
summer princess

this story will accompany some characters from the Andromeda Empire, specifically Claire. Claire Darius is the daughter of the deceased prince and princess, now her grandfather is responsible for the role of father, as time passed Claire started calling him "Father" as this is what he is to her. Along this story there will be different points of views and adventures, i hope you enjoy this journey

marixy · ย้อนยุค
5 Chs

Chapter III

Claire woke up extra early that morning, as soon as she got up five maid entered her room to try and have her wear something nice, but once again she was able to escape them through the balcony.

She would jump to the window close to her bedroom and then get down using a tree.

As she got down she didn't waste time, she started running towards her destiny: the Palace's back exit.

Every worker that saw her in her way to there didn't seem surprised, some laughed other smiled and only a few tried stopping her.

Barefoot and using her pijamas hoping that she'll get there in time the girl ran and didn't stop for even a fraction of second.

"Miiikaaaahh" She shouted for him as she saw the counselor getting ready to get on one of the many horses there presents.

"Princess Claire?" he asked confused.

Today was the day that the team would go to Haur Empire and bring the orphanage kid's back with them, Claire needed to say goodbye and wish them good luck, that's why she woke up as soon as the sun rose!

Her little body embraced the grown man's legs as she couldn't reach his arms "Good luck and be careful!"

The counselor got down on his knee to hug her back "Yes, i'll be careful" he said and laughed

"No, i'm serious, promise me that you, the team and the kids will come back safely!" she demanded.

"Promise?... Okay then, Princess Claire of the Andromeda Empire, i Mikah Jiosan, Promise with my life that we will come back safely, the team, the kids and i"

She smiled satisfied "Okay, have a fun trip then!" her expression changed from worried to happy in seconds.

"Yes, thank you"

"Claire, you are here as well?" the girl's newest friend joined the conversation "i am here to see them out"

"Albus! good morning!" she smiled happily to see him "Yes, me too!"

"So, we must go now... and something tells me that you too Princess is in a rush" Mikah said and looked past the two young friends, staring at five desperately maids running towards the exit.

Claire sighed "They don't give up, i will be going then be careful Mikah... Albus i'll see you in breakfast" she have them both a little smile and without delay started running from the Palace's workers, in direction of her balcony.

Both of them laughed and said their goodbyes, Albus placed his whole trust in this team and honestly he was quite nervous about it... he never trusted anyone without knowing what they would want in return, but this time because of the Emperor and Princesses he was... a little bit careless.

He tried putting this thoughts in the back of his mind and continue his way to the breakfast room.

As for Claire, she quickly climbed up the tree, jumped back into her balcony, took her dirty clothes out and replaced it with clean ones.

She did all just in time for her father to barge in her room looking for the responsible for making the maids afflicted.

"Good morning father" she said without any fear "Did you sleep well?"

"Claire, the maids have already come to me" he's tone was serious "I know you escaped trough the balcony!"

[they don't waste any time hum] she thought to herself.

"I'm not sure about that Father, i didn't get out of the room today" she was calm.

The old man took a good look at her, she was wearing clean cloths and still seemed quite sleepy but… "Show me your feet" he demanded.

Claire felt a shiver go down her spine, she had forgotten of cleaning her feet.

maybe it wouldn't be too dirty? the Palace's garden was really clean.

she turned around and slowly raised her left foot.

It was not only black from the dirt, but it had pieces of grass still on it.

She swallowed nervously "Hehe... how did that got here huh?"

"I can only imagine" he gazed irritated at her "Claire, i've already told you to not go down using the balcony, and to use shoes when outside!"

"I know... i'm sorry, it's just that i needed to get in the exit on time to say my goodbyes to the team!" she exclaimed.

"And for what reason couldn't you do it fully dressed and getting out from the door?" he asked still serious.

"If i hadn't run the maids would have caught me and make me wear stupid make up and dresses! one time they wanted for me to wear this enormous ribbon!! it was the ugliest thing ever! And how do they expect me to walk freely with tight clothes?! they are absolutely crazy!" she crossed her arms and pouted.

"Oh god, is that the reason you've been running away all this time??" he asked extremely surprised.

Claire gave him a side gaze and nodded.

"I knew you disliked fancy, but i never thought it was this much! you could've just told me... Claire you are a princess, people will expect things of you and that includes a perfect appearance but as you are still only a child you can be more free... how about i choose a personal maid for you? i'll make sure that she works in other to fulfill your wishes"

She let her arms fall down her body "She won't make me wear make up, ugly dresses or accessories?"

"No she won't, but you should know that there going to be times that you are going to have to the sacrifice of dressing formally"

"... I will try, but if i don't like her i won't ever again have a maid!" she firmly affirmed.

"Well, you will need to have others, but for now let's try her okay?"

