said as she walked in.

"Oh, Claire! come in!" he exclaimed and tried manipulating his expression to a happy one "How are you this evening?"

"I am fine father" she sat next in front of him on another chair "But its you that i am worried about not being fine" her expression was serious.

"I don't quite understand Claire" he tried smiling his way out of it.

"You've skipped dinner, that's not like you… are you feelling unwell?" her tone was of a concerned person.

"I am absolutely healthy Claire! i've simply had a lot of work to do! thank you for worrying"

Claire's attentive eyes searched for prof of work in the room, there was a few papers, a pen and treats meant to be given to messages birds.

"You have sent a letter" she affirmed confidentiality and once more Nestor was proved that trying to hide something from Claire was impossible.

He sighed "Yes i have"

the little girl swallowed nervously "Is the team okay?"

"…They are, there was an accident that i'm afraid i can't expose details, but everyone is okay"

Claire's blue eyes darkened.

She is a curious person and was dying to know what have happened… but above of her earning for knowing, there was her instincts, and they were telling her to not ask further questions.

"…Everyone need to attend my birthday father… the team and the orphanage kids" she demanded.

"…I agree Claire, i really do agree"

From that day forward Nestor spent more and more time locked in his office doing work.

He researched about gigantic animals, dinosaurs, legends and even about religion, but that was nothing about reptiles and birds becoming enormous with no explanation.

Above of all the team of scientists he had send to the desert hadn't contacted him since departing…

He felt lost in fear and anticipation. Nestor was confident that he would only be able to be calm once the team reached the Haur Empire and once the scientists give a sing of life.

And so this constant anxiety lasted for the next week and six days, it only came to an end when a letter arrived.

/This is Mikah your Majesty…