She sighed "Fine"

"Now take a bath and meet me in the breakfast room, Albus is already waiting for us"

she nodded "Okay"

Claire really did hoped that the supposed maid would be nice, otherwise she'll have to convince her father of prohibiting maids in this Empire!


The next morning Claire was surprised to see that her father had already found someone to do the role of personal maid.

She didn't seem old like the others that have worked with her, her hair was long and red, it was stuck in a bun, her clothes were the usual maid uniform and her eyes were from the brightest yellow.

"Good morning your Highness, i am Olivia your new personal maid, shall i help you get ready this morning?" she was as polite as the others, but somehow she asked to help her and did not demand it.

"How old are you Olivia?" that was a rude question to be asked, but Claire didn't really mind.

"I am twenty three years old your highness"

So she really was young.

"Would you like me to prepare a warm bath?" she asked.

"I don't like warm baths, and i usually bath after eating breakfast" the child answered rudely.

Olivia didn't seem intimidated by her way of speaking.

"I shall remember that from now own" she said "Shall i help you with your clothing then?"

Normally Claire would say absolutely not, but she needed to see if the maid was fit for her.


both girls got closer to the closet and started searching for something to wear.

"If i may suggest, today is a hot day and this lovely yellow drees would make you shine your highness"

That was true.

"I plan on playing today, it has to many ribbons and it seems tight"

"You prefer light clothes?" the kid nodded "hum... have you ever seen a romper?" she asked.

"I have saw some workers using them"

"I can try and sew the bottom part of the dress making each of your legs fit in one hole, i can also try and taking some of this ribbons off if you wish"

Claire's eyes shone "You can do that??!! it would look so cool and pretty!" her coldness and carefulness around Olivia vanished in a question of seconds "You can really do that?!"

The maid laughed because of the girl's excitement "I believe that i can, and if you wish i can try make others dresses more lighter as well"

Claire smiled big "Yes, yes and yes! please do so Olivia!!"

"Haha, okay i will, how about... you use this blue one for today, it doesn't seem to heavy" the little girl agreed and got dressed with the help of the older woman.

"Do you want your hair tied or loosen?" She asked as both of them looked at the black hair that reflected in the mirror.

Claire didn't thought she would ever say that to her maid but... "You can choose!"

She was starting to trust Olivia's taste.

"I personally like to make my hair in braids, is pretty and simple, what do you think?"

"I like it, i think we have similar tastes!" she smiled.

"Me too your highness" said that she started attending to the child's hair.

Olivia hasn't worked with to many royals before, but when the Emperor came to her personally saying that he needed someone young and bright who would listen to his daughter instead of getting on her nerves to be her personal maid, she couldn't refuse.

It was the perfect job for her, she is good with children and her salary would raise.

She was very lucky that Claire was a nice kid, she only needed to be treated with kindness.

"Do you like it?" Olivia asked as the girl gazed at herself in the mirror, her eyes where shining brighter than ever because of the drees, and her long hair seemed shorter because of the two braids her hair was tied into.

"I love it! thank you!"

"I am glad to hear that, then... you should probably go your highness, The emperor and the young boy Albus are already waiting for you"

She nodded and walked to the door.

"Are you not going to accompany me?" Claire asked confused.

"Only if you wish me to do so"

Olivia wouldn't stick to her like gum, she would have Claire have her personal space and only be close when she needed.

[Olivia is so different from the other maids, they would never let me walk on my own] Claire thought to herself.

"I'm sorry for being rude in the beginning, i didn't believe father would be able to find someone that fit me so quickly… but you do! perfectly!"

"That is not something you need to apologize for Your highness" she smiled warmly "I will have your cold bath ready for when you come back"

"Thank you Olivia, and you better start calling me Claire, i hate being called highness or princess by the people that i like" said that the young girl went out of the room.

Claire could already say that she liked Olivia.

"Okay, i will do so Claire" the maid said to herself and smiled happily.


"So, what did you think about Olivia? i didn't tell her directly that you don't like ribbons, dresses and make up but if you want to you can do so Claire... i really do think she is the one for the job" Her father said while taking a sip of morning coffee.

"I actually liked her a lot father! thank you for looking for someone great!" she exclaimed "i really didn't believe when you said you would find someone!"

Nestor was surprised that she befriended Olivia so quickly but he was also happy to hear so.

"Well, i'm glad then... and how about you Albus, are your satisfied with your accommodation here?"

"I couldn't be more satisfied your Majesty! in this past two weeks Claire, you and all the workers have been very much kind and welcoming to me!"

Albus's was starting to get used to living there, he's clothes were fancy and his hygiene was great, he never thought something like this would happen "As soon as the orphanage gets here i will move together with them, that way you both won't have to worry about my well being anymore"

Claire's little heart ached by the thought of Albus not living in the Palace anymore, she didn't think much about it into now.

"It's not a problem that we worry about you boy, don't think like that" he laughed a little.

"When will the team get back here father?" the girl asked, hoping that it would take a long time.

She was being selfish, but she really didn't want to say goodbye to Albus.

"I am not sure Claire... we will need to count the time that will take for the team to get there and to come back... how long did it take for you to get here Albus?"

"About one month and a week i believe"

"Well, I suppose it will take approximately three months and a few weeks for them to get here, the travel will be slow because of the children care and there will be many stops, Mikah will send me letters informing of the situation and i'll pass on forward for you both... Oh! and now that i'm thinking, they will probably arrive a little before your birthday Claire! how would you like to celebrate it this year?"

Claire still had three months to spend with Albus, it would all be okay... but what about her birthday?

Claire hated her celebrations parties, there was always a lot of old and strange people trying to talk to her, and the only kids presents were her annoying cousins!

she had no friends to invite...

Claire suddenly looked up to Albus that waited for her answer, and then a brilliant ideia came to her mind.

"Father! i know! i want to invite all the orphanage's kids to a picnic in the... Dalia's Garden!!! what do you think??"

"Well! that is a surprising ideia... the counselors will hate it but if it makes you happy i'll do everything in my reach to make it happen"

"Yay! thank you father!" she got up to give him a hug "What do you think Albus??" she searched for his answer.

"Well... i think it's a good ideia, but disabled kids can be a little handy..."

Claire didn't understand what he meant, but the Emperor did.

"Don't worry kid, i'll make sure for there to be doctors, workers and caretakers around them all the time"

Albus thought for a few seconds as Claire waited impatiently and curiously.

"Okay then"

Claire jumped celebrating and gave her friend a big hug "Yay!!! it will be super fun!" she let Albus go and looked at the old man "And i'll make sure i wear something nice father!!!"

"That's great Claire, and as it will be a summer day you will be able to use the Dalia's garden lake as well... Albus have you visited that garden yet?"

"No, haven't your majesty" the young boy had still a lot to learn about this place.

"Oh! can i take him there today father?? pleaasee"

she begged him.

"Haha, alright child, but take two guards with you okay?"

"Yes!! thank you!"

"Let's continue the breakfast then"


Later on that same day Claire and Albus went to the South Palace.

"I didn't know there were other palaces here" he said impressed.

"Yes, we were in the principal Palace but there are still a few other smaller Palaces in our grounds, My father likes to call them Castles... there are i think... about other fives castles including this one?" she explained looking at place they were.

"Ohh, i see"

"This place was the first that the royals lived but after the Principal Palace was build they moved, since then this place is used for events and celebrations like my birthday... but that's not the reason a choose here" she smiled and pointed at a not to close garden.

"That is the Dalia's garden you and his majesty were speaking of?" Albus asked.

"Yes! As you've probably already noticed it has my mom's name, and as my father likes to say this was the biggest act of love that my dad had made for her" she said referring to what the Emperor told her about his son.

She coughed and entered the character of her old father "Claire, your mother had the most beautiful of blue eyes and in appreciation to them your father have build this garden" her voice was deeper and funny, as if she was trying to imitate the Emperor "Dalia, i made you this garden of only blue flowers so that your beautiful eyes won't feel lonely and so that you can appreciate this beautiful color that i get lost into every time i look to your gorgeous face- your father said when he gifted your mother this place... well that's what my father told me!" she broke the character in the final sentence, just in time they reached the garden's entrance.

It was just as Claire said, there were only blue flowers that matched her blue eyes in there.

"you've got her eye's color" Albus said.

"Yep" she sat in one of the beaches and Albus joined her but in his wheelchair "Father says that i don't only have her eyes but her spirit as well"

"Did she like to climb trees?" Albus asked and laughed together with the little girl.

"I don't know about that, but we can try to ask father about it... anyways this is where my birthday celebration will be held"

Albus took a better look at it.

There were only blue flowers and green grass, the place had a really calm atmosphere and there was the bluest of lakes.

there was a lot of blue but not a single second it seemed like to much, and there were a few smaller flowers that were from a more soft blue, that way it was all very harmonic.

Albus could understand why she chose this place.

"You have to see it on summer, there is not a more beautiful time for this garden than the summer! the trees are all very green and there are a few white flowers in them that look good with the blue ones, the only season they appear is in summer, it's so pretty!! i can't wait for you to see it!"

Albus could feel the love she felt for that place trough her words, it was enormous "Me too... i really want to see it in the summer" he smiled.


i’m still not sure about how i’m writing this, but i hope you liked it, please leave me tips

marixycreators' thoughts